
Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

author:Mingshan District Rong Media Center

In recent years, Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town, has actively learned from the experience of the "Ten Million Project", guided by party building, and innovated the development model according to the village's policies, and successfully achieved the double increase in the income of the village collective economy and the villagers' income. In 2023, the collective economic income of Hongyan Village will exceed 1.0753 million yuan, becoming the first "million village" in Qianjin Town.

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

Hongyan Village is located in Qianjin Town, Mingshan District, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, and is a typical mountainous agricultural village. In order to further strengthen the collective economic development of the village, Hongyan Village adheres to the idea of "party building leading and interests linked", and explores the form of joint village development. Through the joint establishment of the party organization in the area, Hongyan Village and Xiaoqi Village jointly applied for two provincial support projects, bundled and used 3 million yuan of funds, and adopted the joint operation mode of "project-driven + village collective leadership + socialization" to transform resources into assets and promote the overall economic development of Hongyan area.

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

Li Tianjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: "Through the guidance of party building, we have fully integrated the resources of the village, and relied on the strength of the collective to achieve the double income increase of the villagers and the village collective economy. This not only made the villagers' pockets bulge, but also strengthened everyone's cohesion. ”

Hongyan Village further strengthens the collective economy through village-enterprise cooperation. Relying on the Hongyan Industrial Development Service Center project, we have deepened the cooperation with Yahua Group and Tangrenshen Group, signed a number of "village-enterprise cooperation" agreements and "purchase and sales agreements", established a village-level talent alliance, hired honorary development consultants and professional managers, extended the scope of services, promoted the construction of modern agricultural facilities, and added business contents such as conference training, parent-child research, rural tourism, catering and entertainment and cultural performances, so as to achieve a win-win situation for village collectives and enterprises.

Tang Bangyi, deputy general manager of Yahua Civil Explosives Group Co., Ltd.: "Last year, we signed an agreement with Murakami on 'village-enterprise cooperation', and some labor services for our projects, including some engineering projects, were entrusted to the village collective organization to carry out construction, and more than 50 local people were employed. In the next step, after the completion of the project, we will continue to cooperate with village collective organizations in various aspects to help rural revitalization in accordance with the 'village-enterprise cooperation'." ”

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

In addition, the village also established Haokun Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. to explore the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and promoted the increase in the income of the village's collective economy by undertaking projects such as engineering construction, labor dispatch, and machinery leasing. In 2023, Haokun Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully undertook the green planting and breeding cycle project of 4,000 acres of tea plantations and the Yahua civil explosion pre-geological exploration project, providing 35 jobs for the local people, transporting more than 150 laborers, increasing the per capita income of villagers by more than 1,500 yuan, and the village collective economy increasing by 760,000 yuan. The successful experience of Hongyan Village is not only reflected in economic development, but also has a remarkable effect on the improvement of the quality of life of the villagers. By participating in the village collective economic project, the villagers not only increased their income, but also improved their skills and living standards, achieving a bumper harvest of economic and social benefits.

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

Chen Ronggui, Group 5, Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: "In the past, we all relied on planting tea and working outside to increase our income, but now Yahua Group is engaged in construction here, and we can work nearby, and the future will be better and better." ”

The success of Hongyan Village is not accidental, it is the result of the combination of party building guidance and development strategies adapted to local conditions. In the process of the development of the village-level collective economy, Hongyan Village has always adhered to the leadership of the party, and played the role of the fighting fortress of the grassroots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

During the interview, the relevant person in charge of Qianjin Town told reporters that the experience of Hongyan Village shows that only by closely combining its own reality and giving full play to the leading role of party building can we find a development path suitable for the village and realize the sustainable growth of the collective economy.

Ji Qianmei, Rural Revitalization Staff of Qianjin Town: "The successful experience of Hongyan Village is a microcosm of the development of Qianjin Town. This form of 'party building+' has achieved remarkable results in Hongyan Village, and we will further promote this model to develop the collective economy of other villages according to local conditions." By strengthening the leadership of the party and integrating the resources of all parties, we believe that we can promote the all-round economic and social progress of the town and contribute to the construction of a famous modern socialist mountain. At the same time, we also hope that more villages can find their own development paths like Hongyan Village and jointly contribute to the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. ”

Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy
Hongyan Village, Qianjin Town: Party building leads to local conditions and strengthens the village-level collective economy

Scan the code to download the tea source Mingshan APP Reporter: Li Ke Gao Kai Wang Tianjie Editor: Wei Jie Editor: Huang Hao Review: Li Xiaoyang

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