
List of common topics that can be written for narrative essays (with narrative template + 12 beginnings + 12 endings)

author:Cheng Nuo loves to share

Today, I will share a list of common writable topics in junior high school Chinese narrative essays (with narrative template + 12 kinds of beginnings + 12 kinds of endings)

Teachers often say that junior high school students write narrative essays is to describe one or several things around the center, but there are still many students who don't know what to write when they get the essay questions.

1. Tell a complete story, be inspired by one thing, be educated. The things you choose must be things that you have personally experienced.

(1) Through self-study and self-motivation, I realized that painting is like climbing a mountain, and every step must pay a special price. You can use the way of writing that wants to promote and suppress first, first write not very interested, and then be inspired, draw Mount Tai to see the mountain picker, and realize that learning is like a mountain picker, and it will be successful after eighteen plates.

(2) You can choose the fact that you have worked hard and changed your thoughts to learn swimming, calligraphy, piano, etc., to reflect the truth that things must be persistent to succeed.

(3) You can choose your favorite things in life, such as stir-frying, reading, climbing, outing, fishing, etc., and reflect the spirit of your own hard work through the reasons for your hobbies, the shaking of your hobbies, and the enterprising of your hobbies.

(4) You can choose your own love for sports to reflect the true meaning of your own understanding and thoughts.

If you write that you are a goalkeeper, you must recognize the team cooperation of football; If you write that you are a volleyball player, you can focus on the role of "setter" and be a good "setter";

If you write that you are a swimmer, you can focus on practicing breath-holding hundreds of times a day to explain the hardships of training;

If you write that you are a table tennis player, you can write about the speed of your eyes and the ball, and your eyes are full of small bright balls to show that you are concentrated;

If you write about practicing long-distance running, you can focus on writing that each step is 55 cm, whether the training is in the biting cold winter or the scorching summer.

To write a good thing, the focus is not on success, not on flowers, but behind flowers and success, the hardships, the pains, the contradictions, the confusions, the differences, the sacrifices, the lost joys, the unyielding struggles, that is meaningful, that is true.

(5) It is necessary to choose those uneven and unusual things, often setbacks will attract people, and misery will infect people. Twists and turns are the tempering of people's will, pain is the refinement of life, and confusion is the test of life. Frustrations, misery, twists and turns, pain, and confusion can only be sublimated when they are written in a real and concrete way. Therefore, when selecting materials, choose more of these contents.

(6) Sublimate the theme by remembering the narrative. Playing chess carelessly, so as to realize the truth that arrogant soldiers will be defeated; overwatering jasmine flowers, thus realizing the truth that things should be done according to objective laws; I took the recipe and fried it, and realized the truth that "what you get on paper is shallow, and you never know that you have to do it". Learn to ride a bicycle and fall down countless times, realize that success comes from failure, and failure is the mother of success; Because of the small conflict, the classmates did not speak, and then reconciled, realizing that friendship is a truth built on the basis of sincerity.

(7) You can also choose a mistake, a misunderstanding, a disagreement, a quarrel, a patience, an enlightenment, a self-blame, a lack of understanding, a good heart is not rewarded, a zealous indifference, to reflect their inner world, their own "good to themselves" and "good to the world".

2. Tell multiple things and write around one center.

If it is a narrative, you must write about yourself; If you write a narrative based on the material, then write it according to the material.

(1) Writing habits, you can write about the habit of being nosy, through a few nosy things, although others have different opinions, they are enjoying themselves, to show their attitude towards life, society, and others.

(2) To write responsibility, you can choose examples in life to show your sense of responsibility: for example, if you find a classmate's pen and take the initiative to hand it over to the communication room, you will not leave your name; The big classmates bullied the younger classmates, and they took the initiative to persuade them, but they were bored; Seeing the vendors arguing with the customers, he also stepped forward to leave and right; When my mother is sick and my father is not at home, I can bring a bowl of hot noodle soup to my mother; The hospital found the wrong change, and was able to squeeze it out and return it to others, but it fell into the reputation of "Gasai", etc., to show that as a contemporary middle school student, he should have the correct responsibility for society and life, and only when he realized his responsibility would he put it into practice.

