
If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

Remnant game

2024-07-01 23:42Creators in the field of games

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01LPL rules stipulate that if the club does not pay wages for more than 3 months, the player can unilaterally force the contract to terminate the contract to protect the rights and interests of the player.

02 However, Lianlian Black Tea broke the news that this rule was used by the club as a way to terminate the player.

03 Black Tea did not specify a specific club, but there was a heated discussion in the comment area that RNG had wage arrears.

04 In addition, Xiaopeng, the head coach of RNG before the summer game, broke the news that the team's training was chaotic, and other project managers interfered with the training.

05JKL escalated the upgrade incident of the Petroleum Cup, and disagreements with the organizers and clubs, causing controversy.

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[Pay attention to the afterimage game, see the latest information of LOL, and take a look at this issue of the daily newspaper of the circle! ] 】


No salary will be paid for 3 months, and players can terminate the contract by themselves!

As we all know, most of the LPL players are young people, and many of them are not deeply involved in the world, perhaps they have far more talent than ordinary people in terms of games, but in the level of society, they are still a novice. In order to allow players to have a better professional environment, the LPL has formulated a number of rules to protect the rights and interests of players, and prevent clubs from using contracts to forcibly restrict players. Among these many rules, there is one that protects the player's salary and can help the player force the termination of the contract.

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

The content is: if the club does not pay wages for more than 3 months, and clearly states that it will not pay in the future, and the player wants to work for nothing, then the player can unilaterally force the termination of the contract. But in the revelations of Lian Lian Black Tea, it is not difficult to see that the rules that were originally intended to protect the players were bugged and became a way for the club to terminate the players. No, Black Tea explained: This is a way for clubs with no money to deal with the big contracts of players in the team, which can save liquidated damages. As for who this club is, there is also a heated discussion in the comment area.

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

Connecting the labels of "no money", "contract", and "liquidated damages", everyone must know that the LPL has the highest degree of compliance, and it is naturally on the RNG side. Although RNG's results are not good, the players' contracts are all big contracts, after all, some players were once sought-after in the transfer market. Judging from the wage arrears incident caused by AJ and MLXG at the beginning, RNG has indeed had wage arrears. It's just that the black tea side didn't say it clearly after all, and the specific team is not known for the time being, but this kind of behavior is really a bit bad.

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky


RNG Xiaopeng broke the news that the training in the team is very messy!

In the post-game rice ball program, Xiaopeng, the former head coach of the RNG Summer Tournament, was also a guest, and in his revelations, players also knew how chaotic RNG was inside. When the players were training, Xiaopeng said that there would be managers from other projects to interfere with the training and point out BP, but the key is that the boss still thinks they are right. For this mode of operation, Xpeng said that it is not surprising that RNG will only get one win in the group match when the configuration is not bad. Some unprofessional people can point out the training, what room for improvement?

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky


The JKL upgrade incident escalated, and it was criticized for not suffering!

For the new event "Oil Cup", everyone must know, although the organizer is very rice, but due to too many projects, there is not much soup allocated to LOL, in addition, the event is still a single-defeat system, and you have to go home if you lose one, resulting in a very low tolerance rate for the game. If the LPL team went home after losing the first game in the past, then they would have taken the plane back and forth for nearly 30 hours, as well as their own rest time to go through the motions, which belonged to "although they didn't get the bonus, they were also tired", so JKL was very concerned about the nearly 30-hour round-trip plane.

If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

Since the organizer only provides the cost of economy class, if you want to have a better flight experience and maintain your personal energy, you have to rely on the club's own expense for the upgrade. And Taobo's choice is at his own expense, so much so that JKL thinks that he must win a few more games to play the Petroleum Cup this time, otherwise he will lose money to participate. However, the interstellar commentator Huang Xudong complained in public that the players had not suffered and should not complain about the economy class. What is the attitude of the players who agree and the club agrees, but the onlookers are not happy?

PS: 100% original article, manual typing is not easy, you can pay attention to a wave of friends who like it!

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  • If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky
  • If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky
  • If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky
  • If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky
  • If you don't pay your salary for 3 months, you can terminate the contract? The LPL rules are stuck in the BUG, which is really against the sky

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