
Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

author:Chat in the palm of your hand

"There is no pie in the sky, but there is an occasional test."

Just imagine, if 226w yuan falls from the sky to your Alipay account, what will you do? Do you choose to accept it silently, or stick to the principles of your heart and return the money to its owner? Aunt Wang from Xuchang, Henan Province, undoubtedly gave us the warmest answer.

Event details

On June 29, Aunt Wang answered a strange phone call from Shijiazhuang and called six or seven times. On the other end of the phone, Ms. Tian, a strange woman, cried silently, claiming that she had transferred the wrong money, and the payment of more than 226w yuan was transferred to Aunt Wang's Alipay.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

"Don't worry, I won't ask for your money." These are the words of Aunt Wang comforting the strange woman on the phone.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

However, on second thought, for Aunt Wang, who is almost insulated from digital payments, this sudden "huge amount of money", Aunt Wang's consciousness may be a trap or a fraud. Then Aunt Wang told her daughter about the cause of the incident and called the police.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

When the police received the report, they were also skeptical at first, after all, they had received similar fraud cases before. After some careful verification, the transfer information of both parties was sorted out one by one, and it was finally determined that this was not a fraud, but a laughable mistake.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

The police from Xuchang City said: At first, I thought it was a fraud, because I had received a similar case before, and after verifying the transfer information of both parties, it was found that it was indeed a wrong transfer, and it was a total of 2266999 yuan in multiple payments.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

For this sudden 226w yuan, the police were not negligent, and did not forget to verify Ms. Tian's source of funds to ensure that all this was legal and compliant. After verification, it was found that Ms. Tian's source of funds was also normal.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

"I didn't keep a single cent, I returned it all, which is what I should do." This is what Aunt Wang said after learning the truth. In the end, under the witness of the police, Aunt Wang did not take a penny and transferred all the money back to Ms. Tian's account intact.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

Afterwards, Aunt Wang's daughter also said: How could it be such a big mistake? Older people are afraid of being a scam.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

So why did Ms. Tian from Shijiazhuang transfer so much money by mistake? That's more than 226w yuan! And it's multiple transfers.

It turned out that when Ms. Tian transferred the money, the account number was entered incorrectly, and coincidentally the last name of the recipient was the same! This led to the wrong transfer of the 226w yuan.


In this materialistic era, Aunt Wang's behavior is like a clear stream, refreshing. The test of 2.26 million, she easily passed the test, allowing us to see the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature. This is not just a simple transfer of wrong accounts, but also a test of human nature.

Heartwarming! The woman's wrong transfer of 2.26 million yuan was returned by the strange aunt, Aunt Wang: This is what I should do

At the same time, it also reminds us that in today's digital fast payment, we must carefully verify the transfer information, in case we meet someone who is not Aunt Wang, things will become troublesome.

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