
"Cultural Relics Encyclopedia" Publicly-funded Targeted Enrollment Plan for Undergraduate Students: Enrollment is employment

author:Puhua Research Institute of China Research Institute

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"Cultural Relics Encyclopedia" Publicly-funded Targeted Enrollment Plan for Undergraduate Students: Enrollment is employment

China Research Network

Archaeology, as a profession with a long history and renewed vitality, has received more and more attention in recent years. Especially this year, such as Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces, launched a publicly-funded targeted enrollment plan for undergraduates of "cultural relics", providing candidates with the opportunity to enter the school and find employment, and with a staff. Here's a look at what and how archaeology is studied:

1. Learning content

Basic knowledge of archaeology: Archaeology is a very comprehensive discipline, which requires mastery of basic concepts, principles, methods and techniques, which is the first step in in-depth study of archaeology.

History of Ancient Civilizations: Archaeology is the study of human history, so it requires an in-depth understanding of the history of ancient civilizations. The learning content includes the characteristics and development process of human civilization in different historical periods, such as the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Middle Ages, etc.

Archaeological techniques and methods: Archaeological research requires site excavation, relics analysis, data recording and collation, etc., which require certain technical and methodological support. The learning content includes archaeological mapping, archaeological photography, site analysis, relic identification, etc.

Human Behavior and Culture: Archaeology is the study of human behavior and culture, so knowledge of human behavior and culture is required. The content of the study includes human behavior patterns, cultural characteristics, social structure, religious beliefs, etc.

Excavation and conservation: Archaeological research requires the excavation and conservation of sites, so knowledge and skills are required. The learning content includes site excavation, site recording, relic extraction, site protection, etc.

Second, the way of learning

Classroom Learning: The curriculum of the Archaeology major covers the above learning contents, and students can master basic theories and knowledge through classroom learning.

Field Practice: Archaeology is very practice-oriented, and students need to participate in field practice, and receive rigorous training in the whole archaeological process from exploration, investigation, excavation, surveying and mapping, digital modeling, artifact restoration, and writing excavation reports.

Elective Courses: Students can choose elective courses according to their interests and specialties, such as physical anthropology, animal and plant archaeology, environmental archaeology, etc.

Participation in projects: Students can apply what they have learned to practice by participating in archaeological projects, improving their practical skills and problem-solving skills.

3. Employment prospects

The employment prospects of archaeology majors are relatively broad, including archaeological institutes, cultural relics bureaus, museums, cultural preservation centers, universities, exploration companies, etc. Especially after Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces launched the publicly-funded targeted enrollment plan for undergraduates of "cultural relics", it provided more employment opportunities and career development prospects for candidates.

Archaeology is a very comprehensive subject field, and the knowledge required is very diverse. Through systematic learning and practical experience accumulation, you can improve your professional quality and employment competitiveness.

According to the display released by the China Research Institute of Puhua Industry Research Institute:

With the continuous progress of science and technology, new scientific and technological means such as digital technology, 3D printing, VR/AR, etc. are widely used in the field of cultural relics protection. These technologies not only improve the efficiency and accuracy of cultural relics protection, but also enrich the form and content of cultural relics display, providing the public with a more intuitive and vivid cultural experience. With the increase of consumers' love and demand for traditional culture, the market for the protection of intangible cultural heritage has developed rapidly. This has prompted the heritage conservation industry to continuously innovate products and services to meet market demand.

The competition in the cultural relics protection project market is fierce, and the market players include large construction enterprises, professional cultural relics protection engineering companies and scientific research institutes. These entities compete in terms of technical level, service quality, price, etc., and promote the overall progress of the industry. Despite the growing size of the market, the lack of professional heritage conservation staff is a prominent problem. This makes it difficult to effectively carry out the protection and restoration of cultural relics, which affects the overall development of the industry.

1. Market size and growth trend

Market size: In recent years, the overall annual scale of the mainland cultural relics protection project market has reached tens of billions of yuan, and it has shown a trend of increasing year by year. With the improvement of the society's awareness of the protection of cultural relics and the increase of the country's efforts to protect cultural heritage, the market scale is expected to further expand.

