
Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

This article talks about two big news on June 30, 2024: the official opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and the explosion of the Tianbing Technology rocket.

Core theme: Concentrating on doing great things is our institutional advantage, and we can't lose it!

1. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened to traffic

At 3:00 p.m. on June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic!

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is another super project on the mainland, integrating bridges, islands, tunnels, and underwater interconnection, and has set at least the following world records:

The longest undersea tunnel in the world: 6.8 kilometers long, equivalent to the length of 54 football fields;

The deepest tunnel in the world: the deepest reaches 90 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 30-story building;

The world's largest undersea tunnel shield machine: with a diameter of 15.8 meters, equivalent to the height of a five-story building, and a weight of 45,000 tons, equivalent to the weight of an aircraft carrier;

The world's largest undersea tunnel segments: each section weighs 1.5 thousand tons, equivalent to the weight of 10 tanks;

The world's largest immersed tube unit in an undersea tunnel: each section is 180 meters long, equivalent to 1.5 standard football pitches in length;


The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor solves a traffic bottleneck in the Pearl River Delta - in the past, Shenzhen to Zhongshan and Zhuhai either bypassed Guangzhou, overcame the trouble of detour, or passed through the Humen Bridge, endured the pain of traffic jams, I went to Zhongshan Zhuhai to give lectures, several times across the Humen Bridge simply took people and cars on the ferry, faster than queuing up to cross the bridge.

After the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was put into use, the traffic situation on both sides of the Pearl River Estuary was greatly optimized, and the distance from Shenzhen to Zhongshan was shortened from 2 hours to 20 minutes.

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

The Shenzhong Passage is 30 kilometers away from the Humen Bridge in the north and 31 kilometers away from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the south. The crux of it is that Shenzhen cannot use the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge!

You can even understand that Shenzhen's inability to use the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is the main reason for the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage!

However, there is no technical obstacle to Shenzhen's use of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, just connect it from Shekou, that is, the obstacle is man-made, because one city is worried that Shenzhen will be pulled down too far economically, so it strongly opposes it.

This city is certainly not Guangzhou, because the use of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge by Shenzhen will definitely reduce the traffic flow from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, but Guangzhou still faces this problem after forcing out the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor.

Moreover, Guangzhou is under the jurisdiction of socialism, and it is not allowed to be so capricious!

This is the disadvantage of "one country, two systems"!

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is much like an enlarged version of the Wutongshan Tunnel.

Shenzhen is a long strip-shaped city, and the passage between Luohu District and Yantian District in those years needed to detour through Longgang District due to the barrier of Wutong Mountain, which took four or five hours.

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

Wu Tung Mountain 隧道简史——

In 1987, the first phase of the Wutongshan Tunnel was completed, which belonged to the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau at that time;

In July 1994, Yantian Port Group (a state-owned enterprise) wholly acquired the Wutongshan Tunnel;

In 1997, Yantian Port Group transferred 50% of the equity of Wutongshan Tunnel Company to Hong Kong Dajia Group Co., Ltd. (belonging to Li Ka-shing) for a period of 30 years.

In 1999, the second phase of the Tongshan Tunnel was completed;

Due to the high toll of the tunnel (the tunnel is 2.26 kilometers long, 10 yuan for small cars and 30 yuan for container trucks), and because of the long-term traffic jam caused by the toll, the public is very dissatisfied. In 2001, Shenzhen held a price hearing to reduce the toll to a normal level, but the tunnel company refused;

In 2002, Shenzhen built a winding mountain road next to the tunnel, but only cars could be used, and the traffic problem was limited.

In 2004, Shenzhen changed its strategy and offered to buy the Wutongshan Tunnel for 900 million yuan, while the tunnel company asked for 1.35 billion yuan, of which 1 billion yuan had to be paid in a lump sum. Negotiations failed! - Yantian Port Group is a state-owned enterprise, and it makes no sense to set a high price, so it is self-evident who is in the way;

In September 2004, Shenzhen announced an investment of 2 billion yuan to build a free second channel of deep salt!

In July 2008, the second channel of Shenyan was officially opened to traffic, and the traffic volume of Wutongshan Tunnel was greatly reduced, and its commercial value directly dived;

In 2011, the Shenzhen Municipal Government invested 250 million yuan to reclaim the Wutongshan Tunnel and change it to free access.

The game around the Wutong Mountain Tunnel has made us see the bloodthirstiness of capital, taking the so-called contract to talk about things, and to kill procedural justice, 250 million things have to be 1.35 billion, regardless of social responsibility, and they have already made a lot of money and are not satisfied, so wait for the bottom of the socialist kettle to draw salaries!

Socialism is good at concentrating on big things, believe it?

Now that the Shenzhong Passage has opened, I was going to try it, but it turned out that it was very confused, forget it-

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

Since the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was blocked as soon as it opened, the Shenzhen-Zhuhai Passage may be repaired between the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the future, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will most likely continue to be snubbed in front of the door.

