
Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

author:Andrey's note

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Xiaofeng is a rural woman in Xuchang, Henan Province, she has been married for more than ten years, and she has no freedom for more than ten years.

It's just that she is too beautiful, so her husband has a strong desire to control her, not only does not let her leave the house, but also does not let her go back to her parents' house.

Xiaofeng was extremely aggrieved by this, crying and complaining: "Is it my fault that I am beautiful?" ”

How beautiful is Xiaofeng that her husband distrusts her so much?

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

The source of this article comes from the official media, and the specific link is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Xiaofeng and Ah Hu's married life

Ah Hu was born in a remote rural village in Xuchang, Henan Province. His family was poor, and his ancestors had been farmers who had made a living from farming. Although life is difficult, Ah Hu has been hardworking, kind, and honest since he was a child.

However, due to family constraints and traditional rural concepts, Ah Hu has not yet married in his 30s, which makes him feel quite stressed.

By chance, a neighbor introduced Xiaofeng to Ah Hu. Xiaofeng is a gentle and virtuous girl, although there are some minor problems with her eyes, but it does not affect her daily life.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

When they met for the first time, Ah Hu was attracted by Xiaofeng's gentle temperament. He felt that Xiaofeng not only had a good personality, but also looked very beautiful. Xiaofeng's eye problem is not a shortcoming in Ah Hu's opinion, but it makes her look more beautiful.

In the process of getting along with the two, Ah Hu felt more and more that Xiaofeng was a real person. She is not as squeamish as a city girl, and is able to understand and accept the living conditions in the countryside.

Xiaofeng was also moved by Ah Hu's honest duty and felt that he was a good man worthy of being entrusted for life.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

In rural areas, marriage often pays attention to the word "fast". Ah Hu and Xiao Feng were no exception, and they soon decided to get married. This decision is not only based on a favorable impression of the other party, but also out of some practical considerations.

For Ah Hu, who is in his 30s, it is not easy to find a satisfactory partner; And Xiaofeng was also worried that her eye problems would affect her future marriage, so when she met Ah Hu, who really liked her, she agreed without hesitation.

In this way, Ah Hu and Xiaofeng began their married life. At that time, Xiaofeng didn't know what kind of control he would face······

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Ah Hu's extreme behavior

Soon after marriage, Ah Hu and Xiaofeng were happy to have a son and a daughter, and formed a happy small family. In order to support his family, Ah Hu farmed and went out to work. Xiaofeng takes care of the children at home, takes care of housework, and although her life is poor, she is also stable.

Initially, Ah Hu chose to work in a big city, hoping to earn more money to improve his family's conditions. However, the long-term separation has always made him feel unsure.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Every time he went home and saw Xiaofeng's gentle and virtuous appearance, he couldn't help but worry. Xiaofeng is beautiful, even if there are some problems with her eyes, she can't hide her charm.

Ah Hu began to think crankily, worried that Xiaofeng would be "remembered" by other men in the village. He is always worried, for fear that when he is not at home, someone will plot against Xiaofeng. This thought kept him awake at night and prevented him from concentrating on his work.

In order to be able to "watch" Xiaofeng at all times, Ah Hu decided to work near his home instead. He felt that he could not only make money in this way, but also go home often to "inspect" the situation. However, even so, Ah Hu's suspicion is getting worse and worse.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

He began to impose various restrictions on Xiaofeng, not allowing her to go out alone or to allow her to talk to other men. Ah Hu thinks that Xiaofeng is too beautiful, and if he doesn't pay attention to it, he will "provoke" a man. Whenever he saw someone looking at Xiaofeng more, Ah Hu would be jealous and angry.

This almost paranoid behavior made Xiaofeng feel confused and aggrieved. She has always been faithful to her marriage and has never had any misconduct. However, Ah Hu's suspicion and desire for control are becoming more and more serious, which makes the originally harmonious family atmosphere tense.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Xiaofeng's actual situation

However, Hu's worries and limitations seem to others to be ridiculous. In fact, Xiaofeng's real situation is far from the image of a "beauty" in Ah Hu's eyes.

Xiaofeng's real image is a big fat man of more than 200 pounds. She has a bloated figure and even pants when she walks.

Not only that, Xiaofeng didn't care about his appearance. She never wears makeup, and her hair is often unkempt in a ponytail. The clothes are even more casual, often wearing old clothes that have been washed and whitened, stained with oil stains and traces of mud.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

In the eyes of her neighbors, Xiaofeng is an ordinary rural woman. She is busy with housework and taking care of her children every day, and she always has a tired look on her face. The eyes that once fascinated Ah Hu are now cloudy and dull because of long-term labor.

