
Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

author:My Mido plus

Jiang Chao's wife Medina posted a photo of a family of four going to the island for a vacation, and the two children followed their parents to the Maldives by plane.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

I have seen a lot of tourist photos shared by celebrities, but there are not many who are full of luxury like Jiang Chao Medina. The four of them looked sideways at the sea in the sunset, the light and the shooting angle were just right, Jiang Chao Medina's face was facing the same direction, and the two babies were standing beside their parents, this scene had a sense of movie atmosphere, warm and textured.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

There is also a framed photo of Medina and her husband, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magazine blockbuster, these two people are very compatible in terms of appearance and temperament, as well as height in all aspects, the woman has her back to the camera, concave superior right-angled shoulders, and the man looks at his wife with a smile, full of sweet breath, and the daily photos take a sense of déjà vu of the poster.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

Jiang Chao also posted a selfie on the coast, he is still a little narcissistic, after all, he is still so handsome when he is a father, his appearance can really play, and he secretly poked and poked his abdominal muscles when he appeared alone, and his strong body was maintained quite well.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

Jiang Chao's same-frame photos for his wife and children are also very atmospheric, the filter is very suitable, Medina only needs to pose beautifully, the two babies are standing in the pool, the brother and sister are wearing the same woven hats, the family is dressed casually and foreign, and the aesthetics are online.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

Daniel didn't forget to hold his sister when he was playing in the water, Emily grew up very fast, the age difference between the brother and sister was two years, but the difference in size was not very big, Daniel became more and more sensible after being an older brother, and he always took the initiative to take care of Emily with his sister, maybe this is the reason why Medina gave birth to a second child, and his son has a companion wherever he goes.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

Medina was pregnant and recorded variety shows before, and it was obvious that she had gained a lot of weight, but now that the two babies have grown up, she has also lost weight, there is no pressure to wear a slim skirt, her side body is slender, and her beauty has not changed.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

The second-born daughter inherited her mother's beautiful genes, and she has the style of a little princess at a young age, Emily in the photo is wearing a cake skirt and standing on the sofa with a cute temperament, and her complexion is slightly darker, but looking at her long legs, she should also be a tall girl in the future.

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister
Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

Some low-key third- and fourth-tier artists in the entertainment industry are actually very happy, they have less workload, their income is also considerable, they can just take their babies to accompany their families in their spare time, and they can travel more by the way to relax without any career pressure, Jiang Chao Medina is like this, both children and daughters, family conditions are also good, Daniel and his sister will live a very easy life under the care of their parents~

Jiang Chao's family is on vacation, and the second-born daughter is as beautiful as Medina, and Daniel is so loving with his sister

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