
The security guard's salary is only 3,000 yuan, why are many people willing to do it? These 3 reasons are not for you to believe it

author:Workplace Feike

In daily life, we can see security guards everywhere, whether it is in the community, shopping malls, or in office buildings, factories, their positions are very important. However, the salary of a security guard is not high, usually only about 3,000 yuan. Still, there are many people who are willing to take up the job. Why do so many people choose to work as security guards? Here are 3 reasons why you might be surprised.

The security guard's salary is only 3,000 yuan, why are many people willing to do it? These 3 reasons are not for you to believe it

1. The work is relatively easy

The primary duties of security guards are to maintain order and ensure safety, and usually include patrolling, surveillance, and access control. These tasks are relatively simple and do not require high-intensity physical or mental effort. Many security positions have fixed working hours, unlike some workplace positions, which require frequent overtime or a high-pressure work environment. For example, the daily job of the community security guard is to patrol the community to ensure the safety of residents and occasionally help with trivial tasks. For some people who are older or don't want to work under too much pressure, this relaxed and regular work rhythm is very appealing.

The security guard's salary is only 3,000 yuan, why are many people willing to do it? These 3 reasons are not for you to believe it

2. Low entry barrier

Security jobs require relatively low academic qualifications and skills, and there are few particularly complex technical requirements. For those who do not have a high degree or do not have a skill, security is an easy job to get started. Many security positions only require a short period of training before they can be hired. This is undoubtedly a good choice for some middle-aged people who are struggling to find a suitable job, or young people who want to get employed quickly. For example, a middle-aged person in his forties and fifties with no professional skills may find it difficult to do the job due to physical or technical problems if he goes to work in a factory, while a security job provides them with a stable employment opportunity.

3. There may be additional income

Although the basic salary of a security guard is not high, in some positions, it is possible for a security guard to supplement his income with some "gray income". For example, when working in some large shopping malls or factories, security guards may receive some "benefit fees" to facilitate services. These extra incomes, while not legitimate, are one of the reasons why some security jobs are attractive. In addition, security guards in some high-end residential areas, because most of the customers they serve are high-income people, occasionally receive small gifts or red envelopes from residents, which also adds a lot of additional subsidies to their income.

The security guard's salary is only 3,000 yuan, why are many people willing to do it? These 3 reasons are not for you to believe it

In addition to the above points, there are some people who choose to work as security guards because they do not have high requirements for life and pursue stability and simplicity. For example, some retirees choose to work as security guards in order to pass the time, or some young people who have just entered the workforce to gain social experience. In addition, for some young people who want to develop in the security industry, security positions can be used as a springboard to enter the security industry, and by accumulating experience and connections, there are opportunities to be promoted to higher positions in the future.

Readers, do you have any friends around you who work as security guards? What do you think about the job of a security guard? Feel free to share your insights in the comments section!