
Is this going to be a nuclear bomb? Israel is getting more and more arrogant

author:Flying in space

According to a Reuters report on June 26, Israeli Defense Minister Yoaf Galant issued a stern warning during his visit to the United States that if the border conflict with Allah turns into a regional war, the Israeli army will let Lebanon "return to the Stone Age."

Is this going to be a nuclear bomb? Israel is getting more and more arrogant

Israeli Defense Minister? Back to the Stone Age? Is this an attempt to use a nuclear bomb? Or do you want to use a subnuclear bomb?

Combined with the fact that a few days ago, Israel suddenly test-fired the Jericho 3 ballistic missile, which can carry a nuclear bomb, which wants to attack Lebanon and deter anti-Israeli forces in the Middle East?

Is this going to be a nuclear bomb? Israel is getting more and more arrogant

Moreover, according to the grapevine, Israel has more than 20 nuclear warheads, and the entire Middle East can be named one by one. In Israel's view of the Palestinian "humanoids", is it the same with the anti-Israeli forces?

Although Lebanon is also a member of the United Nations, Israel really has the courage to drop a nuclear bomb, mainly in two aspects

The first is that the battlefield must be a disputed area, and the public says that the public is justified and the mother is reasonable, and it is said that he is throwing a bomb at his own house for experiments, and the scale of the explosion "accidentally" reaches the level of a nuclear bomb, or it is said to be doing a nuclear bomb experiment (you can refer to India)

Is this going to be a nuclear bomb? Israel is getting more and more arrogant

The second is that the target of the attack is the anti-Israeli forces, and Allah is the largest political party in Lebanon. After decades of fighting with Israel, Israel has really suffered huge casualties, and a reasonable counterattack seems to be a matter of course

No matter how Israel justifies, it is useless to believe, as long as Israel dares to use nuclear bombs, there will definitely be a lot of international scolding, and then "wild nuclear bombs" and "wild hypersonic missiles" will grow on Lebanese soil

Is this going to be a nuclear bomb? Israel is getting more and more arrogant

I just don't know if Israel can withstand this wave of nuclear strikes, and returning to the Stone Age is relative, after all, there is more than one "big brother" on this earth

PS: It's not easy to create, please don't reprint

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