
6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

author:Ajia talks about education
The 2024 college entrance examination candidates are about to enter the application stage, and candidates need to choose the right colleges and majors according to their college entrance examination results, especially majors, which not only determine the quality of students' university learning, but also have a profound impact on future employment.

Therefore, candidates should consider their interests, hobbies, areas of expertise, and future career development direction during the application period, as well as the employment prospects of the major, as well as market demand.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

Majors are very important to employment, for college students, the major is his skill, whether it is to apply for civil servants, or state-owned enterprises and other units, including many private enterprises, most of the positions have certain requirements for students' majors.

If the student's major does not meet the requirements, even if the graduates of prestigious schools do not even have the opportunity to apply for the examination, in contrast, if the student chooses the right major, it may be that even if the college student has a good chance of being admitted to the company.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

6 green card majors are freshly released, with high employment rate and good welfare benefits

According to the 2024 mainland "Undergraduate Employment Situation" analysis of 6 green card majors, among them, microelectronics science and engineering majors ranked first, and the top of the list of this major has become a green card major for three consecutive years, if students are admitted to microelectronics science and engineering majors, the future employment prospects are very broad, and the salary and benefits are also very considerable.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

During the university, the major takes integrated circuits as the core of learning, and at the same time studies the related technical problems of various semiconductor devices, and the main application field of the major is chips, which is one of the core technologies of the mainland's strategic development.

Of course, the requirements for graduates in this industry are also relatively high, generally need to be admitted to graduate school, graduate employment rate will be very high, you can become a hardware engineer, you can also apply for Huawei and other large enterprises, engaged in integrated circuit research and development, as well as later design and maintenance, etc., the salary can reach more than 300,000.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

The second green card major is electrical engineering and automation major, and the employment rate of this major is also considerable, and it has become a green card major four times in the past five years, becoming a leader in the traditional engineering field.

However, in recent years, the admission score of this major has become higher and higher, mainly because there are more students who choose this major, and colleges and universities also need to recruit a large number of high-quality students when cultivating talents.

Students can apply for the State Grid, China Southern Power Grid and other enterprises, and can also work in new energy vehicle enterprises, power plants, electrical manufacturing and other related enterprises, all of which have good salaries and benefits.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

The third and fourth majors are new energy science and engineering, energy and power engineering, these two majors belong to energy and power, the overall employment rate and salary are very satisfactory to students, candidates and parents see the development prospects of these two majors, have applied for related majors.

Of course, these two majors have relatively high scores in many schools, and if students can't reach the scores, they can appropriately lower the application requirements and choose other majors related to energy and power.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

The fifth green card major is the mechanical and electronic engineering major, and the sixth is the robotics engineering major, the two majors are also very representative, and the professionalism is very strong, and it will have a non-negligible role during the transformation of the manufacturing industry in the future.

Students who apply for this type of major need to study hard during the university period, be proficient in automation technology and electronic information technology, and lay a good foundation for future employment.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

Of course, there are also some majors that have been rated as green majors in previous years, but due to various reasons, they will not be on the list in 2024, but their professional development prospects cannot be ignored.

For example, information engineering, road, bridge and river crossing engineering, information security, network engineering, digital media technology, software engineering, computer science and technology, etc., these majors also have their own development advantages, candidates can make a reasonable choice based on their actual situation and college entrance examination scores

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

If students want to be successfully employed, it is not enough to choose the right major

For college students, majors are one of the foundations of employment, and in order to increase employment advantages, students should also work hard in the following aspects during their college years.

For example, professional knowledge needs to be studied in depth, flexibly master professional skills, and try to get relevant certificates with high gold content to improve their professional quality. At the same time, students should actively participate in school internships, work and various club activities to increase their work experience and exercise their interpersonal skills.

6 green card majors have been released, with high employment rate and good treatment, and the top of the list has become a green card major for three consecutive years

After entering the university, students need to have clear career goals and development directions, and study in a targeted manner to improve their personal abilities. For example, students who want to take the graduate school entrance examination or public entrance examination need to prepare for the exam in advance and prepare for the interview at the same time.

No matter what major students choose, they must have the learning spirit of perseverance, let their knowledge and skills continue to improve, have the awareness of lifelong learning, and constantly update their knowledge system.

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