
The total box office of the summer season in 2024 will exceed 2 billion, and "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" will win the box office

author:Puhua Research Institute of China Research Institute

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The total box office of the summer season in 2024 will exceed 2 billion, and "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" will win the box office

China Research Network

As of 9 o'clock on June 29, 2024, real-time data from the online platform shows that the total box office (including pre-sale) of the 2024 summer season (June-August) has exceeded 2 billion. The specific box office situation is as follows:

Total box office:

The total box office (including pre-sale) of the summer schedule in 2024 has successfully exceeded 2 billion, showing the strong momentum of the summer film market.

Top three films at the box office:

The first place in the box office list is "There is a Commissary in the Clouds", which is a domestic drama film, its box office performance is strong, and it has successfully attracted a large number of audiences.

It was followed by "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You", which also achieved significant box office results during the summer season.

In third place is "Sweeping the Black: Never Give Up", which is also a box office that should not be underestimated, showing the audience's love for movies with this theme.

Box office figures (Note: This part of the data may be updated over time, the following data is the information at the time of publication):

Due to the fact that specific real-time data is subject to change, the cumulative box office figures for the above three films are not provided in the reference article. However, according to previous reports, the cumulative box office of "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" has exceeded 200 million four days after its release on June 25, showing its strong box office appeal.

Market Trends:

As one of the important schedules of the film market, the summer file has always been a battlefield for major films to be released and compete for the box office. Judging from the current box office performance, the market competition in the summer of 2024 is very fierce, but it also shows the vitality and potential of the film market.

The 2024 summer box office has achieved remarkable results, among which films such as "There is a Commissary in the Clouds", "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You", "Sweeping the Dark: Never Give Up" and other films are temporarily in the top three of the box office list, injecting strong impetus into the entire summer file.

According to the analysis of the China Research Industry Research Institute:

Box office revenue and moviegoers:

According to the data of reference articles 1 and 2, the Chinese film market has experienced ups and downs in recent years. In 2023, the domestic film market will begin to improve, with the box office reaching 54.915 billion yuan, an increase of 82.6% over 2022. In the first few months of 2024, the box office also showed a steady growth trend, showing the continued recovery of the film market.

In terms of moviegoers, the average number of moviegoers in 2023 will reach 10.1, an increase of 3.1 compared with 2022, reflecting the gradual recovery of audiences' enthusiasm for movies.

Domestic Films and Imported Films:

Domestic films dominate the Chinese film market. According to reference article 2, the box office proportion of domestic films will reach 83.77% in 2023, much higher than the 16.23% of imported films. This shows that domestic films have significantly improved in terms of quality, production level and market acceptance.

The genres and themes of domestic films are also becoming more and more diversified, covering comedy, action, science fiction, animation and other fields, meeting the needs of different audience groups.

Competitive Landscape:

China's film industry has formed a number of competitive echelons, among which Wanda Film Investment is in the first echelon of the leading industry, with a box office of more than 5 billion yuan; Hengdian Film Projection, CGV Film Projection, and Dadi Film Projection are in the second echelon; Broadway film projections are in the third echelon.

In terms of cinemas, Shenzhen CINESKY Xintian Cinema Double IMAX, Shenzhen Broadway Cinema (IMAX Vientiane World Store) and Beijing Capital Cinema (Xidan Store LED Giant Screen) and other theaters are among the top in the box office rankings.

Policy Support and Industrial Development:

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of the film industry and has introduced a series of policies and measures to support the development of the film industry. For example, the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Chinese Films" issued by the National Film Administration clearly proposes to promote the high-quality development of Chinese films and enhance the discourse and influence of Chinese films in the world film landscape.

Local governments have also actively introduced relevant policies to promote the development of the local film industry. For example, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and other places have promoted the construction of local film and television bases or film academies, providing strong support for the development of the film industry.

Market Challenges and Opportunities:

Despite the remarkable achievements of the Chinese film market, it still faces some challenges. For example, the trend of younger films is slowing down, and the growth of young audiences is lagging behind; Factors such as the insufficient supply of top films and the change in the consumption concept of audiences after the epidemic may affect the future development of the film market.

However, with the rise of new media such as short video platforms, film publicity and distribution channels have been expanded; At the same time, the audience's demand for high-quality films is also increasing, providing new opportunities for the development of the film industry.

The market development status of China's film industry is characterized by steady recovery, dominance of domestic films, diversification of the competitive landscape, and policy support. In the future, China's film industry will continue to face both challenges and opportunities.

Continued growth in box office revenues:

With the epidemic under control and the audience's offline demand for movies gradually recovering, it is expected that the movie box office will continue to grow. According to the box office data for 2023 (54.915 billion yuan) and the box office performance in the first few months of 2024, the market shows a solid recovery trend. It is optimistically predicted that the overall box office in 2024 may be between 60 billion yuan and 65 billion yuan.

The strong rise of domestic films:

Domestic films are playing an increasingly important role in the Chinese film market. According to the data, the proportion of domestic films in the box office has exceeded eighty percent, and it is showing a continuous growth trend. In the future, with the improvement of the quality of domestic films and the diversification of subject matter, it is expected that domestic films will continue to maintain their market dominance.

Diverse and differentiated content needs:

With the increasing diversification and personalization of audiences' tastes, the film market will pay more attention to the diversification and differentiation of content. In addition to traditional genres such as dramas and action films, genres such as sci-fi, animation, and suspense will also receive more attention and investment. At the same time, customized content for different audience groups will also become a major trend in the market.

The combination of technology and film:

With the development of special effects and independent scientific research achievements, the scientific and technological capabilities of films have been continuously improved. In the future, film production will rely more on technological means, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, which will bring revolutionary changes to film production and viewing experience.

Improvement of film public service capacity:

With the support of national policies and the continuous development of the film market, the development of film academies, township cinemas, and rural film screenings will further enhance the public service capacity of films. This will help expand the coverage of the film market and increase the popularity and influence of the film.

Increase in international cooperation and exchanges:

With the continuous expansion of China's film market and the enhancement of its international influence, international cooperation and exchanges will become more and more frequent. Chinese films will participate more in international film festivals and exhibitions, exchange and cooperate with international counterparts, and promote the internationalization of China's film industry.

Digitalization and new media drives:

The development of digitalization and new media has brought new opportunities and challenges to the film industry. The rise of new media such as short video platforms has provided new channels and ways for film promotion, and has also brought more business opportunities and profit models to the film industry.

In the future, the film industry market will show development trends such as continuous growth at the box office, the rise of domestic films, diversification and differentiation of content, the combination of technology and film, the improvement of public service capabilities, the increase of international cooperation and exchanges, and the promotion of digitalization and new media. These trends will bring new opportunities and challenges to the film industry, and promote the continuous development of the film industry.

The film industry market will maintain a sustained growth trend in the future, with an expanding market scale, an obvious trend of content diversification and diversification, technological innovation drives development, the degree of commercialization is improved, and policy support is strengthened. Together, these factors will propel the film industry towards a more mature and prosperous direction.

The report analyzes the supply and demand of the film industry at home and abroad, the development status of related industries, and changes in market consumption. It focuses on the development of major film brands, as well as the opportunities that the Chinese film industry will face in the future and the coping strategies of enterprises. The report also analyzes the competitive landscape of the film market, the development trend of the industry, and introduces the relevant policies of the industry and the policy trend is studied.

If you want to know more about the detailed analysis of the film industry, you can click to view the research report of China Research Institute Puhua

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