
The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

author:Asahi Ome

Among the planetary families of the solar system, Mars has always attracted the attention of humans with its distinctive red appearance. However, around the Red Planet, there are two little-known friends who silently accompany it - Phobos and Deimos. Although these two small satellites are small in size, they contain rich scientific value and unlimited exploration potential.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

The mystery of the origin of the Martian moon

The origin of the Martian moon has been a hot topic among astronomers. Unlike Earth's moon, Phobos and Deimos are irregularly shaped and more like two potatoes floating in space. This unique morphology has led to many conjectures among scientists.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

Currently, the most widely accepted theory is the hypothesis. This theory is that Phobos and Deimos were originally asteroids in the solar system, and in the long cosmic time scale, they entered the gravitational range of Mars for some reason, and were eventually captured by Mars as moons.

This hypothesis is a good explanation for why the moons of Mars are so irregular in shape and why their composition is similar to that of asteroids.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

However, there are also scientists who have put forward a different point of view. It has been suggested that the Martian moon may have been formed by the gradual accumulation of dust and debris around Mars in the early days of Mars' formation. There is also a hypothesis that they may have been formed by the reaggregation of debris ejected into space after a massive impact on Mars.

Regardless of which theory is ultimately confirmed, the origin of the Martian moon reflects the complex process of the formation and evolution of the solar system, providing important clues to our understanding of the formation of the planetary system.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

The peculiar phenomenon of the Martian moon

Although the Martian moon is small, it can deduce a series of wonderful astronomical phenomena on Mars. One of the most striking is Phobos' "retrograde" campaign.

Phobos is the closest known moon in the solar system to its parent star, just about 6,000 kilometers from the surface of Mars. This close orbit allows Phobos to orbit faster than Mars.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

As a result, if we look at Mars from the surface of Mars, we will see Phobos rising in the west and setting in the east, which is completely contrary to the common sense that we observe the movement of celestial bodies on Earth.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

More interestingly, Phobos' orbital period is only 7 hours and 39 minutes, while the Martian day is about 24 hours and 37 minutes. This means that Phobos rises and sets three times in a Martian day, adding a unique charm to the Martian sky.

Another fascinating phenomenon is the solar eclipse on Mars. Due to its proximity to the Martian surface, the shadow it casts on Mars will move rapidly on the surface, creating a unique "fleeting" eclipse. Although this eclipse is not as spectacular as a total solar eclipse on Earth, its fast-changing nature also adds a layer of mystery to Mars.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

The basic characteristics of Phobos and Deimos

Although both Phobos and Deimos are moons of Mars, they differ significantly in size, shape, and orbital characteristics.

Phobos is the larger of the two moons of Mars, but it is still small compared to the moons of other planets. It has an average diameter of about 22.2 kilometers and is irregularly shaped with craters on its surface. Phobos has a mass of about 1.08 × 10^16 kg and is less dense, suggesting that it may have been composed of porous rocks.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

Deimos is even smaller, with an average diameter of only 12.6 km. It is similarly irregular in shape, and its surface is riddled with impact craters. Phobos has a mass of about 1.8 × 10^15 kg, which is similar in density to Phobos.

In terms of orbital characteristics, Phobos is about 9,377 kilometers from the center of Mars, and its orbital period is 7 hours and 39 minutes. Deimos is about 23,460 kilometers from the center of Mars and has an orbital period of 30 hours and 18 minutes.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

It is worth noting that the orbit of Phobos is gradually decaying. Scientists predict that in about 50 million years, Phobos may enter Mars' Loch limit and be torn apart by Mars' gravitational pull, forming a ring of debris around Mars. In contrast, Phobos' orbit is relatively stable.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

The Martian moon in the human migration program to Mars

As human exploration of Mars continues to advance, Mars satellites may play an important role in future Martian migration programs.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

First, Phobos and Deimos could become relay stations for human exploration of Mars. Due to their proximity to the Martian surface, they can be used as communication relay points, improving communication conditions between Earth and Martian surface probes or future Martian bases.

At the same time, they can also serve as an ideal platform for observing Mars, providing scientists with a unique perspective to study the atmosphere, geology, and possible signs of life on Mars.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

Second, the Martian moon could become a valuable source of resources. Some scientists speculate that the Martian moon may contain water ice and organic matter. If this speculation is confirmed, they will become an important resource supply station for future Mars bases, providing necessary material support for long-term Mars exploration and colonization.

In addition, the Martian moon could also become a training ground for Mars exploration. Before landing on Mars, astronauts can train and adapt on the Martian moon, which will greatly reduce the risk of landing directly on Mars.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

However, we also need to be aware of the potential risks that a Martian moon may pose. In particular, the instability of Phobos' orbit could pose a threat to the Martian surface in the distant future. While this threat may be insignificant on humanity's timescale, it still needs to be considered in the long-term Martian colonization program.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million


The two small moons of Mars, although small in size, contain rich scientific value and exploration potential. The mystery of their origins, strange astronomical phenomena, unique physical features, and possible role in future Mars exploration have all made them the focus of attention for astronomers and space explorers.

As human exploration technology continues to advance, we hope to have a deeper understanding of these two mysterious little celestial bodies in the near future. Not only are they loyal companions to Mars, but they could also be an important springboard for humanity to move into the wider reaches of space.

The mysterious Martian moon, only 6,000 kilometers above the Martian ground, will collide with Mars in 10 million

In the process of exploring Mars and its moons, we can not only improve our understanding of the solar system, but also open up new paths for the future development of mankind in the universe.