
Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

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Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


It is said that there are many people who are popular, and Wang Xingyue's experience during this period of time really fulfilled this sentence, and in a short period of time, he became popular with "Ink Rain and Clouds", attracting a lot of fans.

But just after it became popular, all kinds of black materials were frequently exposed, age cheating, buying QQNY, and the people who ate melons were dumbfounded, and Wang Xingyue, who had just exploded, collapsed like this?

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

However, so far, Wang Xingyue has not officially collapsed, and after being exposed to various black materials, Wang Xingyue's studio came forward to clarify as soon as possible.

Even Yu Zheng, the producer of "Ink Rain and Clouds", spoke out more and more for Wang Xing, and the authenticity of those black materials began to become confusing, and Wang Xingyue became a hot topic for a while.

So, what is the "big melon" that Wang Xingyue was exposed? What was the studio's response?

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

The more Wang Xing is on fire, the house collapses?

Speaking of Wang Xingyue, netizens who have not watched "Ink Rain and Clouds" may not be very clear about who he is.

Because, before the broadcast of "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was still an unknown young actor and was not famous.

And just after the broadcast of "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue became more popular and became a popular male star, and his fame rose.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

If you have watched "Ink Rain and Clouds", you will definitely be impressed by Wang Xingyue's acting skills.

Many fans were initially attracted by Wang Xingyue's appearance, but after watching "Ink Rain and Clouds", they found out that his acting skills were so good.

Wang Xingyue is not very old next year, and he doesn't shoot many scenes, but his acting skills are remarkable, which can bring in the audience's emotions very well.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

It can be said that Wang Xingyue became popular overnight with "Ink Rain Clouds" and gained a lot of fans.

But it is said that "there are many people who are popular", don't look at Wang Xingyue, who has just become popular, and the black material on the Internet is already flying all over the sky.

After a celebrity becomes popular, some netizens will dig deep into what the celebrity has done before, and this behavior is also called "archaeology".

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Many celebrities can withstand "archaeology" because they are clean and self-conscious, without scandals and over-the-top ways.

Therefore, after some celebrities go through "archaeology", they can still attract another wave of fans.

On the contrary, before becoming famous, celebrities who had chaotic private lives and made branches would lose their fans after "archaeology".

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Those stars look like people in front of the screen, but they do everything behind their backs, and after "archaeology", they are directly exposed.

And after Wang Xingyue became popular with "Ink Rain Clouds", he was also "archaeological" by netizens, and many big melons were revealed one after another.

This news shocked many netizens, Wang Xingyue has just become popular, and the house collapsed so soon?

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Black material emerges endlessly

Among these black materials, the most controversial is the purchase of "QQNY", but this news is not known to be true or false.

The reason for the incident was that some netizens broke the news that they found Wang Xingyue's Taobao account and saw the store he followed.

Among these stores, one of them sells QQNY, so it is rumored on the Internet that Wang Xingyue bought QQNY.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded
Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

In addition, another black material is that Wang Xingyue's age is fake, and he is not a "child brother" at all.

It can be seen from Baidu Encyclopedia's personal introduction that Wang Xingyue was born in 2002 and is 22 years old this year.

As a post-00s, Wang Xingyue is already young in the entertainment industry, but his acting skills are remarkable, so he is called "Brother Child".

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

But some netizens picked up a photo of Wang Xingyue when he was hospitalized in 2017, and found that he was not born in 02.

Wang Xingyue's real name is Wang Tao, which is known to many netizens.

In 2017, Wang Xingyue was hospitalized for a period of time before the college entrance examination due to a fractured bone in his head.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

This was originally just an ordinary hospital photo, but sharp-eyed netizens noticed the key at a glance.

It turned out that in the photos posted by Wang Xingyue, the basic information of the patient was pasted on the front of the hospital bed, which exposed everything.

In the age box, it was written "17 years old", but it was 2017, and Wang Xingyue should only be 15 years old.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

The probability of the hospital filling in the wrong patient's age is very small, so this age may be Wang Xingyue's real age.

If it is calculated according to Wang Xingyue's age of 17 years old in 2017, then Wang Xingyue should be 24 years old this year, not 22 years old.

In this way, Wang Xingyue's title of "Brother Kid" is a little abrupt, making fans feel that they have been deceived.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Regarding Wang Xingyue's black material, there is a third one, that is, the flowers that he played, and he hugged many girls at one time.

This news was broken to the blogger by a netizen, and he hugged left and right in the photo, so unhappy.

However, this photo is too blurry, and it is not quite possible to tell whether it is Wang Xingyue or not.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

The studio issued a statement in response

There are many people who are popular, this sentence is really fulfilled in Wang Xingyue, and so many black materials that I don't know the truth or falsehood have just been picked up as soon as he became popular.

If these black materials are true, maybe Wang Xingyue's star journey will end here.

However, after Wang Xingyue's studio noticed these black materials, he came forward to clarify as soon as possible.

The studio said that all the rumors on the Internet are false, and they will also use legal weapons to protect the legitimate rights and interests of artists.
Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Judging from the three pictures sent by the studio, Wang Xingyue is suspected of changing his age, the provident fund is affiliated with state-owned enterprises, and the purchase of QQNY, all of which are fake news.

At present, although the studio has not revealed so many details, Wang Xingyue himself has not come forward to respond to these black materials.

But what the studio said is so categorical, perhaps, these black materials are really fake, all of them are rumors.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded
Source of the above information: social account "Wang Xingyue OFFICIAL"
Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

However, even if these rumors are all false and all of them are clarified later, they will still have a certain impact on Wang Xingyue.

Wang Xingyue was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama when he was 15 years old, and was selected by Yu Zheng before graduation and signed a contract to become an artist.

Since 2019, Wang Xingyue has been exposed to filming, and he has played the leading role in just a few years.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded

Now it is even more popular with "Ink Rain and Clouds", and his fame is rising, and he sees a great star journey.

But now there is such a thing, even if the black material is clarified, it still leaves a bad impression in the hearts of many netizens.

This is a big blow to a star whose career has just started, and it may also affect his future star career.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded


From being exposed to the "big melon" to the clarification of the studio, although the black material on Wang Xingyue's body has not been completely clarified, it can't be fake, it can't be fake, and these rumors will disappear in the end.

From this point, it can be seen that the news in the entertainment industry is true or false, when eating melons, don't listen to the wind or rain, you must first figure out the truth of the matter.

Wang Xingyue's incident is a good example, whether it is age fraud or buying QQNY, Wang Xingyue has experienced an unwarranted disaster, and I only hope that the matter can be solved perfectly in the end.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue was exposed to "big melons" one after another, and the studio responded


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