(3) To write about enlightenment, you can choose two or three things in your life to improve your consciousness to show the improvement of your consciousness.

(1) From the phenomenon of classmates becoming more and more closed to each other, realize that they should do something (help each other);

(2) From the increasing work of parents, I feel that I should do something (repay Sanchunhui);

(3) From the teacher's bitter heart, I feel that I should do something (dedication);

(4) From the unfortunate experience of my classmates, I feel that I should do something for my classmates (sympathy):

(5) From ordinary interactions, what do you think you should cherish? (Cherish friendship, plain is true)

(6) From the conflicts of classmates, what do you think you should eliminate? (Dispel misconceptions)

(7) From the results of your original junior high school classmates, what do you think you are still missing? (Perseverance, Patience)

(8) When you see the bad phenomena in society, what do you think you should do? (Responsibility)

(4) Write cherish, you can choose one thing to write, or you can choose a few things to write around "cherish". It can be abstract, such as happiness, life, time, personality, or it can be concrete food, environment, and so on.

(1) From a person's short life, experience how to cherish life.

(2) From the transience of time, know how to cherish time;

(3) From the interaction between people, experience how to cherish life;

(4) From the relationship between man and the natural environment, experience how to cherish the environment;

(5) From the destruction of vegetation, we can realize how to cherish the natural ecological balance;

(6) From the care of parents, learn how to cherish emotions;

(7) From the experience of counterfeit and shoddy, I realized how to cherish personality;

(8) From the phenomenon of not cherishing food, how to cherish the fruits of labor;

(9) From the contradictions and changes of classmates, how to cherish friendship.

(5) Write about the test, you can choose the materials: the test of personality in military training; survival camps: a test of life and struggle; When parents are not at home, how to boil water and cook by themselves, facing the trials of life; The homeroom teacher is sick, the school has to hold a large-scale recess gymnastics competition, and he is the class leader and faces a special test; When I met an old man who lost his way at night, he faced a spiritual test: a chick unfortunately fell from a tree, and the old bird was crying and jumping in the tree, and he was faced with the test of whether to let the bird or release it......

Philosophical through storytelling

Narrative template

The structure of this essay is a "total score" structure. This way, compared to the first way, just changes the beginning method. Everyone should choose the appropriate way according to the different plots and needs. (Paragraphs 4 to 7 are best)

Section 1: (first paragraph, about 100 words)

Use fluent language, give rise to the topic, give rise to the following. It's actually quite easy to get started. It is recommended that each student prepare or memorize their own set of opening methods.

Example 1: In the starry night sky, a meteor flashed, and the moment of light made people think about it. In my youth, many wonderful moments like meteors brought me unforgettable heartbeats, like a song when I was lonely, like a warmth in the cold wind, and like a nutrition in growth. At this moment, I remembered......

Example 2: Fragments of memory are flooded in the thoughts of youth, the past comes to mind, and there seems to be another XXX scene in front of me. It is a signpost on the road of life, a wave of the ocean of the soul, and a garden of the spiritual world. It taught me what love, responsibility, and devotion are.

Example 3: "The night will be over, and thousands of miles will not return." Every time I read this poem, a fragment of deep memory comes to my eyes: on Chinese New Year's Eve, large pieces of braised pork sang with the oil stains in the pot. Now, the years have passed, and I still can't hold back my attachment to my father's love.

Section 2 (2-4 paragraphs, about 400 words)

A. Tell a story. Explain the time, place, person, time, etc. (about 70 words, three and a half lines)

B. Tell the story in layers, and this paragraph is the main narrative paragraph. Various depictions appear. (about 100 words, no more than 5 and a half lines)

C. The depth of the story, this paragraph is also the main narrative paragraph. Various depictions appear. (about 100 words, no more than 5 and a half lines)

D. The climax of the story, there must be a psychological description here, because this story will eventually make you feel something. (100 words, no more than 5 and a half lines)

Section 3 (Ending, about 100 words, no more than 4 and a half lines)

This section is undoubtedly lyrical. When lyrical, it must stick to the theme. Use more analogies and figurative sentences. Keep in mind that in this section, the words in the title of the article must appear, or simply the title of the article. The following passage is for imitation and selection. But it's best not to be too long. Students, I suggest that you better memorize these words.

