
How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Wang, you have a ruddy complexion today, and you look good!" As soon as the doctor Director Li entered the convenience service center, he met Uncle Wang and greeted him with a smile.

Uncle Wang is 65 years old this year, a retired teacher, he likes to walk and play chess on weekdays. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he ran into Director Li, and the two chatted with each other.

"Hey, Director Li, you said that this is old, it always hurts here and itches there, and I haven't slept well at night lately, what's going on?" Uncle Wang scratched his head as he spoke, his face full of confusion.

Director Li frowned, then relaxed, and said with a smile: "Uncle Wang, this is not a trivial matter, the quality of sleep is related to our lifespan!" ”

Hearing this, Uncle Wang came to his senses and asked, "Really? How long can you see how long you can live when you sleep? This is really new! ”

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

Director Li nodded and decided to tell Uncle Wang about the doorway: "Actually, sleep is a critical period for the human body to recover and repair, and whether you sleep well or not directly affects our physical health, especially the cardiovascular system, immune system and metabolic function. ”

Uncle Wang was stunned when he heard this, and nodded hurriedly: "Then how can you judge whether you sleep well or not?" ”

"It starts with the length and quality of sleep." "Generally speaking, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

If you can ensure that you can sleep more than 7 hours a day in summer, then the body will have a great repair and recovery, which is helpful for prolonging life. ”

Uncle Wang's eyes widened and asked, "Then I have been waking up in the middle of the night recently, and I feel tired in the morning, is my life expectancy about to be discounted?" ”

Director Li shook his head and comforted: "It's not so absolute. The key is to find the cause of the problem and improve the quality of sleep. ”

Seeing Uncle Wang's anxious expression, Director Li continued: "Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and even depression. Long-term sleep deprivation accelerates the aging process of the body. ”

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

Hearing this, Uncle Wang couldn't sit still: "Then I can't sleep well every day, will these diseases come to the door?" ”

Director Li smiled and said, "Don't be so pessimistic, we will solve problems if there are problems."

For example, some people are not adapted to the environment, such as too bright light and too much noise;

Others have poor eating habits, such as drinking too much coffee or tea before bed; In addition, psychological factors are also very important, anxiety and stress will affect sleep. ”

Uncle Wang thought thoughtfully: "Then should I go buy a blackout curtain and drink less tea?" ”

Director Li nodded, and then said, "Another important point is that some habits before going to bed also need to be adjusted.

For example, don't do strenuous exercise before bed, and don't stare at your phone or computer screen for long periods of time, which can affect your body clock. ”

"Biological clock? What is this again? Uncle Wang was confused.

Director Li patiently explained: "The biological clock refers to the natural rhythm of our body, which controls our sleep and wake cycles.

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

If we often stay up late or sleep at irregular times, our biological clock will be disrupted, resulting in a decrease in sleep quality. ”

Uncle Wang understood a little now, but he was still a little worried: "Then how long can I live like this?" ”

Director Li laughed: "Uncle Wang, this is a philosophical question. In fact, the length of life depends not only on sleep, but also on many other factors, such as diet, exercise, mentality, and so on.

However, it is certain that maintaining good sleep habits can indeed improve the quality of life and slow down aging. ”

In order to dispel Uncle Wang's concerns, Director Li gave a few examples: "There is a patient in our hospital, Aunt Zhang, who is 70 years old, who was in poor physical condition because of insomnia, but later adjusted her sleep habits under the advice of the doctor, and her body gradually improved. ”

After listening to this, a glimmer of hope flashed in Uncle Wang's eyes: "Then I will also adjust well and strive to get a good night's sleep!" ”

Director Li nodded approvingly: "Yes, you must have this determination." Another point is that proper exercise during the day, such as walking and doing tai chi, is good for sleep. ”

Uncle Wang patted his thigh: "It seems that I have to exercise a lot, and I can't sit at home and watch TV all the time." ”

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

Director Li smiled: "Yes, Uncle Wang, you usually go out for more activities, which is good for your body and mind." ”

Uncle Wang showed a wry smile: "Hey, my wife always says I'm lazy, it seems that it's really time to move." ”

Director Li patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: "You're not lazy, you just need a little motivation." Besides, summer is a good time to work, and the weather is neither hot nor cold, which is just the right time for exercise. ”

Uncle Wang nodded and said: "Yes, yes, taking advantage of the good time of summer, I want to exercise hard, adjust my schedule and rest, and strive to get a good night's sleep every day!" ”

Director Li nodded with satisfaction: "That's how it should be, healthy living habits are the foundation of longevity." ”

Then, Director Li added some sleep knowledge: "Actually, sleep is not only about sleeping long enough, quality is also very important.

For example, deep sleep is the most important period of recovery, and it is only when you enter deep sleep that the body can truly rest. ”

Uncle Wang asked, "Then how do you know if you have fallen into a deep sleep?" ”

"Generally speaking, if you wake up feeling refreshed, it means that you have had enough deep sleep. There are also wearable devices, such as smart bracelets, that can monitor your sleep. ”

Uncle Wang nodded: "It seems that I also want to buy a smart bracelet to monitor my sleep." ”

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

Director Li said with a smile: "This is also a good way, but the most important thing is to develop good living habits." ”

The two were chatting, and Director Li suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Uncle Wang, do you usually have some minor illnesses and pains, such as back pain?" ”

Uncle Wang nodded: "Yes, when you are old, there are always some uncomfortable places on your body." ”

Director Li said meaningfully: "Actually, these minor illnesses and pains are sometimes related to sleep. For example, long-term improper sleeping position can lead to back pain, and improper pillow height can also affect the cervical spine. ”

Uncle Wang was surprised: "It turns out that there are so many exquisite! ”

Director Li nodded: "Yes, choosing a suitable pillow and mattress is also very important to improve sleep quality." ”

Uncle Wang seemed to have found his way: "It seems that I have to try to change the pillow." ”

Director Li said with a smile: "Yes, only by prescribing the right medicine can there be good results." ”

The two chatted for a while, and Uncle Wang left the convenience service center satisfied, thinking that he must adjust his routine and rest after returning home, and strive to sleep well every day.

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[1] Qiu Weiyun. The Effect of Temperature on the Proportion of Deaths and Longevity in the Elderly Population, Research on Aging, 2020-04-25

How long can you live, just look at sleeping? Doctor: Reach this length in the summer, or live longer

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