
Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Yin Zhiwei stood in a corner of the tourist attraction, conveying the whispers and interesting facts of history through the loudspeaker. In between his presentations, a conversation with a group of tourists caught his attention. They're discussing a popular health topic: "I've heard that watermelon has a catalytic effect on blood sugar, is it true?" Isn't this looking for trouble? These words were like stones thrown into Uncle Yin's heart, causing waves.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

After a round of explanations, he decided to visit the hospital and ask Dr. Qian, whom he trusted, to verify the problem. As soon as he entered the consultation room, he went straight to the point: "Dr. Qian, recently I heard that watermelon can activate blood sugar, is this true?" ”

Dr. Qian took a sip of tea, and his eyes revealed professional rigor: "Uncle Yin, first of all, we have to understand the nature of the watermelon itself. Watermelon does have a higher sugar content, mainly fructose. But its glycemic index is actually low, only 72, and the glycemic load of watermelon is not high. The crux of the matter is how much to eat. ”

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Uncle Yin frowned: "So, how can it be said to be a 'catalyst' for blood sugar?" ”

Dr. Chin elaborates, "This is mainly because people tend to neglect portion control. Although watermelon has a low GI, because it is much easier to eat, the total sugar intake will still rise, which is really bad for blood sugar control. Additionally, everyone reacts differently to food, and some diabetics may be more sensitive to the sugar in watermelon. ”

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

"So what should I do? Avoid it altogether? Uncle Yin asked anxiously.

Dr. Chin said, "The key is to control the amount. If you are very fond of watermelon, you can eat some in moderation, such as no more than a small piece in a meal, while paying attention to changes in blood sugar. ”

Dr. Qian also advises Uncle Yin to pay attention to the overall balance of his diet: "Not only watermelon, but all foods should be reasonably matched, especially to ensure adequate protein and fiber intake in one meal, which can help stabilize blood sugar." ”

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Uncle Yin felt that the stone in his heart had fallen to the ground. He understood that blood sugar management is not only about contraindications, but also about balance and moderation. He decided to include some fact-based health tips in his future travel commentary to help tourists better understand the relationship between diet and health. It's not just about increasing knowledge, it's also about taking responsibility for yourself and your audience.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

In the daily life of blood sugar management, we usually hear traditional opinions about certain foods, such as "avoid sugar", "eat less carbs", etc., but some unique insights that you may have never heard of can help those who don't want to let their blood sugar get out of control to adjust their diet more scientifically.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Cold drinks. You may think that cold drinks refer to ice cream and cold drinks, and the main thing that affects blood sugar is their sugar. However, eating cold food itself affects the motility of the stomach, causing the stomach to empty more slowly, which indirectly affects the rate of increase in blood sugar.

This effect of cold food may be more pronounced in some people, especially diabetics with weakened gastrointestinal function. Therefore, trying to avoid eating large amounts of cold food immediately after a meal may help you better manage your blood sugar after a meal.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

An often overlooked "healthy drink". Many people choose sugar-free drinks instead of sugary drinks, thinking that this will avoid blood sugar spikes. In fact, artificial sweeteners in sugar-free beverages may induce insulin secretion, which can cause problems with blood sugar control for some people.

Some so-called health drinks, such as vegetable juices, although they seem to be natural, may release sugar quickly due to a lack of fiber, which is not good for blood sugar control.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

About the timing of eating. Blood sugar management isn't just about what you eat, it's also about when you eat. Eating shortly before bedtime can affect the normal fluctuation of blood sugar due to the slowing down of the body's biological clock and metabolic rate. Try scheduling dinner at least three hours before bedtime and avoid snacking before bedtime to help avoid blood sugar spikes at night and the next morning.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

When talking about a particular food, we usually focus on the total carbohydrate intake, but the way the food is cooked is just as important. For example, although fried food is delicious, the high glycation end product that may form during high-temperature cooking is not only bad for blood sugar management, but also may increase chronic inflammation and affect the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

For those who believe that healthy fats and proteins can be consumed without restrictions, here's also a reminder. Although these macronutrients have little effect on blood glucose, excessive intake of foods high in fat, especially saturated fat, can also affect insulin sensitivity, which indirectly affects blood sugar control. Eating a balanced diet is key.

Choosing the right fruit can be a challenging task when it comes to managing high blood sugar or diabetes. In fact, the consumption of certain fruits in a rational manner can also bring health benefits for people with diabetes.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Grapefruit. Grapefruit is an often overlooked option, but it's actually very beneficial for blood sugar management. Yuzu has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

What's more, grapefruit is rich in fiber and vitamin C, both of which are essential nutrients for maintaining good health. In addition, grapefruit also contains unique antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation, which is especially important for diabetics.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Cherry. Many people may avoid cherries because they are sweet, but cherries actually have a relatively low glycemic index as well. Cherries contain anthocyanins, a substance that has been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease and anti-inflammatory effects. Cherries can also help reduce blood sugar spikes and improve sleep quality, which is important for maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

For those looking to improve their blood sugar control through their diet, it is more important to understand the overall impact of fruits than just considering their sugar content.

The right fruit not only provides the body with essential nutrients and energy, but also improves health through its natural compounds. When choosing fruits, the focus should be on a balanced diet as a whole, rather than avoiding a single food.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

Distributing the right amount of fruit as an after-dinner snack or between meals can help balance blood sugar levels at three meals a day, rather than eating too many carbohydrates in one meal. In this way, diabetics can enjoy a varied diet without compromising blood sugar control.

In conclusion, the rational selection and consumption of fruits with a low GI can not only bring taste enjoyment to diabetics, but also help them better manage their blood sugar while reaping other health benefits.

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

(All names have been changed)

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Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points



[1] Cong Yuan. Using Food Glycemic Index to Provide Dietary Guidance for Diabetic Patients, Shanxi Medical Journal (Second Half Monthly), 2010-11-25

Is watermelon a "catalyst" for blood sugar? Doctor's warning: If you don't want your blood sugar to get out of control, you should pay attention to these points

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