
The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

author:Listen to the clouds

Do you know Li Jianli, in 2012, he was hit on the head by a bricklayer with a "U" lock, but the person who injured him did not pay a penny, why is this? How is he doing now?

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

The specific situation can be traced back to 2012, when Li Jianli was 51 years old, he and his wife lived on a pension of 2,000 a month and savings saved during the working period, and the husband and wife lived a good life.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

However, in that year, Japan forcibly occupied the Diaoyu Islands on the mainland, which aroused protests from many patriots, but there were also some extremists who openly stated that they wanted to destroy Japanese products, smash Japanese cars, smash Japanese shops, etc., which made the people frightened.

On September 15, a young man named Cai Yang wantonly vandalized the streets of Xi'an on the grounds of patriotism, smashing Japanese cars on the side of the street and damaging other people's private property.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

When Li Jianli saw Cai Yang smashing his Japanese car, he immediately stepped forward to stop him, but who knew that Cai Yang didn't repent at all, and even picked up the U-shaped lock in his hand and smashed it directly on Li Jianli's head.

He smashed it, feeling puzzled, and continued to smash at Li Jianli, how could a middle-aged man compare to the physical strength of a young man, Li Jianli couldn't resist the attacks again and again.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

Suddenly, Li Jianli was smashed by the car lock and his head was bleeding, and the surrounding people saw this scene and immediately stepped forward to grab Cai Yang, and some people next to him hurriedly called the police, and when the police car arrived, Li Jianli was quickly pulled to the hospital for treatment, but Cai Yang followed his "sabotage" team to continue to go to other places to carry out sabotage.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

According to statistics, the total property of vehicles and other personal belongings destroyed by them on this day amounted to 200 million yuan, and some domestic cars were also tragically destroyed by them.

For this matter, the police also immediately launched an investigation, and after investigation, it was learned that this man; Originally from Nanyang, Henan Province, at the age of 21, due to the poverty of his family, and his stubborn personality, he did not like to study, so he dropped out of primary school to move bricks on the construction site.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

This also led him to develop a number of evil habits, which also increased with his age.

After the police investigated his whereabouts, he was immediately arrested, and Cai Yang was sentenced to 10 years in prison and Li Jianli was compensated 520,000 yuan, but Cai Yang's family claimed that the family had no money and could not pay the compensation.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

However, Li Jianli's condition in the hospital was not optimistic, his head was smashed by Cai Yang's U-shaped lock, and doctors claimed that it was an open head fracture, and if not handled properly, Li Jianli's life could not be saved.

This made Li Jianli's family quite panicked, and his wife spent all their savings in order to treat him, and because Cai Yang did not pay a penny, the relevant departments in Xi'an made up 520,000 relief funds to them.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

After the doctor's rescue, Li Jianli saved his life, but he was half paralyzed, and it was very difficult for him to walk upright, and his brain had suffered irreversible damage, which also meant that Li Jianli would often have convulsions and incontinence in the future.

In the interview, Li Jianli's wife said that it was very painful, from 2012 to 2021, the family spent a total of 1.58 million yuan for treatment and maintenance, and his family was unable to come up with this huge amount of money, and the hospital also sued the family for their arrears.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

After seeing this situation, the relevant departments in Xi'an immediately explained Li Jianli's situation to the hospital, and after a long period of communication, the hospital agreed that Li Jianli's family temporarily owed these medical expenses.

Speaking of Li Jianjian's past, it was quite wonderful, he was born in Xi'an in 1961, although he made a mistake in the college entrance examination and was not admitted to university, because of his good eloquence, Xi'an Xinxing Electric Factory discovered him and made him a salesman.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

Because of his outstanding ability, he made a lot of money from this job. While working, he also met his significant other.

The two fell in love at first sight, and after getting along for a while, they entered the marriage hall together, but unfortunately in 2002, Li Jianli and his wife's Xi'an Xinxing Electric Appliance Factory also faced a share transformation, which also led to the early layoff of the two.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

In order to live, the two had to find another way out, at that time, they set their sights on driving a taxi, and the two also had a clear division of labor, one drove during the day, and the other drove at night, relying on such a hard life, the two finally made a sum of money.

When he earned a sum of savings, Li Jianli found a new way out, and the two were ready to enter the second-hand car market, and the two also made a fortune from this work.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

Li Jianli loves cars very much, he carefully selected, and chose a Corolla that he thought was more cost-effective, but he did not expect at that time that this would also become the reason for his future suffering.

However, on the other hand, Cai Yang received a commutation for his outstanding performance in prison and was released in April 2022, his family cheered for his release, and he did not show any remorse when he was released from prison, while Li Jianli's wife was still worried about medical expenses and her husband's safety.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who was smashed by a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million yuan after ten years of rehabilitation

I hope that Li Jianli's family will get rid of this haze as soon as possible.