Example 1 (now I reminisce)

Now, I reminisce about the XXX scene, and there are touching ripples in the depths of my feelings. At that moment, I felt that XXX was like a beautiful landscape painting, flashing beautiful scenery. XXX, like a lotus flower standing tall in the silt, like an ancient tree on the top of the mountain that has experienced vicissitudes, like a clear sound in the noisy trouble, gives me a long aftertaste. XXX, I will cherish and reminisce for the rest of my life, and become the belief and strength in the depths of my heart.

Example sentence 2 (青春抒情式 )

Consider the passing years. What a good cardamom year, I read about love, responsibility, strength, dreams and tempering from one touching moment to another. The power of emotion does not need to last long, but it is only a few heavy beats on the drum surface of my heart, and my spiritual world responds to the overwhelming faith. These wonderful touches have made my life like a dewdropping meadow, full of spring-like hope and beauty.

Example 3 (Paragraph Beginning Punch Lines)

The wind blows the yellow leaves, and the autumn sun is red again, and I tell myself over and over again: I must always face helplessness. After all, in addition to helplessness, there are many things worth cherishing, such as responsibility and family affection, such as career and mission, such as wishes and dreams. Helplessness is some kind of setback in my life, but it definitely doesn't devalue my life. Although it is sour, it is still a kind of nutrition for life. It makes many small and even ordinary happiness in life seem precious.

Example 4: (This is the analogy)

Yes, mom is giving. This is the case with German gymnast Chusovitina, who won a silver medal at the Beijing Olympics at the age of 33 to pay for her son's medical treatment with leukemia. Wuhan's "rampant mother" is like this, she lost weight almost like crazy, cured fatty liver in a short time, and successfully transplanted her liver to her son. In the Wenchuan earthquake, the mother of a small baby was also like this, when the landslide and the ground cracked, her body bent into a bridge, supporting the precious living space for the child......

Mother's love is an instinctive selfless dedication. In the world, how many touching scenes of maternal love let us know kindness, kindness, and self-sacrifice. Mother's love never dies, it flows in people's blood and never dries up.

How to start a narrative

As the saying goes, "A good start is half the battle" and "The beginning is hard". This is true for doing things, and it is also the same for writing articles. Although many students have the materials for their assignments, they are often stumped by the first sentence of the essay, some of them are unable to write after thinking about it, and some of them delay their time. A proper and novel beginning will not only make your writing blooming, but also increase the style and attract the reader. Here are a few common ways to get started.

1. Straight to the point

That is, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the article, the topic is pointed, or the topic is pointed out, or the point and the center, so that the article does not drag the mud and water, does not turn around and obscures, but is concise and clear, and goes straight to the point.  

For example: "I haven't seen my father for more than two years, and what I can't forget the most is his back" - Zhu Ziqing's "Back".

For example: "The most memorable thing for me is my female teacher in elementary school, Ms. Cai. Looking back now, she was only eighteen or nineteen years old at the time, and she was a gentle and beautiful person" - Wei Wei's "My Teacher".

2. Describe the beginning of the scene

That is, the beginning of the article first describes the scene, renders the atmosphere, gives the reader an immersive feeling, and paves the way for the characters to touch the scene.  

For example, outside the classroom, the howling north wind carried dense raindrops on the wall, "clattering, clattering". In the classroom, an all-around competition exam is at a fever pitch. ("A Wall in the Heart")

At the beginning of "The Golden Hat": "On the clean blue sky, a dark cloud sneaks in, and the wind pushes it to climb the mountain", and the scene here hints that rain is coming, which is a good preparation for the umbrella below.

