
Wang Lihua: The advanced direction of party building in private enterprises should have "five characteristics"

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Wang Lihua: The advanced direction of party building in private enterprises should have "five characteristics"

On the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, I listened to the introduction of the party building by Comrade Fan Qi, secretary of the general party branch of Beijing Qijian Company. Although he spoke briefly, his ideas and views on party building in private enterprises were very unexpected, very fresh and very shocking.

In the process of listening to his introduction, I kept in mind a basic Marxist viewpoint, that is, ideological understanding belongs to the category of superstructure and often lags behind the requirements of the development of productive forces, so it is necessary to draw nourishment from front-line practice and constantly change those outdated ideas. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping also talked about this idea, which is to promote the better adaptation of production relations and productive forces, superstructure and economic foundation by further deepening reform in an all-round way. After listening to Comrade Fan Qi's ideas and views, I feel that we have underestimated the practice of the advanced elements in the party building of private enterprises, and there are still many comrades with such feelings. Comrade Fan Qi is a private entrepreneur, is the direct leader of Qijian Company, is an organic part of the enterprise productivity, his thinking on party building to a certain extent reflects the requirements of the times of enterprise development, and has risen to a certain theoretical height. It's not about putting a high hat on him, there's no need for that.

Wang Lihua: The advanced direction of party building in private enterprises should have "five characteristics"

[Fan Qi, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Chairman of the Beijing Flagship Company]

He talked about the party building of private enterprises and had several very important points:

First, the party building of private enterprises is an endogenous requirement, not an oppressive requirement. Today's happy life comes from the leadership of the party, and without the leadership of the party, there would be no such a stable life and career. As long as we continue to follow the line of upholding the party's leadership, we will not be afraid of any difficulties or obstacles.

Second, the party building of private enterprises is surnamed public rather than private, and the surname party is not surnamed. The banner of the party is the banner of the party building of the enterprise, and the goal of the party is the goal of the party building of the enterprise.

Third, the party building of private enterprises is the public use of private enterprises. Private enterprises founded by Communist Party members are not only personal undertakings, but also the party's positions, and should be regarded as part of the cause of the party and the people. It is to do better things for the party, share worries for the country, and solve problems for society through such a career chassis.

Fourth, we must sincerely build the party. We must not engage in formalism, we must not engage in showmanship, and we must not engage in the style of "embroidering red flags" in order to cope with the inspection above. If China's private enterprises are such a large economy, if there is no party organization to play a good leading role in it, will the realization of the party's leadership become empty talk? Wouldn't the nature of the socialist state change?

Fifth, we must do practical things and not make things happen. We must not only shout slogans, we can not limit party building to theory, we must implement the party's requirements, close the relationship between the party and the masses through party building, attract the masses politically, care about the masses in life, solve the difficulties and problems in the lives of the masses, safeguard the democratic rights of employees, stimulate the initiative spirit of employees, and promote the harmonious development of enterprises and the all-round progress of people.

Comrade Fan Qi's point of view is refreshing. If we hadn't listened to him in person, wouldn't we even dare to think about it, would we dare to say such a thing? The advanced elements of party members among private entrepreneurs have such pursuits, do we feel familiar? At the beginning of the Communist Party revolution, some children of rich families who devoted themselves to the revolution contributed everything to the cause of the party, including personal wealth, and this was such a realm, which was something that had not been seen for a long time, and it was the character of true Communist Party members. Previously, we highly respected Wang Hongbin of Nanjie Village, Wu Renbao of Huaxi Village, Guo Fenglian of Dazhai, as well as a large number of party organization leaders who insisted on taking the road of collective prosperity such as Zhouzhuang in Hebei Province and Jiajiazhuang in Shanxi; We also highly respect Communist Party members like Ren Zhengfei, who not only fought for the country in the struggle against the bullies of the United States, but also turned the enterprise into a new type of collective-owned enterprise with full shareholding, and took the road of common prosperity; There are also "entrepreneurs" like Zong Qinghou, who insist on leading everyone to common prosperity, rather than "capitalists" who should not squeeze the maximum surplus value. Although these party members are on the non-public front, they do not forget the party's belief and the purpose of serving the people, and do their best to serve the country and win glory for the party with a special struggle. Comrade Fan Qi should be one of such outstanding party members and entrepreneurs.

At today's forum, Comrade Fan Qi gave us a good inspiration. I thought of a question: in the process of Chinese-style modernization led by the party, what is the advanced direction that the party building of private enterprises should grasp? Can it be summarized into five natures: party spirit, national nature, people's nature, substance, and character?

