
In the month when phlegm and evil were at its peak, a Chinese patent medicine strengthened the spleen and stomach, removed moisture, and depression was self-defeating

author:Gu Chunqing, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your friend Mr. Gu!

Recently, the weather has been getting hotter and hotter day by day, and most of the patients who have come to the outpatient clinic to see depression are related to phlegm and dampness! Summer is often the time when phlegm and dampness are at its heaviest.

Nowadays, people live and work under great pressure, and their diet is not modest, they eat and drink all day long, and when the weather is hot, they can't wait to eat ice all day long, and their work and rest are irregular, which damages the spleen and stomach in charge of water transport metabolism.

1. The tongue coating is thick and greasy and yellow

This kind of patient means that the spleen and stomach are very weak, and the phlegm and dampness are very heavy.

2. The surface of the skin produces a large amount of oil, and the phlegm is too much to cough up

I can't cough it out, I can't swallow it, and sometimes I can hear a clear phlegm sound when I open my mouth. In short, the throat is not refreshing.

3. Sticky stool sticky to the toilet

In the month when phlegm and evil were at its peak, a Chinese patent medicine strengthened the spleen and stomach, removed moisture, and depression was self-defeating

The stool drags in the process of discharge, and there is always a feeling that it is not clean, and it will stain the toilet.

4. Chest

I felt that I couldn't lift it up because I couldn't hold it there, so I had to beat it hard with my hands for a while.

My outpatient case

Last summer there was a little girl, 27 years old, I remember very clearly, she came to see me at that time, and as soon as I entered the door, I observed that her moisture should be quite heavy.

She was born in a more patriarchal family, her parents gave her younger brother good food and good use since she was a child, and when she grew up, she worked to earn money and let this little girl all be handed over to the family, but her parents never really cared about her.

The little girl is working alone in the field, she is helpless, coupled with the double pressure of her parents, her heart is gradually depressed, and she will rely on eating to relieve it at first, eating a lot of sweets and spicy things every day.

Later, the mood is often inexplicably irritable, I can't sleep at night, my body is tired, I am always sleepy during the day, my chest is very stuffy, my mood has not been happy, and when it is serious, I will stab my arm with scissors but I don't feel pain.

As a result, I went to the hospital and found out that it was depression, and I also took Western medicine during the period, but the effect was not very good, and the side effects were relatively large, and I gained 10 pounds. Because I was afraid that there would be problems if I continued to eat it, I once saw my article on the platform and wanted to try taking Chinese medicine for conditioning.

Diagnosis: pale and greasy, smooth pulse, infarction in the pharynx, inability to swallow and vomit, decreased appetite, stuffy chest, sticky stool.

In the month when phlegm and evil were at its peak, a Chinese patent medicine strengthened the spleen and stomach, removed moisture, and depression was self-defeating

Prescription: Warm gallbladder soup plus or minus (Banxia, tangerine peel, Poria cocos, licorice, bamboo ru, citrus aurantium)

I first prescribed it to her for half a month, and after taking it, the little girl called me and said that her mood had improved a little, and she didn't lose sleep at night, and this time was the best half a month for her to sleep.

The effect did not change, and I took it for 2 and a half months, and at the second diagnosis, the little girl was very excited to thank me, she said that the stool was not sticky, the body did not feel tired, and the chest was not stuffy.

Follow-up was followed up for 4 months, and there was no recurrence.

My train of thought

The so-called phlegm and dampness are when the yang energy in the human body is insufficient, the phlegm evil and dampness evil will gather in the body, forming a pathological product, resulting in phlegm and dampness constitution. Phlegm and dampness accumulate in the body, hindering the circulation of qi and blood, which will directly affect people's mentality.

At the same time, the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and weak spleen and stomach function will lead to aggravation of phlegm and dampness.

In the month when phlegm and evil were at its peak, a Chinese patent medicine strengthened the spleen and stomach, removed moisture, and depression was self-defeating

Then phlegm and dampness are the focus. Here I used warm bile soup, which is the most classic phlegm remedy.

Banxia, tangerine peel, poria cocos, and licorice are composed of four flavor medicines, which are Erchen decoction, which is the general formula for regulating phlegm and dampness, and Banxia and tangerine peel are the main forces, which drain the phlegm and dampness left in the body and facilitate the passage of qi and blood.

Poria cocos and licorice improve physical fitness from the root, regulate the spleen and stomach, which is equivalent to laying a good foundation and improving the condition of poor appetite and sticky stool in little girls.

The two flavors of Zhuru and Citrus aurantium were added to reduce the qi of the lungs, stomach and gallbladder, strengthen the effect of the whole recipe to reduce qi and dissolve phlegm, and exhale the turbidity remaining in her chest.

In the month when phlegm and evil were at its peak, a Chinese patent medicine strengthened the spleen and stomach, removed moisture, and depression was self-defeating

(1) Regulate emotions

Long-term bad mood has a great impact on human health, thus affecting the function of the five internal organs and causing disease.

Therefore, we must pay attention to the process of doing things, accept the results calmly, and learn to adjust our emotions to be more beneficial to our health.

(2) Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet, eating less spicy and greasy things, and eating more seasonal fruits and vegetables are conducive to reducing the burden on the stomach and intestines.

(3) Do more exercise

Life lies in exercise, maintaining a certain amount of exercise every day, can make the human body qi smooth, qi and blood circulation accelerated, the common people say "sweating, dampness" is this truth.

The above is today's sharing, Mr. Gu, thank you for reading.

(This article is for study and reference purposes only.) Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and should not try them blindly. )