▲ When applying, pay attention to a few points:

(1) You can't write a scene for the sake of writing a scene, the purpose of describing is to set off the thoughts of the characters, render the atmosphere, infect the reader, and cause resonance.

(2) The description should grasp the characteristics, the words and sentences should be accurate, and it should be suitable for the development of the content of the article and the expression of the characters' emotions.

3. Clever suspense opening method

(1) Flashback opening method. At the beginning of the article, write the result of the incident, and then write the reason and process of the incident, so as to create suspense and enhance the attractiveness of the article.  

For example, standing on this podium full of honors, looking at the envious smiling faces under the stage, and listening to their sincere applause, I suddenly remembered the experience of them, my classmates, who led me from the lonely dark night to the light two years ago. (Out of the Night) 

(2) "If you want to talk about it", you can skillfully lay the foreshadowing and set up suspense, which can attract readers to can't wait to uncover the mystery and take a look, so it can be fascinating. For example, the article "The Life and Death Biography of the "Victorious General" begins as follows: "Who is this Victorious General? Don't be busy, just listen to me slowly......" This beginning is very novel and interesting, and it is quite appetizing.

4. Lyrical opening method

This kind of opening language often expresses some kind of emotion, or praise, or sadness, or excitement, or joy...... In the lyrical process, many rhetorical devices are often used.

For example, at the beginning of the article "Spring", "I am looking forward to, I am looking forward to it, the east wind is coming, and the steps of spring are near." At the beginning, the author uses repeated anthropomorphism to express the author's strong feelings of looking forward to spring.

Another example: the beginning of the student's assignment "I Love Autumn": "The four seasons of the year, the purple and red of spring, the green branches of summer, the abundance and fullness of autumn, and the silver wrapping of winter, are all like a picture scroll, but I love autumn more", so the beginning not only writes the characteristics of the four seasons, but also cleverly expresses the author's unique feelings for autumn.  

5. Reveal the central opening method.

Some articles begin by summarizing the content of the whole article and directly pointing to the center of the article.  

Such as: love labor, its joy is endless! - "The Taste of Labor"  

Another example: be a capital "person", always step on the ground with both feet, and don't be frivolous and arrogant...... This is something I will never forget. - "Reality Changed Me"

6. Contrast the beginning method

For example, the sun was shining outside the window, and a few birds were chirping happily in the trees, but I couldn't keep up anyway, because my parents were separated and they were getting divorced, which was a big blow to me. I want to do my best to reconcile my parents because I want to have a complete home. - "I want to have a complete home"

For example, Xiu is a girl in the mountains, but she always likes to look at the city outside the mountain. Xiu'er

For example, if a cow is bought, the father's soul is lost. College Entrance Examination Essay

7. Use rhetorical methods to start (vivid image or enhance momentum) 

For example, the wind and snow have broken the branches and leaves of the tree, but the spirit of the tree has been broken; The rainstorm drenched the goshawk's wings, but it could not drench the goshawk's courage; Suffering has blocked my vision of progress, but it can't stop my belief in moving forward. "Life is Wonderful in the Face of Suffering"  

Such as: give people roses, hands have a fragrance. If you know how to be tolerant, you will have a clear sky of your soul, and your life will bloom. "I Learned Tolerance"

8. Quote the beginning method

Quoting (or using) famous aphorisms, ancient poems, lyrics, sayings, famous sentences, etc., can attract readers and help highlight the role of the center.  

For example, Napoleon said, "A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier." I said, "A student who doesn't want to be on the podium is not a good student." - "I Finally Stood on the Podium"

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, the bell is ringing, and this week's class meeting is here. The anonymous voting for this class will determine the top 10 most popular people in our class...... - "That Lesson Makes Me Bow My Head"

"When I was a child, I often sat on my father's shoulders, my father was the ladder to the sky when I was a child, and my father was the cow that drove the cart, and I couldn't forget the coarse tea and light rice, which raised me...... "Every time I hear this song, I think of my most respected father."

