
They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?

author:Papaya Technology
Over-standard electric vehicles refer to two-wheeled electric vehicles that do not meet the "Safety Technical Specifications for Electric Bicycles", in addition, they also include electric motorcycles and electric light motorcycles that are not in the catalog of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, all of which belong to the category of over-standard vehicles. Although over-standard electric vehicles are illegal vehicles, different places have different attitudes towards it. Some places are subject to strict inspection, while others are lenient? What is the reason for this? There are three main points!
They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?

1. Electric bicycles belong to local management, and each local government has the right to formulate relevant policies

The difference between electric bicycles and cars is that cars are a game of chess in the country and belong to unified management. Electric bicycles are managed separately by each locality, which will lead to different policies for electric bicycles in different provinces and cities. Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang require strict management of over-standard electric vehicles on the road, while Shandong, Guangxi and other places are more tolerant of over-standard electric vehicles, allowing them to be eliminated naturally, not caught, not punished.

They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?

Second, the scarcity of road resources in different places is different, and the management cost is different

The cities that are stricter in grasping over-standard electric vehicles are basically Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other developed first- and second-tier cities in the central and eastern regions. This kind of urban road resources are relatively tight, the cost of road management is relatively high, the city is very crowded, if you let go of all kinds of over-standard electric vehicles on the road, it is bound to cause various traffic accidents, and over-standard electric vehicles are basically unlicensed and unlicensed vehicles, and it is difficult to trace the source.

They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?

And some small and medium-sized cities are different, they have a small permanent population, not many cars, there are a lot of idle road resources, even if the over-standard car on the road, the impact on the local traffic is not great, but also conducive to the travel of low- and middle-income residents!

They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?

Third, it is related to the management attitude of the local department

Maybe it's the same place, different leaders have different attitudes towards over-standard electric vehicles, and some leaders feel that over-standard electric vehicles should be managed, so they will spend a lot of effort to manage over-standard vehicles during their tenure. On the contrary, some leaders think that the impact of over-standard electric vehicles on society is relatively small, and strengthening management is not conducive to harmony, and it also increases the cost, so let it go! Therefore, even in the same place, the attitude of the supervisor is different, and the situation of over-standard electric vehicles is also different!

They are all over-standard electric vehicles on the road, why are some places very strict, and some places are very loose?


In fact, there are 200 million over-standard electric vehicles that have not been eliminated nationwide, and it is the differentiation of management in various places that leads to the different treatment of over-standard electric vehicles. This is mainly related to the actual situation in various localities and the attitude of relevant departments. Guys, what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message!

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