
Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

author:Sing Tao Entertainment

Yao Ziling, Yuan Weihao and his wife Zhang Baoer took their son to Tsuen Wan yesterday (30th) to attend the promotion of the new drama "Anti-Black Hero". Yuan Weihao said that in order to avoid the fact that his son had already slept when he returned home after the publicity, he took his son out on Sunday Family Fun Day, and after completing the publicity work, the family walked around, and he showed that he cherished parent-child time now.

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement
Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

Asked if his son has recovered? Yuan Weihao said that when he returned to Hong Kong from Shanghai that day, he found that his son had a high fever of 39 degrees, and his son was stunned at that time, so he immediately took him to see a doctor. That is, I was asked if I was tired from taking care of my children. He didn't think so, because he already knew how to adjust, and he had his wife and domestic helper to help.

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

For netizens to compare his appearance with the appearance of "Brother Heaven" a few years ago, pointing to the precipitous decline in his appearance and worrying about his physical condition? Yuan Weihao generously said that he also took it for granted, everyone saw his works in the past struggle period, it was almost more than ten years ago, when he was only in his early 30s, and everyone saw his youthful period.

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

Yuan Weihao explained for himself: "When filming this drama, I filmed two dramas at the same time, and I had to take care of my son at the time, and I can't blame people for having big eye bags, I can take care of my skin now, and my body is really not as good as before, since the filming of the drama "Iron Detective" has lost weight in a radical way, and now my physical condition is also very repeated, and I will lose a little weight when I am filming, but I will relax during the holidays, and I am said to have not finished my confinement." ”

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

Ask him if he will resist being called old? Yuan Weihao said that he did not resist, pointing out that this is a trend, everyone will use these words, and it is also a necessary stage of life, he said: "Even if it is said that it is a cliff or a rocket aging, looking back at my childlike state is just (one and only), I also hope to still work at the age of 80." ”

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

Yao Ziling, who was next to him, was also asked if he would mind being told that he was old? She said that it is difficult to say at this time, and said: "I hope everyone will accept us and accompany everyone to age gracefully." ”

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

姚子羚与日本人气舞蹈女团Avantgardey 其中一位成员Nona撞脸,成员们说像之外Nona更诚邀姚子羚戴上冬菇头假发,欣赏他们将于7月21日在亚博10号馆举行的《Avantgradey Shall We Dance Live in Hong Kong》,或与她一起跳舞。

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

Yao Ziling was also very excited to hear it, it turned out that she had been following Avantgardey on the Internet for a long time, and watched a lot of clips about them, she said: "I also feel a bit like Nona, I have the opportunity to participate, if they give me a wig (Nona wants to dance with you?) They taught me and gave me a little time to practice, and I saw that Cheng Yuling also danced with them before, so I should be fine. ”

In addition, netizens praised Yao Ziling's acting skills in the play this time, and after having the opportunity to win the show, Yao Ziling thanked everyone for liking her role in the play, and also thanked the director for giving her a role that has not been played for a long time.

Yuan Weihao doesn't mind being ridiculed for cliff-like aging! filmed 3 dramas in a row, taking care of the baby, and was accused of not finishing the confinement

But this time, she was happiest to get rid of Chen Shancong's CP and form a new CP with Zhang Zhenlang, who was younger than herself, and everyone liked it, and she and Zhang Zhenlang accounted for eighty percent of the scenes in the play. But Chen Shancong had never seen it at all, and Chen Shancong even said to her: "Who are you!" ”

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