9. From this and there, analogous ideas

This type of technique is often used in nostalgia for someone or something or in imaginary compositions. Inadvertently touching a certain spark of memory of the actor because of a certain thing or a certain scene, so as to mobilize the inspiration and creative thinking of writing, naturally lead to the content of the writing, and enter the theme, such a beginning seems natural, simple and harmonious. For example, the essay "Beautiful Sunrise" tells the story of a delicate and brave sister who sacrificed her life to save a little boy who strayed into the driveway, and composed a touching song of fraternity. It begins: "I often go to the western hill to see the beautiful morning glow." I stand here, looking into the distance and missing you, my sister ......" The little author thought of his sister in the prime of his youth from the gorgeous morning glow, and thought of her beautiful qualities like the morning glow, and the transition was natural without showing the marks of the axe and chisel.

10. Comparison method: use several groups of sentences with the same sentence structure at the beginning to enhance the momentum

For example, "A friend is someone for whom I can offer my sincere feelings; A friend is someone to whom I can give all my trust; Friends, share with me in times of joy and walk with me in times of crisis. No friends in life is like no sunshine in life. I have such a good friend. "Friends"

11. If you want to promote the law, suppress the law first

The mother is a tiger. Fierce, not only to her five sons, but also to my father. We're all scared of her. "Today I already understand you"

12. Questioning

At the beginning of the essay, asking questions can not only summarize the following, but also attract the reader, arouse the reader's curiosity, and make the reader eager to read the following.

For example, at the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival chapter of "Autumn Soul": "Have you tasted autumn? What does it taste like? ”

Such a question-like beginning is concise and clear, and the following is a logical expression from different angles, which not only expands the ideas, but also attracts the reader. To make the pen flying, we must learn widely to increase the accumulation of language: read more, accumulate well, and be good at imitation writing

A: Do more exercises in forming sentences with conjunctions

B. Develop the habit of reading and memorizing

C is familiar with 100 poems

D is good at imitating and writing, and becomes its own use

E form your own style

Twelve ways to end a junior high school essay with a flash of light

As the saying goes: "Knitting clothes and trousers, the most important thing is at the beginning, and the basket is the most important thing to close." "A good article, in addition to having a compelling beginning, should also have an intriguing ending. The so-called "leopard tail" means that the penmanship at the end should be concise, bright and clean, like a leopard's tail sweeping, loud and powerful, giving readers room to chew on the aftertaste. So, how do you write a good ending for an essay? I would like to summarize 12 common techniques for the benefit of our students.

First, natural restraint comes naturally

The so-called natural ending style refers to the natural closure of the whole text after the content of the article is expressed, without designing profound philosophical sentences, not carving rich symbolic forms, and ending the whole text with the end of the matter, which is clean and neat.

For example, "An Interesting Science Lesson" ends like this: when the bell rings for the end of class, when the students reluctantly put down the experiment in their hands, they can't help but complain: "What's the matter, this class is so short!" ”

Second, the chapter is the finishing touch

This kind of ending method refers to relying on the content of the whole text at the end of the article, using concise language to clearly express the theme idea, or when the whole text is about to end, explain the intention of the writing clearly, so that the center of the article is clear and prominent.

For example, a classmate ended with this when writing "Promise": No matter what difficulties you will encounter in life, you will never give up and be a strong person in life - this is my commitment.

3. Echo the beginning and end to highlight the main theme

The beginning and the end echo each other, the structure is complete, and it is integrated, which can evoke the beauty of the reader's soul.

Please see the beginning and end of "Overcoming Yourself" written by a student:

Beginning: Being good at overcoming myself, this is my strength. This "self" is the self who is afraid of difficulties and lacks courage, and the self who is very proud when he succeeds.

Ending: Good at overcoming myself, that's my strength. Don't lose confidence in the face of difficulties, and have the courage to overcome them: don't be arrogant when you succeed, see the shortcomings, and keep a cool head.

Fourth, the quotation of good sentences is colorful

Ending with famous sayings, aphorisms, poems, sayings, lyrics, etc., it is full of poetry, revealing the true meaning, presenting a profound and intriguing content, making it deeply imprinted in the reader's heart and meaningful.

