
Municipal leaders visited and condoled with old party members and party members who were in difficulty

author:Love to be calm

  On the eve of "July 1st", on June 27, Lei Jiankun, secretary of the municipal party committee, visited the old party members and party members in difficulty in the urban area, thanked them for their contributions to the cause of the party and the country, and extended cordial greetings and holiday blessings to the majority of communist party members in the city on behalf of the municipal party committee. She stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building and the spirit of important instructions for Shanxi's important speeches, continue the red blood, inherit the red gene, serve the old party members and party members in difficulty with heart and soul, and effectively send the party's care and warmth to their hearts.

Municipal leaders visited and condoled with old party members and party members who were in difficulty

  Lei Jiankun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited Yang Yanrong, an outstanding party worker in the Shengzeyuan Community of the city. Zhang Zhe telephotograph

  City leaders Li Wenbing and Li You expressed their condolences together.

  Guo Ronglin, who lives in a community in Jindong, Shangzhan Street, is a party member who lives in difficulty. "How old are you?" "How's your health now?" Walking into Guo Ronglin's home, Lei Jiankun asked about his health and living conditions. Knowing that the old man is 82 years old this year, joined the army in his early years, and dedicated his entire youth to the national defense cause of the motherland, Lei Jiankun said emotionally that it is your unrepentant dedication that has led to our peaceful and happy life today, and the party and the people will always remember your historical exploits. It is necessary to learn and inherit the firm ideals and beliefs and selfless dedication of old party members, pass on the red gene, and strive to take the long march road in the new era. Relevant departments should take good care of party members who are living in difficulty with affection and responsibility, so that they can truly feel the respect and care of the whole society.

  Leaving the post will not leave the party, and retirement will not fade. Yang Yanrong, a 73-year-old veteran party member, is a representative of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, served as the secretary of the community party branch for 15 years, and was rated as a "national outstanding party worker". Lei Jiankun came to Yang Yanrong's home, had a cordial conversation with her, thanked her for her contributions to taking root in the grassroots and serving the people over the years, praised her as a model of community work, and wished her a happy, healthy and long life. Lei Jiankun exhorted the street and community workers to give full play to the political, experience, and prestige advantages of veteran party members, and encourage and guide them to do a good job in the work of "passing on the help and leading" of young party members, so that the party's cause can always be passed on from generation to generation.

  Lei Jiankun pointed out that veteran party members are the precious wealth of our party. Carrying out visits and condolences to veteran party members and party members in difficulty is an important institutional arrangement to strengthen intra-party care. All departments at all levels should do a good job in service guarantee work with heart, affection, and strength, take the initiative to provide door-to-door services, do practical things, solve problems, and earnestly carry forward and implement our party's fine tradition of caring for and caring for old party members and party members who are living in difficulty. It is hoped that the majority of veteran party members will continue to tell the story of the party, carry forward the fine style, give full play to their own residual heat, play a greater role in publicizing and guiding the masses, coordinating and resolving contradictions, and helping grassroots governance, and continue to add luster to the cause of the party and the people and make new contributions.

  On June 27, Liu Wenhua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, visited the old party members and party members in difficulty in the mining area, sent condolences and condolences and the care and warmth of the party organization, and extended holiday greetings and good wishes to them on behalf of the municipal party committee.

Municipal leaders visited and condoled with old party members and party members who were in difficulty

  Liu Wenhua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, visited Mao Rongxin, a veteran party member, in the Dongshan community of the mining area. Photo by Jin Xianghua

  Guo Jianwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, attended.

  Mao Rongxin, 85 years old, joined the Communist Party of China in March 1974, and this year marks her 50th anniversary of joining the party. Came to Mao Rongxin's home, Liu Wenhua personally wore the "50 years of glory in the party" medal, he said, this medal is a full affirmation and praise of the old party members, our party members and the young generation should take the old party members as an example to learn, inherit the spirit of hard work and selfless dedication of the old party members, actively participate in the fiery practice of high-quality development in our city, and strive to create new achievements that live up to the expectations of the revolutionary ancestors and are worthy of history and the people. In the conversation with Mao Rongxin, Liu Wenhua was very happy to see her spirit and clear thinking, and told the community cadres to do a good job in service guarantee, and wished the elderly a long and healthy life.

  Subsequently, Liu Wenhua came to the home of Ma Fengxian, a party member who was in difficulty, talked with her about family affairs, and carefully understood her family situation, physical condition, children's employment, medical insurance, etc. Knowing that Ma Fengxian served as the deputy secretary of the party branch in the countryside when she was young and actively participated in community volunteer services before her illness, Liu Wenhua highly praised her and encouraged her to take good care of her body, strengthen her confidence, overcome difficulties, and her life will definitely get better and better. Liu Wenhua exhorted the relevant responsible comrades and neighborhood and community cadres to continue to care about the production and life of grassroots party members, especially those who are in difficulty, listen to their voices and demands, solve problems for them in a timely manner, and continue to improve their sense of belonging and happiness index of the organization.

  Liu Wenhua stressed that all relevant departments at all levels should do a good job in the care and care of old party members and party members in difficulty with feelings and responsibilities, establish and improve the rescue, assistance and care mechanism, and better implement the care and warmth of the party committee and the government, so that they can share the fruits of reform and development. It is necessary to widely publicize the deeds of outstanding party members, inherit and carry forward the glorious traditions and fine style of the party, and effectively form a strong atmosphere of advocating the advanced and thinking together, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and strive to be the first and make contributions in the city's high-quality development.

