
5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

author:Yaoyao Kan movie

1, "Papillon"

Three prison breaks, the portion is very sufficient, and the taste is diluted. The acting skills of the two male protagonists are online, and they are not bad as miserable inspirational popcorn. Courage to persist in the face of hopeless life, real people and real things are very strong, but the narrative line weakens time, a bit like a prison break apocalypse. His ultimate freedom was sustained by willpower and faith. It is that dedication and belief in freedom that supports him to break out of the forbidden land and break out of the cage again and again.

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

2. "Law-abiding Citizen"

Almost everyone in the film, including the main culprit and accomplice, the defense lawyer who replaces the evidence, the unreliable judge, and the prosecutor who only cares about the winning rate, are doing things for their own interests, but they forget to avenge the victim, and this contributes to the male protagonist's revenge for himself and his family, maybe only when the injury happens to him, they will empathize and understand the pain of the victim, but it is too late.

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

3. "Three Days of Danger"

At first, I thought it was a plot to investigate and collect evidence to rehabilitate my wife, but I didn't expect to start escaping from prison without saying a word. The rhythm of the film and Russell's performance complement each other, making the more clichéd plot still terrifying. This is the story of the rescue of ordinary people! The more I look at it, the more amazing I become. Success is determination, hard work and luck...

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

4, "Final Word"

In recent years, the masterpiece of gangster prison genre films, in order to protect the family, from an ordinary person who was slowly coerced by the environment to a gangster boss, some of the plot design is flawed, but it does not affect the taste of prison escape and Breaking Bad. This director seems to specialize in prison subjects. The image of the male protagonist before and after has changed so much.,I can't believe it's the same person.。

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

5, "Polar Rebirth"

The length of the film is nearly 160 minutes, which seems to be very slow, but it is this slow rhythm that has a strong sense of involvement. I don't talk about human nature here, I just want to express one thing that has always affected me, that is, watching this kind of film can always spur me to be diligent and thrifty in my daily life. Especially not to waste food. People should be in awe of nature and be grateful to nature, in nature we are ants.

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch in one go

5 prison escape movies that make people's blood boil, it's really enjoyable to watch them in one go!

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