The first is party spirit.

Comrade Fan Qi said that the party building of private enterprises should be surnamed the party and the public, not private, nor family, which is a very sobering definition. The party building of non-public enterprises that deviates from the party spirit must be a fake party building that deviates from the correct direction and purpose. Where is the party spirit of party building? It is necessary to strengthen the belief in Marxism, the firm belief in the socialist system and the party's line, principles and policies, to learn and make good use of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to firmly follow the path of Chinese-style modernization. In the initial stage of socialism, public ownership is the mainstay and various ownership systems develop together, and the two are unswerving; this is entered into the party constitution, into the party's documents, and into the principles and policies, and whether or not non-public enterprises can exist and develop, our party has made it very clear. However, some forces are sowing discord and must let non-public entrepreneurs be separated from the party and distrust the party and the government. We can see from Fan Qi's experience that the party building of non-public enterprises must first firmly believe in the correct leadership of the party, firmly believe in the party's basic theory and system, and firmly believe that General Secretary Xi can lead us to a better future. This is the most fundamental political direction, and if you fail to grasp this major issue, your party building will be pure nonsense.

The second is national character.

It is the fundamental nationality of belonging. The interests of the state and the nation are above all else, and in an international environment of great changes unseen in a century, we must not eat inside and out, and we must be patriotic and not traitorous. Why talk about this? Because some enterprises, fooled by forces with ulterior motives, try their best to run out the money, transfer their rights and interests and registration places to foreign countries, invest hundreds of billions of trillions like Xu Jiayin, and even convert China's creditor's rights into the United States, and send all the economic blood to the United States. It's right for companies to make profits, and this is playing into the hands of the United States. Capital does not have a motherland, entrepreneurs have a motherland, entrepreneurs should first be patriots, whether it is from the history of national enterprises, or to the present private enterprises, if you don't even care about the interests of the country, you are not a good private entrepreneur, your party building is even more unqualified. Eager for quick success, short-sighted, and politically undetermined, he is looking for fools, just like the Jiang dynasty is about to fall, but he joins his national army. After I went, people began to slaughter pigs and sheep, the banks where Chinese deposits kept failing, and how hard it was to rely on war to snatch wealth. You want his high interest, he wants your principal, and he will kill it directly without negotiation, and in the end he will lose all his money. Look at the rich people in Russia whose wealth has run abroad, their intestines are repentant. The United States does not welcome the poor, and it is useless for the poor to love the United States no matter how much they know it. State-owned enterprises must listen to the party, and no one will be able to leave unless they are allowed to leave. Some non-public enterprises have been fooled away and have suffered great losses. Patriotism is not only an obligation, but also a gain or loss of interests. If there is more trouble in the event of a war, it is called a capital enemy. Therefore, the party building of private enterprises must stand on the bottom line of patriotism.

The third is people's nature.

That is, the people's nature. In China, it is not called a private enterprise, but a private enterprise, which has given rise to a long-standing debate question: whether private enterprises are "people" or "people" of enterprises owned by the whole people and collectives. Some forces deliberately confuse right and wrong, downplay the people's nature of the ownership of the whole people and collective ownership, and even want to abolish the ownership of the whole people with great fanfare, deliberately pitting the ownership of the whole people and the collective against the "people," while they only use the name of "the people" for private enterprises, and are unwilling to emphasize their people's nature. From Comrade Fan Qi's speech today, we clearly feel this more profound connotation. In China, the non-public enterprises in the private enterprises are private enterprises, but unlike the private enterprises under the capitalist system, they should not only have the nature of private ownership, but also have the nature of the people, which is the deeper meaning of "people" in private enterprises. Under the conditions of socialism with Chinese characteristics, this higher requirement for private enterprises should also be an important feature of party building in private enterprises. What is the most fundamental requirement of the people's nature? That is, business leaders should become leaders of common prosperity. It has been verified by Comrade Fan Qi. When an average enterprise encounters an epidemic for several consecutive years, the most basic operation is to lay off employees, right? You can't let your business lose money, and the company has no obligation to support you. However, when his company is unable to work, it takes out its savings to pay wages to its employees, so that everyone cannot live, not at the expense of the interests of employees to tide over the difficulties for themselves, but with the sacrifice of their own interests to tide over the difficulties with everyone. Sharing weal and woe is the embodiment of the people's nature of private enterprises, and enterprises owned by the whole people should be even more so, otherwise they are ordinary private enterprises. What does the Communist Party's party building do? It is to achieve common prosperity for the purpose, not just to maximize personal interests. Highlighting the people's nature is the progressive direction of party building in private enterprises, and it is also the basis for the long-term development of private enterprises. Previously, we saw that Huawei implemented a shareholding system for all employees, with a per capita income of tens of millions. Wahaha not only treats workers well through benefits such as housing sharing, but also stipulates that after the age of 45, it is generally not laid off, and it is difficult to find a job after the age of 45. After the death of Zong Qinghou, he was spontaneously mourned and remembered by the whole country, which is what the people want. Communist Party members have run private enterprises on such a large scale and proportion, and they should have a higher standard of understanding. The purpose of the production of socialist enterprises is to take the people as the center and let all the people have a better life, and the Communist Party, whether state-owned or private-owned, must consider that the workers' jobs are better and more stable, and cannot just make their own families into aristocrats holding hereditary golden rice bowls. Since ancient times, people with lofty ideals have been the inheritors of the excellent traditions of the Chinese nation.