People in the village often talk in private, and they don't understand why Ah Hu is so nervous about a woman who is "not good-looking". They even joked that even if Xiaofeng wanted to "provoke" a man, I'm afraid no one would be interested in her.

But Ah Hu doesn't seem to care about what others think, and he still does many "extreme behaviors".

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Extremism is on the rise

Ah Hu's suspicions are getting worse day by day, and his restrictions on Xiaofeng are becoming more and more severe. He forbade Xiaofeng to go to any place where there were men, and even went to the market to buy vegetables. Every time Xiaofeng wants to go out, she must report her whereabouts and expected return time to Ah Hu in detail.

This extreme desire for control quickly turned violent. Once, Ah Hu saw Xiaofeng chatting with a male neighbor in the yard, and immediately became angry.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward, grabbed a brick and threw it at Xiaofeng. Although Xiaofeng dodged the fatal part, he was still smashed on the arm, leaving a long scar.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Another time, when Ah Hu was out on a tricycle, he saw Xiaofeng talking to a man on the side of the road from a distance. Without saying a word, he rushed over on a tricycle and crashed into Xiaofeng with the car. Fortunately, passers-by pulled Xiaofeng away in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

In addition to these violent acts, Ah Hu also imposed other restrictions on Xiaofeng. He didn't allow Xiaofeng to go back to her parents' house, thinking that it might be an excuse for her to go on a date. Whenever Xiaofeng asked to go back to her parents' house to see, Ah Hu would be furious, wondering if she was having an affair.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

This kind of behavior not only made Xiaofeng physically and mentally exhausted, but also made the surrounding neighbors feel uneasy.

However, neither Xiaofeng's explanation nor the persuasion of the neighbors could make Ah Hu wake up. He always believed that he was protecting Xiaofeng and preventing her from being "seduced" by other men.

Hu's extreme behavior not only destroys family harmony, but also makes the two children live in fear. Xiaofeng wanted to leave many times, but she was worried about the future of her children, so she could only swallow her anger and continue this painful marriage.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

Xiaofeng couldn't bear to file for divorce

After ten years of patience, Xiaofeng finally couldn't bear Ah Hu's violence and control anymore and decided to file for divorce. The decision shocked the entire village and also caught the attention of the local mediator.

After the mediator intervened, he first visited the villagers and asked them what they thought of Xiaofeng. Surprisingly, the villagers generally believed that Xiaofeng was a hardworking and simple woman, and she had never been seen to behave in any way.

The mediator then approached Ah Hu and directly asked him if he often beat Xiaofeng. Faced with the mediator's questioning, Ah Hu seemed a little flustered.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

He admitted that he did beat Xiaofeng, but defended that it was all for Xiaofeng's good and to protect her from being "seduced" by other men. However, when the mediator pointed out that no one in the village thought anything wrong with Xiaofeng, Ah Hu was very confused.

Ah Hu began to realize how ridiculous his behavior was, but he was worried that if he did get a divorce, it would be difficult for him to marry another wife on his terms.

Under the persuasion of the mediator, Ah Hu finally realized his mistake. He apologized to Xiaofeng and promised never to beat her again in the future, nor to make trouble unreasonably.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?

When Xiaofeng heard Ah Hu's apology, she had mixed feelings in her heart. She told Ah Hu that she had only one request, and that was that her husband would stop scolding her and beating her. She wants to be able to live a normal life without worrying about it all day.

With the assistance of the mediator, Ah Hu and Xiaofeng finally reached a settlement. Ah Hu promised to change his violent behavior and no longer suspect Xiaofeng for no reason. Xiaofeng expressed her willingness to give this marriage one last chance.

Although the problem has been solved for the time being, it will take long-term efforts and mutual trust from both parties to truly repair this broken marital relationship.

Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?


The story of this marriage is quite ironic. In the eyes of others, Xiaofeng is just an ordinary rural woman, but in Ah Hu's heart, she is as beautiful as a fairy. It was this extreme love and possessiveness that led to Ah Hu's extreme behavior and almost ruined their marriage.

The lesson of this case is that excessive worry and suspicion can only lead to irrational behavior and ultimately harm the people we value most. A healthy marital relationship needs to be based on mutual understanding and trust. Give the other person enough space and freedom to maintain a long-lasting relationship. Only by learning to respect and trust each other can a marriage be truly happy.


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Because his wife is too "beautiful", her husband won't let her take half a step out of the house, wife: Is it my fault that she is beautiful?