
The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

author:Beacon front station

Western countries, led by the United States, actually began sanctions against Russia in 2014, when Russia took control of the Crimean peninsula, and the West took the opportunity to impose sanctions on Russia. In 2022, as Russia launched its "special military operation", the West began to impose increased sanctions on Russia, including restrictions on Russian energy exports. While the West has sanctioned Russia, it has frozen $300 billion of Russian assets abroad, and recently the Western G7 group has unanimously agreed to provide $50 billion in loans to Ukraine through interest income from Russian overseas assets, for which Russia has publicly warned that Russia will take countermeasures.

The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

In fact, the West's increased sanctions on Russia ultimately backfired, the Russian media disclosed the news on June 30, published Russia's foreign trade data in the last two years, and from the information released by Russia, due to Western sanctions, Russia has earned an additional $287.5 billion. Russia originally exported goods and resources to Western countries, but due to the West's increased sanctions on Russia, Russia could not continue to export corresponding products, thus forcing Russia to export to other countries, and finally Russia earned an extra $287.5 billion. For Russia, Western sanctions have given Russia new opportunities for development, because it can enhance Russia's overall strength through trade with other countries.

The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

It can also be seen from the data of Russia's economic development that Russia has gotten rid of its dependence on the West, and now Russia's economy has recovered rapidly. Russia no longer imports precision and electronic instruments and equipment from the West, because trade with other countries has provided enough support for Russian industry to allow Russia to resume its economic development. The supply of Russian drones shows that Russia has mastered the doorways of modern warfare and has increased its industrial strength, which allows it to advance the Russian army's operations in Ukraine.

The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

In fact, Russia did not expect that there would be a current situation, for Russia, the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict has brought more wealth to Russia, because Russia continues to export oil and gas, and at the same time Russia can import more goods, compared to Western products, products on the Russian market are now more popular with the Russian people, because Russia has realized that the glory of the West is only a thing of the past, and Russia has obtained a better alternative. In fact, the West's sanctions against Russia have promoted the development of the Russian economy and given China more confidence.

The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the West has been intimidating China, for which there is the so-called "Ukraine today and Taiwan Island tomorrow", in fact, the West wants to scare China by sanctioning Russia, in fact, from the perspective of Western sanctions that have not achieved the effect required by the West, if sanctions are launched against China in the future, it will be the same as the current situation. Today's Western countries' influence on the world is declining sharply, but it is the vast number of developing countries that are promoting global development.

The West's increased sanctions have backfired, and Russia has earned an extra $287.5 billion in two years, giving China confidence

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