
The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence



"If we don't go crazy, we'll be old" This is a lyric that the post-00s love and has been used by many people to take practical action, and the impression of the post-00s is mostly "bohemian and uninhibited and free".

In 2021, there is a post-00s girl in Changsha who loves the "857" life very much, but this kind of life made her end up with intestinal ulcers.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

What exactly is "857"? Why do young people love "857" so much nowadays?

Long-term "857" is very harmful

In 2021, there is a post-00s girl in Changsha, who is very keen on the life of the nightclub "857", and went for a whole month at the craziest time.

This girl arrives at the clubs at 8 p.m. every night, drinks and dances with her friends, and enjoys this life very much, which she thinks is the life of a young person.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

This is no longer an occasional nightclub to indulge herself, this is already indulging in this kind of glamorous life, and just when she is unbridled and happy, her body also sends a signal to her.

She found that her lower abdomen hurt from time to time, and at first she didn't pay attention to this, thinking that she had just eaten something bad, and she didn't rest well during this time, just rest for two days.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

She continued to repeat her previous life, but after a while, she found that the pain was more intense than before, so she went to the clinic and prescribed a little medicine, and after taking it, the pain was relieved, and she didn't continue to care.

After a few more days, she noticed that the pain had struck again, and this time it was even more ferocious, so that she almost rolled on the floor again, and she was taken to the hospital.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

The results of the examination surprised everyone, this 20-year-old girl in the flower season, almost none of the physical indicators are normal, and there is hardly a good place for intestinal ulcers.

The hospital immediately issued a critical illness notice to her, and let her be hospitalized immediately, this news made her herself stunned, she never thought that she thought that as long as she was young, there would be no big problem, and she had reached this point.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Listening to what she said, she has to go to a nightclub almost every night, and every time she goes, she basically has an empty stomach, and she drinks some beer when she is tired of jumping and dancing in the nightclub.

Despite the doctor's best efforts to save the girl, due to the severity of her condition, the girl was unable to persevere in less than a month, and a flower withered.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Such a long-term indulgent life has cost her a lot, which is not only irresponsible to herself, but also the greatest harm to her parents who love her deeply.

Although "857" can greatly release one's body and mind to a certain extent, and can bring short-term happiness and stimulation, in the long run, it will cause serious damage to the body, even if you only think about yourself, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

The so-called free life

With the continuous progress of society and the rapid pace of life, many young people are facing a lot of pressure in life, and with the continuous development of the Internet, they will also see many people with different "free lives".

The "857" life has slowly come into people's sight, and some of them are full of temptations, which many young people yearn for.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

"857" means going to a nightclub at 8 p.m. and coming out at 5 a.m., 7 times a week.

As the saying goes, "use the most expensive mask, stay up late at night", many people nowadays would rather lie in bed and swipe their mobile phones boringly than go to bed early.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Staying up late seems to have become a way of life for most young people, and with the development of society, the entertainment has become diverse.

Nightclubs have become a wide range of options, where music, lights and dance come together to bring excitement to young people and help them forget their worries for a while.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Many people will go to a nightclub to relax after a busy day, where they can swing to the music as they like and release the tiredness of the day.

Nightclubs also have many ways to entertain, which are stimulating many people's yearning.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

And now people mostly work during the day, there is no social time, there are more people in nightclubs, the atmosphere here is easier to eliminate the barrier, and people like to meet new people here.

So instead of going home from work to rest, they prefer to indulge themselves in nightclubs.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

You can't ruin your body in the pursuit of freedom

It is understandable that people want to release their current life and work pressures, but they can't hurt their bodies in search of excitement.

Many people will think that "we are still young, and youth is capital", but excessive indulgence is irresponsible to oneself, and staying up late is one of the main reasons for affecting human health.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

People who often stay up late will lead to various endocrine and metabolic disorders in the body, which will make people less and less energetic and uninterested in anything.

Most of the organs of the human body will start working at night, and the liver will detoxify the body when sleeping at night, and staying up late will lead to the disorder of the biological clock, affecting the normal function of the liver, and may bring a series of diseases.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Staying up late for a long time will also increase the body's cholesterol, which will lead to a series of consequences, such as the probability of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Staying up late can also affect nerve function disorders, and staying up late for a long time will lead to memory loss, neurasthenia, and inability to concentrate.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Nowadays, people often complain about the decline in physical fitness, which may also be caused by staying up late, which will destroy the body's immune system, making the immunity decrease, and the chance of getting sick will become higher.

For women who pay attention to their figure, staying up late also leads to the risk of obesity, too short sleep time will affect the body's metabolism, and staying up late often makes people more unable to control their mouths, and eating at night is more difficult to digest.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Therefore, for the majority of girls who love beauty, ensuring a good work and rest is also the basis for maintaining a good figure.

Love yourself well

Everyone will have times of stress and want to relax when they are tired, but relaxation is not indulgence, it is necessary to correctly understand your needs and maintain an optimistic attitude.

Learn to control your emotions correctly, no matter what happens, don't blame yourself too much, the most important thing is to actively solve the problem.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Everyone's pursuit of life is different, but only a healthy body can better pursue everything they want.

When you feel tired, you can also stop, take a break, and feel the grass and trees around you, and the same section of the road may feel better than rushing by.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

This road is meant to be stop-and-go, and every moment of happiness may not come particularly strongly, which requires you to stop and feel it slowly.

The phrase "love yourself well" in the future is usually used to comfort the lovelorn people, hoping to get rid of the shadow of lovelorn and not affect their state because of unhappy things.

The post-00s girl "857" 7 times a week, intestinal ulceration and death: you can't afford the consequences of indulgence

Now this sentence is to let us take good care of our body, the body is the capital of the revolution, and maintain healthy living habits, after all, we still have many unfinished dreams to chase.