The fourth is solidity.

It is the effectiveness of party building. Party building is a special advantage of China's private enterprises, and it is an advantage and characteristic that private enterprises in capitalist countries do not have at all. Party building and enterprise development are not two skins, and party building is not "embroidering red flags". Fan Qi has such a sentence: "Party building work is productivity, if it is done carefully, it is cohesion, and when it is strong, it is competitiveness." "Chairman Mao fought the world with his bare hands, created a set of scientific systems and methods for the party to lead the army, created an invincible iron army, and fought a new China in more than 20 years. It is necessary to learn the true scriptures of the Communist Party's success on the battlefield and serve the development and growth of the enterprise fighting market. There is an advanced research class on Mao Zedong's management thought at Peking University Malaysia, and I am a distinguished professor at them. There are many outstanding private entrepreneurs there, who highly respect Chairman Mao and are very interested in those scriptures that rule the world. Why? Because in the market competition, the survival of the fittest, the environmental situation is similar to that of Chairman Mao when he started his business, if you win the battle, you will have food to eat, you will be able to develop and grow, and if you defeat, it is possible to return to zero, and you must be effective to do it, and there is no room for the slightest formalism, and without the environmental pressure of life and death, it is easy to engage in formalism. In a private enterprise with five or six thousand people in Hebei, the chairman of the board of directors and the leading backbone went to the red holy land in five batches, starting from Shaoshan and going to Jinggangshan, Gutian, Zunyi, Yan'an, Xibaipo, etc., and each red holy place listened to the class for two days, and then visited and discussed and shared. The chairman, the main leaders and the leaders of the upstream and downstream cooperative enterprises sat in the middle of the front row of the class, and discussed with everyone after class. He can listen to a lecture six or seven times, and he says that only when he is familiar can he understand more. They are really learning and using real results, the company was losing money 5 years ago, and now it has entered the top three in the industry. Of course, the party building of private enterprises plays a role, and there must be that realm, that is, the party spirit, national nature, and people's nature mentioned above.

The fifth is character.

It is a requirement for the personal conduct of party members and entrepreneurs. Many private entrepreneurs are members of the Communist Party and are also the main responsible persons of the party organizations of enterprises, and the party building not only has political requirements for the main leaders, but also requires personal morality and exemplary role. can't be like the tycoons who exterminated humanity on Lori Island in the United States, nor can they break through the bottom line of being a man like Wang Zhenhua in Shanghai, and they can't be willful when they have money. Private entrepreneurs are part of the social elite, and the elite should have the appearance of an elite, and to become a good example of the society, there should be higher requirements for party members and private entrepreneurs. The requirement for party members and leading cadres in the system is to have both ability and political integrity, and party members and private entrepreneurs must also have both ability and political integrity. There is an old saying that "if you are not worthy of virtue, there will be disaster", when your wealth grows, your career expands, and your social status improves, you become the controller of wealth and power, and your every move has a social impact, and you must use higher standards to restrain yourself. Like Ren Zhengfei, Zong Qinghou, and Cao Dewang, only by becoming a good example of society can the people's hearts be admired, the cause can be prosperous, and the work can be done for a long time. Disasters like Xu Jiayin and Wang Zhenhua, such poverty and luxury, and such harm to the country and the people, he will not tolerate disasters if he does not have them. Party building should put all party members under the supervision of the organization, often look in the mirror, wash away the dirt, make themselves unremittingly degenerate, never forget the original mission of the communists, truly become an example for the whole society, and contribute to the construction of a modern socialist power.

(The author is vice president and secretary-general and senior researcher of Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Original] Revised Draft, Author's Authorized First Release)