For example, a student wrote the end of "A Better Tomorrow": "Tomorrow is tomorrow, tomorrow is so much, I live for tomorrow, everything will come to ......" I hope everyone can grasp today and create a better tomorrow.

Fifth, clever questioning is thought-provoking

At the end, questions are raised in the form of questions to inspire readers to think, which has the effect of infecting and emphasizing, which can be described as endless and meaningful.

For example, a student writes the end of "My Chinese Teacher" like this: Isn't my Chinese teacher a competent and good teacher? Have you ever seen a teacher like this?

Sixth, the association is colorful

At the end, the association unfolds, from this to the other, from the surface to the inside, so that the theme is sublimated.

For example, at the end of "Flowers" written by a certain student: Colorful flowers bloom on campus, and they also sow seeds in my heart......

7. The expression of emotions is extraordinary

Wrapping up the article in a lyrical way can express the feelings in the author's heart, arouse the reader's emotional waves, arouse the reader's resonance, and give people a sense of reality and sufficiency.

For example, in the study "Autumn Colors in the Park": Ah! I love the enchanting autumn colors, and I love the piece of clothing that the Autumn Maiden gave to Mother Earth - autumn.

8. The scenery sets off the unity of the scene

The ending of the description of the scenery is like appreciating a beautiful piece of music, although the song is at the end, the aftermath is lingering, leaving people with infinite rhyme.

For example, at the end of "Rainy Season": the rain stopped, the sun radiated his gentle light, a rainbow appeared in the sky, like a colorful bridge in the sky, and my heart became pure and clear.

9. Inspiring thinking is still unfinished

That is, the author uses appropriate words to organize sentences, and the end leaves room for the reader to think, which makes people enlighten and gain insight, which can be described as a deep rhyme.

For example, at the end of the fable "The Fox and the Crow" written by a classmate: "The crow did not think calmly when encountering problems, blindly listened to the fox, and ended up being fooled again." This causes the reader to think deeply: no matter what you do, you must learn to think calmly and distinguish between right and wrong.

10. Unexpected and abrupt ends

This kind of ending does not deal with the ending of characters or events according to the usual logic of the storyline, but ends abruptly with an unexpected ending, which makes people stunned and can't help but sigh at the author's whimsical ideas and the ever-changing life.

For example, a student creatively wrote "Tortoise and Hare Race Continuation": Just when the tortoise was complacent about his cleverness and won the championship, the referee announced a very surprising result - the hare won. It turns out that the rules of the race are to compete who runs slower.

11. Subtle and profound, endless aftertaste

The implicit ending writing method is to hide the words to be said and the true feelings expressed, so that there is a blank at the end of the article, and often use metaphors, symbolism and blank art, which is intriguing, leaving people with endless room for imagination, making people think about it, and can lead the reader to a more far-reaching situation.

For example, at the end of the article "Mountain Picker": When I came back from Mount Tai, I painted a picture - on the steep and seemingly endless mountain road, a mountain picker in a red vest bent over the weight on his shoulders, and he climbed up step by step. This painting has been hanging in front of my desk and hasn't been replaced in years because I need it.

12. The theme of sublimation reveals the essence

The so-called sublimation theme is a natural extension on the basis of the theme, revealing the essence through phenomena, enriching and deepening the connotation of the theme.

Such as the end of "Mother": "Whoever says an inch is careless, he will be rewarded with three springs." "My mother was such a great and selfless mother. And yet, she is one of the millions of working people who have created this beautiful world. We must study diligently and repay the motherland and the people with practical actions in the future. The author ties his personal feelings to ordinary working people, and expresses his praise, which has far-reaching implications.

There are thousands of ways to end the composition, no matter how you put it down, it should be born with the main text, and it is indispensable. The ancients said: "The concluding sentence should be like hitting a bell, and the sound is more than clear." It can be seen that the key to the end of the article is to have rich and profound content, which can withstand chewing, can inspire readers to imagine and think, and achieve the situation of "lingering sounds, more than three days".