
Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

author:Beacon front station

China has excavated the Chang'e-6 lunar probe on the moon and successfully recovered the relevant lunar samples, and Chang'e-6, like Chang'e-5, brought back lunar samples through the return capsule, and now China has opened applications for lunar samples to the world. The U.S. mentality is very complicated about the results of China's Chang'e series of lunar exploration projects, because Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 both landed in places that the United States has not been to, and also brought back valuable lunar samples. There are several hypotheses about the origin of the Moon, the most popular of which is the collision of two planets, which eventually formed the Earth and the Moon, so it belongs to the so-called homology theory.

Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

Chang'e-6 is landing on the far side of the moon, for which the United States is already very worried, according to foreign media reports, the United States has quite a rhythm to draw a red line for China, because the United States seeks bilateral consultations, so as to promote the joint protection of the lunar relics. The United States has carried out manned lunar landings many times before, and at the same time there are Armstrong's footprints on the moon, as well as the United States left the national flag, for which the United States has put forward a proposal to jointly protect the relevant relics, and the Beacon Front Station analysis believes that the United States is worried that China's lunar exploration program will destroy the relics left by the United States, so it is to say the requirements in advance, obviously the United States is a "cup bow snake shadow", and is "a villain's heart to live the belly of a gentleman", so it also exposes the true nature of the United States.

Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

The U.S. Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon, Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, and the United States carried out many manned landings on the moon, and also brought a lunar rover to the moon, thus achieving long-distance exploration. The United States has brought back hundreds of kilograms of lunar samples through multiple manned lunar landings, thus providing a large number of bases for scientists to study the origin of the moon. Now that the United States is actively promoting the return to the moon program, and has signed agreements with dozens of countries to jointly develop the moon, it is clear that the United States will not let China join the return to the moon program, because the United States has defined China as the biggest challenge, including the challenge of developing the moon.

Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

NASA's plan is to return to the moon before China, which has already tested a spacecraft to orbit the moon without a crew and returned to Earth. The United States wants to establish its own hegemony on the moon, and for this reason, it continues to attract other countries to join, and the relevant projects of the United States not only refuse China's access, but also say no to Russia, for the United States, it is unwilling to see China and Russia's moon landing program, because once China and Russia also achieve the moon landing, the world will see that the United States has no advantage.

Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

The United States is the first country to achieve a manned landing on the moon, with the continuous improvement of China's scientific and technological level, the United States has become more and more worried about the rise of China, the United States to promote the joint protection of the moon landing site, the beacon front station believes that it is actually drawing a red line for China, that is, China is not allowed to carry out scientific exploration in the relevant areas, so it also shows the weak side of the United States.

Want to draw a red line for China? The United States seeks bilateral consultations, foreign media: promote joint protection of lunar relics

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