
The habit of brushing teeth may be a "good medicine" to prevent Alzheimer's disease?! A must-see for seniors!

author:Life is a bit of a material

One sunny morning, Lao Li, as usual, sat on a rattan chair on the balcony with his teacup, enjoying a leisurely time after retirement.

Lao Li is seventy-five this year, although he is old, his thinking is still agile and his body is tough.

It's just that recently, he found that his memory was declining, which made him worry about Alzheimer's disease.

The habit of brushing teeth may be a "good medicine" to prevent Alzheimer's disease?! A must-see for seniors!

Lao Li recalled the chat with his old friend Lao Zhang a few days ago. Lao Zhang mentioned an interesting study that said that brushing teeth twice a day is effective in reducing the risk of dementia.

Lao Li thought to himself that although he brushed his teeth every day, he was always hasty, and maybe he should really pay more attention to oral hygiene.

This can't help but remind Lao Li that when he was younger, the dentist always emphasized the importance of oral hygiene, and he always smiled and didn't take it seriously. Now, in the face of possible cognitive decline, he is beginning to revisit this daily habit.

Is brushing your teeth 2 times a day effective in reducing the risk of dementia?

A growing body of research shows that good oral hygiene is strongly linked to a reduced risk of dementia.

Multiple studies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and other countries have found that people who brush their teeth twice a day have a much lower risk of developing dementia than those who do not pay attention to oral hygiene.

These findings point to the fact that maintaining good oral hygiene not only helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay, but may also have a positive impact on brain health.

The habit of brushing teeth may be a "good medicine" to prevent Alzheimer's disease?! A must-see for seniors!

The researchers speculate that this may be closely related to the oral microbiota. The complex microbial ecosystem in the oral cavity plays a crucial role in the development of dementia.

They believe that chronic inflammation and infections due to poor oral hygiene may trigger systemic inflammation that affects the brain and may accelerate cognitive decline. For example, a study conducted by a team of Japanese researchers found that gum disease was significantly associated with the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

These studies have shown that good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, can effectively reduce systemic inflammation, thereby protecting the brain from damage.

Why does tooth loss affect cognitive performance?

There is a complex microbial ecosystem in the oral cavity. When oral hygiene is poor, this ecosystem can be out of balance, leading to chronic inflammation and infection. These inflammations and infections are not confined to the oral cavity and can trigger a systemic inflammatory response.

The brain, as the body's command center, is particularly sensitive to inflammation. Long-term chronic inflammation may cause damage to the brain, accelerating cognitive decline, which can increase the risk of dementia.

The habit of brushing teeth may be a "good medicine" to prevent Alzheimer's disease?! A must-see for seniors!

In addition, tooth loss can also affect social and mental health.

Many older people feel inferior and lonely after losing their teeth, and reduce social activities, and these psychological factors can also have a negative impact on cognitive performance. Reduced social activity and mental health problems are strongly associated with cognitive decline.

Therefore, maintaining dental health is essential for maintaining good cognitive function.

How to brush your teeth properly?

Now that we understand the importance of oral hygiene, how do we brush our teeth properly? Here are a few suggestions:

Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste: Choose a toothbrush with a moderate brush head and soft bristles and a fluoride toothpaste.

Learn the right way to brush your teeth: Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and gently brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth in circular motions. At the same time, don't forget to brush your tongue coating to reduce bacterial growth.

The habit of brushing teeth may be a "good medicine" to prevent Alzheimer's disease?! A must-see for seniors!

Guaranteed brushing time: Each brushing session should last at least two minutes to ensure that each area is adequately cleaned.

Replace your toothbrush regularly: After a period of use, the bristles will lose their shape and the cleaning effect will be reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the toothbrush every three months.

In addition to daily brushing habits, regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning are also important parts of maintaining oral health. In addition, eating a sensible diet and avoiding bad habits, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, can also have a positive impact on oral health.

I hope that everyone can pay attention to oral hygiene, starting with daily brushing to protect their health.