
Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development

author:Mingshan District Rong Media Center

A party member is a banner, and a branch is a fortress. In order to play an exemplary and leading role, encourage party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the region to work hard and act in a down-to-earth manner, hit the target, catch up with the carrying, and make greater contributions to accelerating the construction of an open, energetic and happy socialist modern mountain, from now on, Mingshan Financial Media will open a column of ""Two Excellent and One First" Deeds Exhibition, focusing on the deeds of some outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grassroots party organizations. Today, the "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Ya'an City" was launched - the Party Committee of Xindian Town, Mingshan District.

Xindian Town is located in the hinterland of the famous mountain, with an area of 47.11 square kilometers, 1 community, 9 administrative villages, and a registered population of about 20,000. The Party Committee of Xindian Town has 6 Party committees, 3 general Party branches, 28 Party branches, and more than 800 Party members. In recent years, the Party Committee of Xindian Town has adhered to the leadership of party building, and has continued to make efforts in rural revitalization, service efficiency, industrial upgrading, etc., and has successively won the titles of advanced collective for poverty alleviation in Sichuan Province, the first batch of provincial "Demonstration Convenience Service Center", Sichuan Provincial Demonstration Township for Ethnic Unity and Progress, and Provincial "Four-star Convenience Service Center".

Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development

Party building leads the way to promote rural revitalization

Adhere to party building to lead rural revitalization, and pay equal attention to enriching industrial formats. Relying on the construction of the 10,000-mu Grain Economic Compound Industrial Park and the Longtanzi 10,000-mu Cherry Garden Project, we will build a "Rice Dream Pastoral" farming culture practice and education base in Mingshan District, and 1+7 industrial points such as Jialan Coffee, so as to form a new model of integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism. Through "leading cultivation", "supply and marketing cooperation" and "project strong villages", we will make good use of idle assets, guide the establishment of 30 professional cooperatives, and the average collective economic income of villages in 2023 will reach 278,000 yuan, cultivate 1 million villages, and continue to develop and expand the village-level collective economy. Xindian Town has successively won the honors of Outstanding Unit for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy Advanced Zone in Sichuan Province and Advanced Town for Rural Revitalization in Ya'an City.

Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development

Party building focuses on promoting service efficiency

Adhere to the party building to lead the innovation of convenient services, and continue to deepen the brand of "party building leading and star service". Promote non-discriminatory one-window acceptance in all fields, and realize the "intensive" window management, "maximization" of resource utilization, and "people-friendly" service content. We will further promote the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and providing services" to the village level, promote the "one station, one card, one member" village-level convenience service agency mechanism, improve the quality and efficiency of agency services by more than 80%, and handle (handle) more than 60,000 various matters for the masses, and promote the "full agency" to achieve the "zero distance" of rural public services, which was successfully selected as the second batch of typical cases of national rural public services. In May 2022, Xindian Town's "full agency" warm and considerate service was reported by the People's Daily on a full page, and the Xindian Town Convenience Service Center became the first batch of provincial-level "Demonstration Convenience Service Centers", and successfully created a four-star convenience service center in Sichuan Province. Improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue, and create the second batch of provincial-level "democratic rule of law demonstration communities" in Xindian Community, and the fourth batch of provincial-level "Fengqiao-style judicial offices" in Xindian Judicial Office.

Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development

Party building empowerment promotes industrial upgrading

Adhere to the party building to lead the overall situation of the service center, and give full play to the leading role of the central town in the integrated development area of Mengdingshan (tea) scenic city. Focusing on the planning and design plan of Chengya New Town, we will promote the construction of a "regional consumption center" with "all-round, multi-level and long-term", add more than 30 new service entities, drive more than 50 people to start a business and employment, and issue various entrepreneurial employment subsidies and low-interest loans of more than 2 million yuan. We will further promote breakthroughs in the project, establish a "10+2" key project promotion mechanism in Xindian Town, complete the investment in fixed assets of 275 million yuan, and 10 industrial enterprises above designated size have achieved a processing output value of more than 300 million yuan, vigorously promote the reconstruction and expansion of National Highway 318, and complete an investment of more than 100 million yuan. Actively grasp the upgrading and transformation project of the town, renovate the façade of more than 100,000 square meters, renovate the street along the street of the town for 4 kilometers, install more than 120 street lights, and build a "dynamic new store and new star station", which greatly improves the image of the town.

Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development
Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development
Xindian Town, Mingshan District: Concentrate on party building and go all out for development

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