
Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

author:Twilight Chronicles
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The 2024 college entrance examination scores have been released, and the results of the college entrance examination nails Hu Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun have also caused heated discussions.

One of them has been admitted for 40 years, aiming at Sichuan University, and the other has been taking the examination for 16 years, aiming at Tsinghua University.

So what are the results of the two this year? Can you end so many years of perseverance?

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!
The sources of information in this article have been repeated at the end of the article, and in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, and are for reference only

College entrance examination nail household

The results of the college entrance examination in 2024 have come out, and among these candidates, the most concerned estimates are the two college entrance examination nails Hu Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun.

The 2024 college entrance examination is Liang Shi's 28th time taking the college entrance examination, and his goal is still Sichuan University.

In stark contrast to Liang Shi is 35-year-old Tang Shangjun.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!
Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Although he is much younger than Liang Shi, this is also the 16th time he has walked into the examination room.

Tang Shangjun's goal has always been Tsinghua University, but in recent years, he has been helpless and his goal has been changed to Normal University.

The two actually have similar experiences, and they both have an inextinguishable dream of the college entrance examination in their hearts.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Liang Shi's story begins in 1996.

That year, he took the college entrance examination for the first time, and his results were not satisfactory.

But it was this defeat that ignited his inner thirst for knowledge.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Since then, Liang Shi has started his long journey in the college entrance examination.

However, life never stands still because of one's dreams.

In order to make ends meet while not giving up on his studies, Liang Shi began to look for opportunities in the online world.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

It was the era when the Internet was just emerging, and many people did not understand the potential of this emerging field, but Liang Shi keenly grasped the business opportunities in it.

Slowly, Liang Shi earned the first pot of gold in his life in the online world.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

This money means a lot to him, not only to solve the urgent needs of life, but also to strengthen his determination to continue to pursue his dreams.

As time passed, Liang Shi's career became bigger and bigger.

Liang Shi's financial situation also improved, and he finally achieved financial freedom.

However, even if he has a successful career, Liang Shi has never forgotten his original intention.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Since 1983, every year during the college entrance examination season, he will put down his work and devote himself to preparing for the exam.

In the past 28 years, he has taken a total of 8 independent entrance exams and 20 college entrance examinations, which is a staggering and awe-inspiring number.

The college entrance examination in 2024 is Liang Shi's 28th attempt.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

After the exam, Liang Shi, as usual, began to estimate his score.

He said that as long as he crossed the score line and went to school, he would no longer continue to be obsessed.

However, when the results were announced, he still felt a sense of loss.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

The college entrance examination results of the two

446 points, although it is an improvement from last year, it still does not reach the second main line.

And his single subject scores are not high, and some even only have more than 30 points.

This means that his college dream has once again passed him.

Faced with this result, Liang Shi did not show much frustration.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Years of experience have taught him how to face failure, and it has also made him cherish every progress even more.

He knew that this score had already surpassed many young candidates, which was already a pretty good result for a 58-year-old.

Liang Shi's story has also sparked widespread discussion in society.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Many people think that he is wasting time and energy and occupying the resources of the college entrance examination.

But for Liang Shi, none of these evaluations mattered.

And Tang Shangjun, who is far away in Guangxi, is in a completely different situation.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

16 years, which is a time span that is enough to change a person's fate.

For Tang Shangjun, in the past 16 years, he has only done one thing - to take the college entrance examination.

From 19 to 35 years old, from a young boy to a young man, Tang Shangjun's life trajectory seems to be firmly fixed by the line of the college entrance examination.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Back in 2009, it was Tang Shangjun's first time taking the college entrance examination.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on people.

In the first college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun's results were not ideal, and he did not even reach the undergraduate admission line.

This defeat was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the young Tang Shangjun.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

However, on that lost night, he made a fateful decision – to continue preparing for the exam until he got into his dream university.

Since then, Tang Shangjun's life seems to have been pressed on a loop.

Year after year, Tang Shangjun's results are slowly but steadily improving.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

From barely reaching the undergraduate line at the beginning, to 500 points later, and then to breaking through the 600-point mark, every point of progress embodies his sweat and hard work.

However, for Tang Shangjun, his goal is Tsinghua University, a goal that seems almost wishful thinking to many people, but it is the driving force that has supported his persistence for 16 years.

But still based on the helplessness of reality, he finally changed his goal and wanted to go to a normal university.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!
Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

In the summer of 2024, Tang Shangjun walked into the familiar examination room again.

After the exam, Tang Shangjun began to evaluate the score as usual.

According to his estimates, this year's score could be above 600 points.

This score, on the admission line in Guangxi, is already possible to reach 985 schools.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

However, just when everyone was looking forward to Tang Shangjun's final results, he remained silent.

No one knows his exact score, or whether he actually did as well as he did in the assessment.

Some people say that Tang Shangjun really did well in the exam this time, but he didn't want to make a high-profile announcement.

Others said that his results may not be as good as the estimates, so they chose to remain silent.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

Whatever the truth, Tang Shangjun's story has become one of the most compelling topics of this college entrance examination season.

The story of these two "college entrance examination nail households" has sparked extensive discussions from all walks of life.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!
Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

However, no matter what the outside world says, the experiences of Tang Shangjun and Liang Shi have taught us a vivid life lesson.

They tell us that there is no age limit to pursue our dreams, and that it doesn't take someone to understand what we believe in.

In this fast-paced society, people who can persist for a goal for more than ten years or decades are a rare quality in themselves.

Laughing numb! 58-year-old Liang Shi and 35-year-old Tang Shangjun scored in the college entrance examination! Laugh to death in the comment section!

At the same time, their stories also provoke us to think about the current education system.

In a society where college entrance examination scores almost determine everything, should existences like Tang Shangjun and Liang Shi also receive more understanding and support?

No matter what the final result is, Tang Shangjun and Liang Shi are already winners on their own life paths. Because they use practical actions to explain what it is to never give up and what is the persistence of dreams.


Jinan Times-"Liang Shi's 28th College Entrance Examination Total Score of 446 Points: Not Passing the Second Main Line"

Jimu News-"35-year-old Tang Shangjun ended the 16th college entrance examination and admitted that "the pressure is greater and the performance is average""Tang Shangjun, who participated in the college entrance examination for the 16th time, announced the results: over 600 points, barely passable"

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