Don't go against socialism, which is good at concentrating forces to do great things!

Second, the rocket explosion of Tianbing technology

At 3:43 p.m. on June 30, an explosive video -

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

Soon the news came out, this is the test run accident of Tianbing Technology Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle - that is, the rocket is fixed on the ground, and the engine is started for experiments. Since there was no self-destruct mechanism, the engine was shut down and did not pose a greater danger, but the rocket fell and caused an explosion.

Tianbing Technology claimed that the rocket fell in the deep mountains 1.5 kilometers southwest of the test bench, the test site was far away from Gongyi City, and the local government jointly improved safety and security measures before the test and organized the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance, and there were no casualties after investigation. Tianlong-3 claims to be the benchmark of SpaceX's Falcon 9, with a diameter of 3.8 meters and a take-off mass of 590 tons.

The comparison between the figure of Falcon Nine and Musk shows its huge -

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

The Tianlong No. 3 that had an accident this time-

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

Therefore, Tianbing Technology said that "no casualties after investigation" is only a temporary result, and there may be casualty reports in the future, if it is not burned to ashes.

The only thing to be thankful for in this accident is that the rocket did not fall into the residential area, otherwise it would be the power of a super giant bomb, look at so many high-rise buildings in the video, obviously downtown areas, the number of casualties will be extremely appalling, I don't know how much chaos it will cause!

This kind of test run has led to a launch accident, not to mention that it is news in China, but it is also extremely rare in the history of aerospace development.

It's so low-level!

Similar to when you check the engine of your car, you step on the accelerator to the end, only to find that it is still in gear, and what is even more terrifying is that you are in the downtown area in broad daylight!

After graduating, I worked in aerospace for two years, and I know that the 16-character slogan of China's aerospace is "serious, thoughtful and meticulous, safe and reliable, and foolproof". So as soon as I saw this bizarre low-level accident, I immediately guessed that this was from the hands of a private company, and it turned out to be the case: Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd., established on June 15, 2015, a private company!

I have always been opposed to private companies getting involved in the field of rockets!

Because rockets are a product that is inherently meant to be done by the country.

This is because rockets, as expensive and sensitive delivery vehicles, first appeared in the military field, and still have obvious military colors, so they are important weapons of the country and are not suitable for private enterprises.

From the cost point of view, it is very common for the loss cost of the rocket to account for more than half of the total cost, so the rocket is a cost-free means of transport, and its most critical indicator is reliability, which requires massive investment, long-term experience accumulation and talent training, and it is impossible to achieve results in the short term, and it is not suitable for private enterprises with profit as the priority!

When I was working on rockets, I once heard a true story from my master: once a rocket test was successful, and when I reviewed it, I found that a certain part had been drilled an extra hole. This is not a small accident, the result of the treatment is a series of operators and their leaders were fined, but from this drawing to add this punching process, because it may affect the counterweight, vibration frequency and other indicators.

See, the rockets are fed little by little like this, and it is impossible for private companies to have such patience!

Therefore, it is nonsense to engage in private rockets, and their development method is nothing more than to dig people into state-owned rockets to pry the foot of the wall, and the design aspect is to copy the existing plan, where they are willing to spend time training people, doing low-level research, and doing long-term planning. Redundancy is greatly reduced in the whole operation, and it is only a matter of time before something happens.

Look at Musk's SpaceX, it's so bad that it becomes a joke, its Falcon buys Russian engines, and Starship is positioned to carry people to and from Mars, but in fact, the atmosphere doesn't go out, and it bombs once!

To put it bluntly, private rockets are actually parasites on state-run rockets, relying on opportunistic tricks and cleverness!

For example, in 2018, Zhang Xiaoping, an employee of the unit where I used to work (he and I joined the company at the same time in 1994, and a training class was dug up, which made news, and his annual salary rose from more than 100,000 to 1 million after he changed jobs, but the unit paid more than one million.

A mature technician is easily lost in this way!

Shi Wei: The rockets of the Shenzhong Passage and Tianbing Technology

Private rockets are an evil path, they cannot last long, they cannot go unexpected, they do more harm than good, and the essence is to cause trouble for our aerospace industry.

For the sake of short-term interests, he gave up the institutional advantage of concentrating on big things, and he was bitter and hateful!

It is conceivable that if such a low-level accident occurs in the state-owned rocket, it will inevitably cause a frenzy of speculation on the Internet, but Tianbing Technology has not received such treatment.

What does this mean?

This shows that even the private sector knows the art of concentrating on big things, and knows how to control the media to be a trumpeter.

But their concentration of strength to do great things and our concentration of strength to do great things are not at all the same level.

For example, the country will build the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge that does not make money from the overall consideration, but private enterprises will definitely not!

Without the experience of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will be full of difficulties, and the bridge from Fujian to Taiwan will also face even greater difficulties in the future.

(The author is a special commentator for Kunlunce; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's Authorization], transcribed from the WeChat public account of "Fangzhong Yunxun", revised and released; The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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