
US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

A foreign netizen asked on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Why does the United States not think about how to improve its own country's strength, but always wants to suppress and sanction China?" "Now, with the rise of China, the United States sees us as a "thorn in the side".

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Therefore, the United States tried its best to contain China's development, first they started a trade war against China, and then through a technological blockade to obstruct China's scientific and technological progress, after all, in the eyes of the United States, China's rise will affect the United States' position in the world.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

In order to defend its "hegemonic status", the United States always likes to play the role of "world policeman" and constantly meddle in the internal affairs of other countries, which has slowed down the development of these countries and caused their economies to slump since then.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

But it is clear that China has not stopped because of this, and we have never been afraid of US sanctions, so in the face of sanctions, China's idea is to break the shackles, and US sanctions against China can only end up being a lose-lose situation.

Therefore, in the face of questions from foreign netizens, many people also commented below, among which netizens from the United Kingdom said that the United States cannot compete fairly with China, and they are aware of this, so they will use improper means to restrict China's development.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Now that the United States has lost its influence, all they can do now is rant in their national speeches in the hope that other countries will care about what they say, and they have been increasingly ignored in the last few years, while China's influence is growing.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

It took only a few decades for China to complete the hundreds of years of industrial development in the West, and this rapid transformation led to the rapid development of China into an industrial manufacturing power, and then China became one of the "P5", which means that China is no longer afraid of any country.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

No matter how backward China was in the past, at least now it is strong, the United States must accept the fact that China is rising, and the United States wants to contain China's economy through a trade war, but finds that their economy is very strong, so the economic sanctions against China are not very effective.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Subsequently, netizens from Canada commented that the US government is currently crumbling, and the United States, which is weighed down by tens of trillions of huge national debt, cannot function normally, and if the amount of US debt has been growing, then the economy will collapse quickly.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

There will be a large number of unemployed people, and there will be a decline in manufacturing, so the United States will not be able to compete fairly with China, because the United States will not be able to catch up with China in terms of economic development speed and industrial manufacturing capacity.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Therefore, in the state of fair competition, China has an advantage, and the United States can only curb China's development through sanctions and suppression, but judging from the current results, the effect of sanctions can be said to be minimal, and China's economy is still developing rapidly.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Immediately after that, netizens from the United States said that China's population is much larger than that of the United States, and according to normal development, China will inevitably surpass the United States, and the United States must also accept the fact that China's GDP is close to the United States.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

If the United States continues to maintain the expansion of its military spending, then in the near future, the US economy will collapse.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Why doesn't the United States "show" China by using the economy to create a better standard of living? If the U.S. uses its vast wealth to implement a high-quality universal health care system, build first-class infrastructure and launch its own high-speed rail project.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Then the economy of the United States will naturally grow, but the United States has chosen the most extreme way, which is to use the military to promote the so-called "hegemonism" to the whole world, because the United States has been a superpower for decades, so they do not want others to be able to surpass themselves easily.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

The United States, though still a superpower, is weakening its influence and thinks that other countries cannot accept American exploitation, and with the rise of China, their proposed "One Belt, One Road" policy seems even more attractive.

In fact, it is more reliable than the United States to improve the economy without war, and China's approach is peaceful.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Another netizen from the United Kingdom commented that Americans have been world leaders for decades from the 40s to the present, so when Americans see a rising country threatening their position, Americans naturally want to take it out.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

There is nothing wrong with the United States in order to protect its position, but the way of competition is wrong, and the United States should not use the means of "sanctions", which will only end up losing both sides, and then through healthy competition, it can achieve great economic success.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

Today, China proposes policies that benefit the world, but the United States wants to undermine them, which has led many countries to distrust the United States, which may no longer be fit to be the world's leader.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

They will only exploit and oppress weak countries, only China will take you to develop the economy together, China and the United States are two different countries, China loves peace, they have not had a war for decades.

However, the United States has only been at war for 16 years since its founding, so the United States should really learn from China in terms of economic development.

US Forum: Why does the United States not want to develop well, but only wants to suppress and sanction China? Netizen comments

What the United States did not expect now is that in just a few decades, China's speed of development has become a miracle in the world, and the concept of peaceful development and common progress has also won the support of many developing countries.

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