Growth trend: Industry experts predict that the average annual growth rate of the cultural relics protection market will remain above 5% in the next few years, and the market size is expected to break through to a higher level. This shows that the cultural relics protection industry is in a sustained and stable stage of development.

Second, the market structure and competition pattern

Market players: The main players in the cultural relics protection project market include large-scale construction enterprises, professional cultural relics protection engineering companies and scientific research institutes. These entities compete in terms of technical level, service quality, price, etc., and promote the overall progress of the industry.

Fierce competition: Although the market size is expanding, the competition between market players is also becoming increasingly fierce. In order to enhance competitiveness, enterprises need to continuously improve their technology level and service quality to meet market demand.

3. Technological innovation and industrial upgrading

Technological innovation: With the continuous progress of science and technology, the cultural relics protection industry is gradually introducing advanced technologies such as digitalization and intelligence to realize the functions of intelligent monitoring, early warning and restoration of cultural relics protection. The application of these technologies has improved the efficiency and accuracy of cultural relics protection.

Industrial upgrading: The cultural relics protection industry is gradually developing from traditional restoration and protection to digitalization, intelligence and industrialization. Through technological innovation and industrial upgrading, the industry will achieve more efficient and accurate cultural relics protection and inheritance.

Fourth, the policy environment and market opportunities

Policy support: The state's policy support for the cultural relics protection industry has been increasing. The government promotes the development of the cultural relics protection market by formulating relevant policies and regulations, providing financial support, and strengthening supervision. These policies provide a strong guarantee for the standardization and healthy development of the industry.

Market opportunities: With the improvement of social awareness of cultural heritage protection and the increase in consumers' love and demand for traditional culture, the cultural relics protection industry is facing broad market opportunities. At the same time, the cultural heritage protection project promoted by the state also provides more development opportunities for the industry.

5. Talent training and team building

Talent training: The demand for high-quality and high-skilled talents in the cultural relics protection industry is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, the industry will attach importance to talent training and team building, and improve the professional quality and skill level of employees through professional training and academic exchanges.

Team building: As the industry continues to evolve, heritage conservation teams need to have interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration skills. Therefore, the industry will strengthen team building and talent training to meet the development needs of the industry.

The cultural relics protection industry is in a sustained and stable stage of development. With the expansion of market scale, the promotion of technological innovation and industrial upgrading, as well as the improvement of policy environment and market opportunities, the industry will usher in broader development prospects.

Data shows that since 2011, the number of cultural relics institutions in the mainland has been growing, and by 2020, the number of cultural relics institutions in the country will reach 11,314, an increase of 752 over 2019. Among them, there are 3,373 cultural relics protection management institutions, accounting for 29.8%; and 5,452 museums, accounting for 48.2%. In 2020, there were 175,700 employees in cultural relics institutions nationwide, an increase of 13,400 over the end of the previous year. Among them, 11,072 have senior titles, accounting for 6.3%; There were 22,165 people with intermediate titles, accounting for 12.6%.

China has registered 766722 immovable cultural relics, with a collection of 41.389 million pieces/sets of cultural relics; 4,296 national key cultural relics protection units; There are 50 world heritage sites, ranking second in the world, including 35 world cultural heritage sites and 4 world cultural and natural heritage sites. The protection of cultural relics is conducive to inheriting and carrying forward the excellent culture and national spirit of the Chinese nation, enhancing national cohesion, and safeguarding national unity and national unity.

As the material relics of history, cultural relics are the witness and important carrier of the long history and culture of the mainland, and the spiritual bond that maintains the unity and unity of the Chinese nation. The great national spirit of the Chinese nation has been vividly embodied in historical relics.

Through the collection, sorting, processing, analysis and transmission of massive data in the market, we provide customers with a package of information solutions and consulting services, so as to help customers reduce investment risks and operating costs to the greatest extent, grasp investment opportunities and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

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