  On June 27, Shi Xuming, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Wang Zengang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and acting director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, went deep into the suburbs to visit and comfort the old party members and party members in difficulty, send the party's care and warmth, and extend holiday greetings and good wishes to them.

  Zhang Yonghe, 95 years old this year, joined the army in 1947, joined the party in 1948, and participated in the Huaihai Campaign and the Battle of Crossing the River. When they came to Zhang Yonghe's home, Shi Xuming and his entourage had a cordial conversation with the old man, asked for warmth, and listened carefully to the old man's account of the revolutionary history and struggle experience. Seeing the old man's spirit and clear thinking, Shi Xuming and his entourage were very happy, and sent flowers and condolences to the old man, wishing the old man a long and healthy life. Shi Xuming said: Veteran party members have made important contributions to the party's cause and are the precious wealth of the party and the state. The majority of party members should take the old party members as an example, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, inherit the red gene, have the courage to take responsibility, and strive to create new achievements that live up to the expectations of the revolutionary ancestors and are worthy of history and the people. Relevant departments should do a good job of service guarantee with feelings and responsibilities, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace.

  Shi Xia'e, who joined the party in 1966, served as the director of the village women's congress, and during her tenure, she conscientiously cooperated with the work of the village committee, actively mobilized women to participate in labor and study, and gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Today, she suffers from a variety of diseases, has a high cost of hospitalization and long-term medication, and has a difficult family life. Walking into Shi Xia'e's home, Shi Xuming and his entourage asked her about her physical condition and living situation with concern, and sent her condolences and condolences to encourage her to strengthen her confidence and live an optimistic life. Shi Xuming told the relevant personnel to pay more attention to and visit more party members who are in difficulty, take the initiative to understand their thoughts and expectations, try their best to solve practical difficulties, and implement the care and care of the party organization.

  On June 27, Ren Jianhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Li Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Pingding County Party Committee, led a team to Pingding County to visit and comfort the old party members and party members in difficulty, send them the party's warmth and care, and extend holiday blessings and sincere greetings.

  Wang Guilan joined the Communist Party of China in December 1961 and worked in the village committee of Guandaogou Village for 30 years. In 1979 and 1983, he was awarded the honorary title of "National 38 Red Flag Bearer", and in 1981, he was awarded the honorary title of "Shanxi 38 Red Flag Bearer". She suffers from a chronic disease, takes medicine all year round, her husband is paralyzed in bed and cannot take care of himself, and her family life is difficult. When he came to Wang Guilan's house, many medals on the coffee table were shining, Ren Jianhua cordially held the old man's hand, talked with the old man, recalled the golden years, talked about the changes of the times, and sent condolences and condolences. Ren Jianhua expressed his respect and gratitude to the elderly for taking root at the grassroots level and serving the masses for a long time, and he encouraged the elderly to take care of their health, maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, and live a prosperous life, and told the relevant departments to care about the lives of the old party members, provide them with necessary help, and let them enjoy their old age in peace.

  Jiao Changrong, who joined the party at the age of 17 and has 78 years of party experience, has never been unswerving, and there are various theoretical books on her bedside. Jiao Changrong said: "I insist on picking up books and studying for a while every day, and when I get older, I can't see clearly, so I let my family read to me, the motherland is getting stronger and stronger, and my sense of happiness is getting more and more." Ren Jianhua and his entourage talked with Jiao Changrong and his family, chatted about the recent situation, asked about their needs, and sent condolences money, condolences and flowers to express the concern and concern of the party organization. Ren Jianhua said that on the road to the examination in the new era, we should learn from the old party members and comrades, always maintain the perseverance of "seeking knowledge", maintain the study of the party's innovative theories and party history knowledge, pay attention to strengthening our own party spirit cultivation, consistently temper the party spirit, and always maintain the political nature of communists.

  On June 26, Guo Weidong, Chairman of the CPPCC, and Guo Xiaodong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, visited Yuxian County to visit and comfort the party members in difficulty, sent them condolences and condolences to them, extended holiday greetings to them, and brought the care and warmth of the party organization.

  Xu Shuangquan joined the Communist Party of China in 1974 and served as the secretary of the village party branch for more than 10 years. He suffers from a variety of diseases, takes medicine all year round, and has a difficult family life. Walking into Xu Shuangquan's home, Guo Weidong and Guo Xiaodong asked the old man about his physical condition and family situation with concern, and wore a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" for him. Guo Weidong thanked the elderly for their positive contributions to the party organization and rural development, and encouraged him to continue to exert his residual heat and contribute to the development of the village while insisting on treatment and taking care of his health. Guo Weidong exhorted all relevant departments and town and village cadres to do a thorough and meticulous job in caring for party members who are in difficulty, implement various assistance policies, and let them truly feel the warmth of the party organization.

  "How's your health lately?" "What's so difficult in life?" At the home of Lu Panxu, a party member who is in difficulty, Guo Weidong and his entourage talked to the old man, asked about the warmth, listened to his experience and struggle story of joining the party, expressed the concern and condolences of the party organization, and wore a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" for him. Guo Weidong said that as a veteran party member, Lu Panxu has practiced the oath of joining the party with practical actions for many years, and is an example for everyone to learn. He exhorted the responsible comrades concerned to do a good job in the work of party members and veteran party members who are in difficulty in life with heart and affection, show more concern politically, communicate more ideologically, take more care in life, and show more spiritual care, so as to effectively enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and belonging.

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