
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

author:Shore thoughtful
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

The 2024 high school entrance examination will be released as scheduled, and the results of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, setting a new record and adding a new style. In the 2024 high school entrance examination, the county's general high school unified enrollment score line is 455 points, 140 people are online in Dianzi Town Middle School, 16 people exceed the distribution index, the admission rate of ordinary high schools reaches 56.7%, the highest in history, and 26 students are enrolled in the high school experimental department, which is remarkable and gratifying.

Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

In recent years, Dianzi Town Middle School has always taken "strengthening teachers' morality and improving quality" as the general goal of its work, adhered to the guidance of party building, and took "creating excellence in individual work and moving forward as a whole" as its work concept, striving to improve the conditions for running schools, further optimize the educational environment, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, and run an education that satisfies the people.

Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

In September 2023, the school was rated as "Outstanding Collective of Education and Teaching in Boxing County in the 2022-2023 School Year"; In December 2023, the school was rated as "Advanced Unit of Education Supervision in Boxing County", and its comprehensive supervision results ranked second in the county's townships. Among the teachers, Zheng Zhixiu and other 3 people were rated as "Rising Stars in Boxing County"; Wang Xuneng and other 5 people won awards in the selection of high-quality courses in Binzhou City; Li Shuangshuang and 12 others won awards in the county quality class; Niu Lixia and Zhang Han won awards in provincial and municipal experimental lecture competitions respectively; Liu Lixia instructed students to publish 6 articles on the "Learning to Power the Country" platform; Liu Li, Wang Yongsheng and many others taught city and county open classes or made typical speeches in city and county teaching and research activities.

Focus on the "star" rating system

Promote the high-quality development of teachers

Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

The school implements "star" awards, encourages teachers to "strive for stars and excellence", and stimulates the enthusiasm of faculty and staff; Strengthen the construction of the team of class teachers and hold class teacher festivals; Strengthen the management of classroom teaching, take the management of the point system under the group cooperation and "win in the classroom" as the starting point, further promote the management of classroom teaching, and ask for quality from the classroom.

Build a broad learning platform

Promote the all-round development of students

Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

In order to broaden students' horizons and improve their core literacy, the school carries out a variety of club activities, organizes study tours, and realizes the promotion of learning and knowledge through travel. Actively organize and participate in the group's teaching and research and inter-school exchanges, hold "same class heterogeneous" teaching and research activities for many times, and reach an agreement with the county experimental middle school on the mutual assignment of excellent teachers and eugenic training. In 2023, the excellent teaching rate will be among the top in the county, and in October 2023, our school won the second place in the county's women's football competition; In November 2023, he won the second place in the county's autumn sports meeting.

Pay attention to the physical and mental health of teachers and students

Promote the construction of healthy campuses

Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results
Good news! The results of the 2024 high school entrance examination of Dianzi Town Middle School are gratifying, and the standardized management has achieved remarkable results

The school introduces water from the Yangtze River into the school to solve the problem of drinking water safety for teachers and students, and ensure the safety of water for teachers and students; Installing air conditioning in classrooms and restaurants, building new language classrooms, updating computer rooms, installing goggle lights for all classes, replacing LCD projections, and upgrading table tennis halls to provide teachers and students with a more pleasant learning and living environment; In September 2023, the school was rated as "Shandong Nutrition and Health School", and in December 2023, it was rated as "Boxing County Mental Health Excellent School".

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way." "In the next step, Dianzi Town will, as always, care about and support the development of education, continue to explore and enrich the existing experience, work hard, and work hard for a long time to help the town's education cause to a new level.

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