
How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

author:Decorate your home

What can I say about this? Why is this the case with a good wall~ Originally, it was a good thing to install a socket on the wall, but you look at this redundant, bare cement that really seriously affects the appearance~

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

I really want to ask him, what kind of work do you do~ This can be delivered, and the owner is inevitably too kind~

Hahaha... Seeing the picture below, I couldn't help but laugh~ This has to be a designer who lacks a heart to do this! I can't go to the toilet when I open the window, I really bolt Q~ But one thing is really good, when I look at the window, I have been "cured" for many years of cervical spondylosis! Look at who goes to the toilet or plays with the mobile phone, is it not good to go to the toilet in a proper manner?

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

You may think that this kind of low-level mistake should be discovered at the first time, but in fact, for the decoration of Xiaobai, especially if you have not moved in, you will really ignore a lot of details!

May I ask this brother, when you buy a bathtub, do you really not plan to measure the size of the bathroom at home? How can you place an order so blindly and confidently~

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

Presumably the inner activity of the bathtub: how big is your own land, don't you have a little bit in your heart? It's hard for me to be what I can do!

Hahaha, I really want to laugh~

This is really an exclusive custom cabinet! It doesn't matter if there is a beam, the cabinet is cut down directly, every time I see it, I always feel a little pain in the skull, let's say, after being cut down, what can it do with the remaining half of the cabinet? It's outrageous~

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

I have to praise the carpentry master, he is really talented!

Just ask: who has ever seen a socket in a pool?! Come out for me, see if I don't educate you! What do you think~ Is it for decoration? Or is it for electrocution? This is outrageous, here it is!

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

Boy! Washing my hands, I felt a tingle, and the hairs on my body stood up! It's scary to think about~ But I think it's likely to be a spoof picture, in reality, I think anyone with a little IQ can't do such a thing! Don't learn because of curiosity~

Hahaha~ Looking at the pattern on the toilet, I smiled! This kind of laughter is a helpless laugh, a sad laugh, this is properly posted by the adults in the family, although the mental state of contemporary young people is leading, but it is not so crazy!

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

Every time before going to the toilet, who doesn't be amused when they see this sight! I feel a little uncomfortable sitting on it and going to the toilet~

Who can make the wardrobe frame wide at the top and narrow at the bottom? This proper wardrobe problem, this is really outrageous! Up and down can actually find out 3 cm, who can accept this, although it may not affect the use, but the aesthetics are suddenly reduced, and even give people a cheap feeling.

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

As a bystander, seeing such an effect, I will complain and complain, but I will really be angry! And it's all already installed, who can't rework it~

It's really going to break the big defense~ Who can save me from this-like laugh, hahaha... The toilet is still superior~ Put the toilet in the highest position of the bathroom, and even make a staircase for it, maybe the air above is fresher~

How can decoration not go crazy! Take stock of those devastating moments, it's not too outrageous~

Let's put aside the fact that the toilet is so high, is it really good to use solid wood flooring in this bathroom? Won't it get damp and moldy? It always feels like it's fun, do you have any feelings, sit on it and go to the toilet, as if you're in the court~ hahaha!

(Picture invasion and deletion)