
Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

An Indian netizen asked such a question on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?" "It's rare to see that Indians can ask a question that is not compared with China's development, China and India are indeed close neighbors, about the issue of race, let's first see how netizens from various countries explain:

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

"The two groups evolved separately, when the Earth was in the Ice Age, humans were in the Stone Age, and it was impossible to cross the Himalayas. Most Indians, or what we call browns, come from Central and Central East Asia and have been on the move for thousands of years. These people, of course, came from Africa, about 60,000 or 125,000 years ago. ”

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

"Like others have said, this is not entirely true. Not only do Northeast Indians have more Chinese-style facial features, Western Chinese, especially Uyghurs, look more like Central and South Asians. The transition from India to China is actually quite slow. Whether it's cultural (the change in language is more abrupt than language) or facial features. ”

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

"Don't forget the Himalayas and Tibet in the middle. Another thing is that not even all Indians look alike. ”

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

"Just as the French and Central Africans have different appearances, India and China have a diverse geography, including the presence of the Himalayas and 40% of the world's population, which also contributes to their unique facial features."

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

Many netizens feel that the geographical location occupies the most important reason, in fact, they all know that Tibet is indeed separated by the Himalayan mountains and rivers between China and India, but these two places have already made the appearance look very different.

Moreover, most of the skin color of the Indian masses is mainly brown and black, while the skin color of the Chinese is indeed yellow, such a gap is also inseparable from the culture between the two countries, India is not really black, in a sense, India also belongs to the ranks of the white race.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

When talking about India, the first thing that comes to mind is the appearance and skin color, most people think that the skin color of Indians is completely black, but in fact, according to the appearance of Indians, Indians should belong to the ranks of Caucasians.

The typical characteristics are deep eye sockets, straight nose bridge, thick hair, etc., so that there is a clear gap with China, Chinese skin is yellow and white, black hair, flat face, such a standard has also become the world's standard for dividing people.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

Although India is classified as a white country, it is very different from China in appearance, but it is precisely because of the different skin colors of the Indian people that it also brings differences to the national society.

The Caucasian people in India can be described as "aristocracy", and most of the people living at the bottom are due to the low level of skin color and surname, and this hierarchy in India has not been changed for a long time.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

In addition, from a geographical point of view, India is closer to the Earth's equator, which will experience long-term infrared radiation in such a climate, and India is lower latitude and closer to the equator than China, which also creates the problem of darker skin tone for Indians.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

This is the reason why the difference in appearance between the two countries is so obvious, even though they are already neighbors, and secondly, in India, which is also a populous country with China, is very different not only in appearance, but also in terms of culture and social system.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

For example, in India, the problem of religious influence, as the most widely believed, "Hinduism", which is propagated is disrespectful to women, they believe that in India, it should be completely according to the male-dominated way of survival, and it is also the propaganda of Hinduism that restricts women in many ways, and even interferes too much in women's rights, which further aggravates the situation of women's low status.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

From an economic point of view, because women have fertility problems, they are also destined to have a lower status than men in India, and they cannot work all year round like men, which is also an important reason for their low social status.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

India has always felt that it is very similar to China, but in fact it is very different, in China, the formulation of policies is issued to improve the living foundation of the masses, China also insists on a society in which the people are the masters of the country, it is precisely because of the country's actions that the enthusiasm of the masses can be stimulated, and this is also the most effective way to promote the country forward.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

The most obvious difference is the issue of the social class system, in India, the caste system and religion are already the most common, so the most obvious is the distinction between three, six, nine and so on, even if the people of many other countries or local people oppose this system, the Indian government still passes on these unequal systems from generation to generation.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

However, after China, although there were social classes in the early days, at the beginning of the twentieth century, such hierarchies have been abolished, and now Chinese society is in a state of equality, and there will never be a phenomenon like in India, where women are born destined for a miserable life.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

Now India has become the fifth largest economy at the same time, has not given up wanting to compete with China, in terms of economic and military aspects, China has the ability to far surpass India, India has also said that it will increase GDP to the point of doubling by 2030, but the last time India set a target, it still did not do so, which is why Indian countries always maintain a disdainful attitude.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

Nowadays, India has only slightly improved economically, but China has become an indispensable country in the world, from the perspective of China's economy, the world's development can be said to be inseparable from China, and China also has the ability to make more outstanding contributions to the world.

Indian netizens feel that China and India are close, but they look different, but there is an old Chinese saying that "each other is born from the heart", which can be fully explained, in addition to the difference in geographical location, it is more of a problem in India itself.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

A system that devalues women in disguise, and a society where there are divisions of three, six, and nine, is impossible to survive in such an environment, and it is impossible to show that they are as happy as the Chinese.

Indian netizens asked: China and India are so close, why are the races completely different?

Unlike India's system and cultural heritage, India should also understand that stopping the comparison with China and learning to discard some uncivilized systems is the way to benefit the development of the whole country.

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