
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

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The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

On July 1, Zumiao Street held a "Hundred Flowers for Beauty" work conference and the first batch of experience sharing meetings on green beauty construction points at the Party School of the Party Working Committee of the street, systematically demonstrating the phased results of the "New Green in the Old City" action.

Li Shiheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Chancheng District People's Congress and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zumiao Street, Liang Jinzhao, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Zumiao Street, and other leading groups, as well as the main persons in charge of various organs and institutions in the street, and more than 100 people including the secretaries of villages (residents) in the district attended the meeting.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

"We will focus on the four major aspects of expanding greenery and building green, rejuvenating green and beautiful green, helping green to recognize green, protecting green and loving green, comprehensively promoting the work of 'Hundred Flowers Striving for Beauty', guided by typical shaping and demonstration and guidance, and encouraging the creation of a number of distinctive and effective construction demonstration cases such as four small gardens, theme forests, and Internet celebrity spots, so as to promote the realization of 'pushing the window to see the green, strolling into the park, and seeing the beauty of the eyes' in the whole area of the ancestral temple." Comrade Luo Peiliang, deputy director of the Zumiao Street Office, pointed out when interpreting the "Zumiao Street Implementation of the "Hundred Flowers for Beauty" Work Guide at the meeting.

At this experience sharing meeting, the heads of 11 green beauty points took turns to show on stage, and they took the form of graphic display + speech report, through vivid cases and detailed data, to show each other's answers, show their experience, and compare their results. Each point closely follows the key points of grassroots party building to lead the green beauty ecology, displays the new achievements of green beauty in a visual way, presents the warm atmosphere of planting and protecting green in multiple dimensions, and depicts a colorful picture of "party building red" leading "ecological green" and empowering "ancient town beauty".

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Through the guidance of party building, Wenchang community has connected the resources of the co-construction units and residents' families in the jurisdiction to jointly create the same "Dream Vegetable Garden" green beauty project. The Party and Government and the Office of the People's Congress of Zumiao Street transformed the corner of the city into a "pocket park" full of greenery through the method of "going to the green". The Zumiao Street Publicity, Culture, Sports, Tourism and Education Office combined with the local culture of Renwei to stimulate the creative enthusiasm of the manager, and empowered the construction of the green beauty cultural block through plant walls, fluid paintings, lion dancing and blessings. In addition, there are also a number of communities (villages) to display the "520 good governance community" to lead the construction of green beauty small vegetable gardens, small gardens, as well as a number of government and enterprise jointly built green beauty homestays, green beauty parks, green beauty market, can be described as a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred flowers competing for beauty!

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

After a round of wonderful sharing and display, Wenchang Community, Zumiao Street Party and Government and People's Congress Office, Zumiao Street Publicity, Culture, Sports, Tourism and Education Office, Garden Community, and Peide Community won the honor of the first batch of excellent demonstration sites, and was awarded the "Wonderful Hand Flower Award" by Li Shiheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Chancheng District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zumiao Street.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

The first batch of points is full of highlights, and the second batch is also gearing up and eager to try. Haitianlin Park, Foran Ecological Park, Zumiao Public Forest, Chuihong Community Image Guide System Improvement, Nanpu Lumei Community and other projects shared design concepts at the meeting. Among them, Haitianlin Park and Foran Ecological Park are the key projects of Zumiao Street to actively respond to the construction of "100 enterprises and 100 parks" in Chancheng District, and are important positions to give full play to the strength of enterprises, shape the corporate image and display corporate culture.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Renderings of Haitianlin Park.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Renderings of Foran Ecological Park.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Renderings of the improvement of the image guide system of the rainbow community.

Liang Jinzhao, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Zumiao Street, said that the "old city new green" action is a characteristic measure for the implementation of green and beautiful ecological construction in Zumiao Street, and hopes that everyone will continue to struggle in the second half of the year. Second, we must work harder, persistently carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, give full play to the role of the grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, and actively organize party members and the masses to participate in voluntary tree planting and flower planting, so as to further form a joint force of green and beautiful construction. Third, we should gather our strength again and continue to carry out the "Hundred Flowers for Beauty" activity to create more distinctive and connotative green beauty. Actively promote good experience and good practices, make the green beauty model accessible, and attract more social forces to participate.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Since the beginning of this year, Zumiao Street has carried out a total of 65 voluntary tree-planting activities, planted more than 8,000 seedlings and shrubs of various types, and more than 2,300 people have volunteered to plant trees, and 10 "four-up" enterprises in the jurisdiction such as Haitian Group and Rifeng Technology have donated a total of 2.34 million yuan to create a "new model" of new green and global green beauty in the old city, help the ecological construction of Lumei Chancheng, and add green and color to the "Millions of Projects".

On the day of the event

The construction of Haitianlin Park started at the same time

An idle vacant lot in the ancestral temple

It will be transformed into a 4,000-square-meter theme park

There is one more among the citizens

A good place for fitness and rest!

The construction of Haitianlin Park began

Help the streets of the ancestral temple

"Old City, New Green" Global Green Beauty Action

On July 1, the groundbreaking ceremony of the "Old City New Green" Haitianlin Park Construction Project in Zumiao Street was successfully held.

Li Shiheng, Deputy Director of the Chancheng District People's Congress and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Zumiao Sub-district Office, Su Li Daxu, Director of the Chancheng District Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, Liang Jinzhao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Zumiao Sub-district Office, Luo Peiliang, Deputy Director of the Zumiao Sub-district Office, and leaders of relevant departments and relevant persons in charge of Haitian Flavor Industry attended the event.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

Since the release of the "New Green in the Old City" global green beauty action plan of Zumiao Street on March 20, all departments and villages in the street have taken immediate action to mobilize enterprises in the jurisdiction to comprehensively sort out the green space suitable for tree planting, and focus on the implementation of greening and beautification on the "five sides" and "four sides" in combination with the characteristics of the old town of Zumiao Street.

Build 100 green spaces throughout the year! The whole area of the "Old City New Green" ancestral temple has opened →

As a well-known enterprise in the jurisdiction, Haitian Group actively fulfills its social responsibilities and donated 1 million yuan to support the "new green old city" work in the street. After a comprehensive review of the green space and reserve land in the area under their jurisdiction, Zumiao Street and Haitian Group decided to build Haitianlin Park on the idle land between Nangui West Road and Zhaoxiang Road at the junction of Chancheng District and Nanhai District.

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!


As one of the "100 enterprises and 100 gardens" in Chancheng District, Haitianlin Park covers an area of about 4,000 square meters. In terms of design, Haitian Forest Park will organically combine "soybeans" as a product element of Haitian Group with the site, and divide it into landscape areas such as children's play area, leisure area, and plant viewing area, so as to create a theme park with the characteristics of "modern", "vitality" and "parent-child", and take into account the functions of "health and fitness", "parent-child interaction" and "entertainment and leisure".

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!


At the same time, the project will also optimize the original vegetation and plant ornamental plants such as purple bell tree, phoenix wood, and isokapok in Haitianlin Park, so as to improve the overall landscape effect of the park, so that flowers bloom all year round, and create a comfortable green space for the public.

Zumiao Micro News Editorial Group

Source: Zumiao Street Party and Government and People's Congress Office

Editor: Foshan News Network Huo Haolin

Review: He Jinting, Yang Rongyan, Wang Minghui

The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!
The ancestral temple "Old City Green Beauty" action "Hundred Flowers Compete for Beauty"! The construction of a new park of 4000 square meters has started!

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Foshan Ancient Town · Zumiao Street