
Don't forget the way you came and strive for a new journey

author:Xinjiang Radio and Television Station

The great journey reflects the original intention

From the red boat in the South Lake to the giant ship in the new era, the Communist Party of China has gone through a glorious course of 103 years. In these long years, the party has always adhered to its original aspiration and mission, led the people through stormy years, and created great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Today, let us review the historical moments of the party and feel the great spiritual strength of the party through a set of posters and short videos. At the same time, we also look forward to the future and firmly believe that under the leadership of the party, we will be able to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The centennial journey has been magnificent

The heart of the beginning of the century has been strong for a long time

At this solemn moment

We are filled with reverence

Remembering the glorious history of the Communist Party of China

Don't forget the way you came and strive for a new journey

From a flat boat to a majestic ship

The selfless dedication and unwavering faith of countless revolutionary pioneers

It has created a great monument to the party

Don't forget the way you came and strive for a new journey

The party's banner fluttered high

It guides us to constantly pursue the truth and realize our dreams

Don't forget the way you came and strive for a new journey

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Let us remember the martyrs and carry forward the traditions

Inherit the red gene

Continuing the red blood

Happy birthday to the great Communist Party of China!

Source: Xinjiang Radio and Television Station, People's Daily Online