
The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

author:Eagle Exploration Station
"I really don't know what the designer thinks about designing something so anti-human."

In our daily life, we will always encounter some very "strange" designs, such as the "five-hole socket" flush up and down.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

There is also this socket with a switch with a light next to it.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

No matter how much we adjust the position of the charger or the plug, the end result is to no avail.

However, there are also designs, although they are often complained about, but after learning how to use them correctly, we will also suddenly realize that the clown is actually me.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

"Unsolvable" mosquito coil plate

In summer, mosquito coils are a must-have "mosquito repellent artifact" for every household.

But this black disc mosquito coil is also a headache for countless people.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

When the mosquito coil was opened, the two disc mosquito coils were tightly wound together, making people unable to do it for a while.

This is also the most annoying thing for many people when they use mosquito coils.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

But in fact, the so-called disc mosquito coil actually has "skills".

After getting a disc mosquito coil, we start directly from the middle of the two mosquito coils, one up and one down, and break it in two opposite directions.

In this process, if you master your own strength, you can quickly and well separate the two disc mosquito coils.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

In fact, when the designer is designing, there is a connection point in the middle of the two plates, and it is not dense, only need to tap lightly before parting, in fact, it can be easily opened.

With the right method, it takes about five seconds to successfully separate a mosquito coil.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

As "laborious" as mosquito coils, it should be the canned food that people love to eat.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

Difficult to open the lid of the can

When visiting the supermarket, we can see all kinds of canned food, and the most popular of them should be canned yellow peaches.

But before many people buy canned food, the most important thing they need to think about is whether they can open the lid of the can.

It can be said that the lid of the can has dissuaded many people who want to eat it.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

When we open a can, if we have a little less strength, we won't be able to open it at all, but if we have a lot of strength, our hands will hurt.

Many people will take the jar and pat it in reverse and then forcefully unscrew it.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

But in reality, opening a can is a very simple thing.

We just need to soak the can in hot water, or rinse it with hot water a little, and it can be opened very easily.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

However, the so-called hot water is not freshly boiled water, but lukewarm water.

Otherwise, the glass of the entire can is very easy to break.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

"Unconconcilable" rice seals

Looking at that big pile of rope on the rice bag, it's really speechless.

No matter what method we use, we can't take this line down properly, and the only way we choose in the end is to use scissors to violently dismantle it.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

However, once all of them are cut off, the entire rice bag will become shorter, the seal will not be sealed, and the rice inside the bag will be very easy to stain.

For such packaging, it is estimated that many people want to complain about the designer, haven't they used it well before the design?

However, this "unsolvable" rope actually has its own way of opening.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

"One line towards me, from right to left" is how the rice bag is opened.

On the packaging of rice bags, the ropes on these two sides are actually different, one side is single-line, and the other side is double-line.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

Turn the side of the single thread to yourself, and then find the extra thread from the right hand side and gently pull it, you can pull the thread apart very easily.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

If you can't pull it the first time, you can slowly find the thread from right to left until you can pull it.

Once you've mastered this technique, you'll never need scissors again.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

"Fixed labels" on socks

Since the string on the rice bag has a "switch", then the thread on the sock must also have it.

After we buy a new pair of socks, we should be happy to wear the new socks, but when we remove the labels, it is also a big thing.

The label of the socks is worn directly with thread on both sides, and it is very tight to grasp.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

If you pull it by hand, you may pull the newly bought socks off the thread, and in this way, the gain will outweigh the loss.

I'm willing to bet that someone will bite the "thread" on a new sock with their teeth, and someone else will take out their own scissors again and simply remove the thread from the thread.

In fact, on the label of socks, there is actually a "hidden mystery".

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

On the label of the new socks, there is actually a very thin cotton thread, and this thread is actually the "switch" that turns on the mechanism.

We only need to pull this thread lightly, and we can remove the entire thread on the sock very quickly.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

This whole process only takes about a second or two, which is much less time-saving and labor-saving than when we go to find scissors and then carefully cut them.

It is estimated that many people don't know this little "trick", and they will scold the designer for not being humane at all.

In this way, you can try your new socks.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

"It doesn't work" U-shaped pillows

For migrant workers who stare at the computer for a long time, or people who often travel by car, the U-shaped pillow is actually an indispensable piece of equipment.

However, after buying a U-shaped pillow, many people will find that the U-shaped pillow that seems to be blown particularly well is not very useful, and it feels similar to not having it with it.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

At this time, in fact, we can think about whether we brought the wrong one.

It is estimated that when many people wear a U-shaped pillow, the simplest and most direct way is to hang it around their neck, and then buckle it under their chin.

But in fact, this is the wrong way to use a U-shaped pillow.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

If that's how you use it, then the U-shaped pillow really doesn't have much use.

You know, the original intention of the U-shaped pillow design is to support our neck and not let the head shake from side to side.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

The correct way to use a U-shaped pillow is to turn it in the opposite direction, so that the side with the button is behind the neck, and place the bottom of the U-shaped pillow under your chin.

In this way, it is a good way to ensure that your head will not shake from side to side, and the experience of this U-shaped pillow is also very good.

The 5 "stupid designs" that people complained about, after knowing the correct way to use them: the clown is himself

In fact, in our daily life, some things that are not easy to use may be because we have not found a correct way to use it, not because there is a problem with the thing itself.

Information sources:

Ping An Xiangtan "The "stupid design" that has been complained about by countless people, after learning the correct usage: it turns out that it is me who is stupid! 》 2024-01-28

Longnan Danchang released "The "stupid design" that has been complained about by countless people, after discovering the correct usage: it turns out that it is me who is stupid! 》2024-03-18

Beiqingwang "If your travel pillow is uncomfortable, you may wear the wrong one"2019-08-20

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