
He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

author:Half moon of summer


The phrase "knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts" describes Dong Yuyu very accurately, don't look at his high education, he is still the deputy director of the commentary department of Guangming Daily, but he did not expect that he had already fallen, became a spy of the enemy country, and caused immeasurable losses to the mainland in terms of public opinion.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

Author - Shaw Editor - Shaw

On the surface, he holds great power and is the leader of the "Guangming Daily" commentary department, but secretly, he is a "double spy of the United States and Japan" who has been lurking in the mainland for 30 years.

In 2022, Dong Yuyu was arrested in a restaurant at the age of retirement, and it turned out that he relied on his high and powerful position to continuously obtain state secret information and pass it on to the United States and Japan, and this transmission has been passed on for 30 years.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

Let's take a look at why Dong Yuyu, who has such a status, chose to betray the motherland and be willing to be a "lackey" of an enemy country.

The fall of Dong Yuyu

Dong Yuyu was born in Lushun, Northeast China, and Lushun has a deep hatred with the Japanese, but Dong Yuyu still chose to become a Japanese spy regardless of it.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

During the forced occupation by Japan, Lushun created the dehumanizing Lushun Massacre in 1894! And as long as Chinese have visited the Lushun Massacre Memorial Museum, they will have a kind of hostility towards Japan.

However, Dong Yuyu was born in Lushun and became a Japanese spy, and he didn't know if the screams and wails of the victims of the Lushun Massacre would appear in his mind, and he didn't know if he could still sleep.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

Tens of thousands of Chinese died tragically at the hands of the Japanese, and Dong Yuyu, a native of Lushun, is not worthy of being a Lushun person, you must know that Dong Yuyu's school often takes students to hold activities to worship anti-Japanese martyrs.

But Dong Yuyu didn't have any reverence for the martyrs, but showed an indifferent expression. The teachers and classmates at the time did not notice the anomaly.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

Dong Yuyu was born in the countryside, and although his parents were poor, they still did their best to support Dong Yuyu to go to school, and Dong Yuyu was also very sensible.

Therefore, Dong Yuyu studied very hard, and with his unremitting efforts, Dong Yuyu was admitted to one of the top universities in China, "Peking University", which is enough to show that Dong Yuyu's academic performance is very good.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

Among the many disciplines, Dong Yuyu likes history and literature the most, so Dong Yuyu chose the law department, and in college life, due to family reasons, Dong Yuyu started writing articles in order to reduce the burden on his family.

This experience also became a stepping stone on Dong Yuyu's growth road, his writing improved by leaps and bounds, and his behavior of contributing to various media also made him famous. This also laid the foundation for him to enter Guangming Daily.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

After graduating from university, Dong Yuyu also successfully entered the "Guangming Daily" because of his outstanding ability, at this time he had not been rebelled, and was working diligently, and he was also favored by the leaders because of his talent, and was entrusted with important tasks by the leaders in many tasks.

Originally, according to the normal trajectory, Dong Yuyu should have no chance of being rebelled, and he should rise to the top under the heavy responsibility of leadership, instead of being imprisoned now.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

However, the world is impermanent, and during a visit to the United States, he was tempted by the prosperity of the United States, and his already unfirm thoughts were reversed, and now there is only one time left for him to directly betray the motherland and throw himself into the arms of the enemy.

Although Dong Yuyu's salary at that time was not high, it was enough to meet his daily expenses, and he would not return to the poverty of his youth, but this time he not only used the state's public funds to eat, drink and have fun, but also accepted funding from the American Foundation.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

With the funding of the American Foundation, Dong Yuyu lived a life of self-righteousness during his public studies, and the investment of the American Foundation was not unrewarded, that is, to let Dong Yuyu post some articles smearing China.

Dong Yuyu was afraid of losing this kind of drunken life, and even published several smear articles in a row, and the American Foundation also continued to fund Dong Yuyu.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

After Dong Yuyu returned to China, he still remembered his life in the United States, continued to work for the United States at home, and continued to damage national interests. However, because he was low-key at the time, no one noticed that he had already fallen.

A few years after returning to China, Dong Yuyu was given the opportunity to study abroad, this time to Japan, the deputy director who had already tasted "high society life", had already been targeted by the Japanese.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

The Japanese deliberately studied his preferences and used various temptations to nibble him into a Japanese spy step by step. And Dong Yuyu has long left behind the psychological burden and accepted the temptation of Japan with great peace of mind.

After Dong Yuyu returned to China, he took advantage of his position to obtain a lot of first-hand domestic news and passed these news to Japan through various channels.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

And the Japanese also attach great importance to this "chess piece" and increase investment in him, and these investments also make Dong Yuyu more active in collecting intelligence, and in order to transmit intelligence, every time he carries out Japan-related activities, he is always the first to rush to participate.

And this behavior did not make others suspect him, but only that he loved his job very much.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

In this way, Dong Yuyu has been a spy for Japan for at least 30 years, and during this period, I don't know how many secrets have been sold, and I don't know how much public opinion has been guided.

When he was about to retire, Dong Yuyu also thought self-righteously that he had been a spy for thirty years, and he was about to retire, and it was impossible to be discovered.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

So he unscrupulously published a notorious article titled "I want to send my son to study in college in the United States", and the tone of this article is also controversial, questioning Dong Yuyu's thoughts.

Dong Yuyu's son did not grow up under his training, and Dong Yifu also responded to the question and directly published "I want to go to the United States to study in college", and their wolf ambitions were clearly revealed.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!

This kind of arrogant behavior also made them pay the price, and when Dong Yuyu still fantasized about running away to Japan to enjoy retirement with his family, all that awaited him was the silver handcuffs of the police and prison life.

While Dong Yuyu was exchanging information with Japanese diplomats, our national security police also broke into their private room and directly arrested the two most heinous criminals.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!


With the arrest of Dong Yuyu, it also gives us a new understanding of spies, some of them wear the coat of public knowledge, some use the trust of the people to wantonly create public opinion, and even mix in the country, threatening the security of the motherland at all times.

As far as we ordinary people are concerned, we should not believe or spread rumors, do not create conditions for foreign forces to create public opinion, maintain the ability to discriminate, and have full trust in the voice of the country.

He has been lurking in the central media for 30 years, and when he was about to retire, he was found to be a Japanese spy!


1. Xiangxi Procuratorate-2023.05.03-"The deputy director of the commentary department of a top newspaper turned out to be a Japanese spy, and Japan's infiltration of us has reached a shocking point"

2. The Paper-2023.12.05-"Immediate Comment|Straw Burning, Ban or Burn? Gotta Listen to the Science

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