
What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

author:Yimai brand design

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As long as the five ones are done well, the company will continue to speak out, so that the message conveyed by the brand is more unified and powerful, and at the same time, it can also accumulate brand equity and continuously improve the brand value.

As we all know, small and medium-sized business owners are usually busy dealing with products, raw materials, supply chains, and sales, and pay less attention to branding and marketing. When the economy is good, they are busy with production and shipment, and they simply don't have time to do brand building; When the economy was in a downturn, orders decreased, and the bosses felt that there was no expense to make a brand.

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

They all said, "No money, be a fart brand!" The most important thing for us now is how to increase sales quickly. "It's too slow to make a brand, and product sales are more direct and realistic." "I admit the importance of branding, but I'll wait until my business gets bigger.

However, in fact, brand building is a long-term process, and the most important thing for small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their marketing efficiency in the market environment is to enhance their confidence in purchasing, continue to bring positive cash flow, and increase their ability to resist risks. And that's where the value of the brand lies!

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

Although brand building does require long-term communication with the audience to accumulate brand equity, it is a relatively easy process to achieve branding.

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

The so-called branding is that the company grasps the five core elements of branding, creates a brand that is more in line with the perception of target consumers, and forms a significant difference among peers.

It sounds like a false proposition, but in fact, it is to make new customers feel that this brand is a decent, powerful and trustworthy brand, it may only be the first time I have seen it, and if it is temporarily impossible to spend a lot of money on systematic brand positioning, image building and brand communication like large enterprises or mature brands, small and medium-sized enterprises can at least achieve the "five ones" of branding:

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

Establish a differentiated positioning

Let the brand occupy the most advantageous position in the minds of consumers, become the representative of a certain category or feature, and let customers think of it as soon as they have needs. You can use the "3C analysis" method to find brand positioning, which must be that competitors do not occupy, target customers care very much, and the company itself can do.

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

Refine a general slogan

The brand slogan, also known as the advertising slogan, is the shortest and most accurate summary and expression of brand positioning and consumer interests. If your brand doesn't even have a slogan of "why buy me", either you're very confident or you're lacking roots. In the era of complex information, once the advertising slogan is determined, it is necessary to keep repeating the propaganda so that consumers can remember it.

Create an identifying symbol

Almost every brand has a logo, but not every brand has a recognizable symbol. Brand marketing is not only about aesthetics, but also about communication efficiency. A recognizable symbol can make the communication of the brand more effective with half the effort and let consumers quickly recognize it. Consumers mainly accumulate impressions of the brand through some memory fragments, and powerful symbols can make the brand deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

Design a big-name package

Product packaging is a key element of communication with consumers, especially for mass consumer goods, and is an important medium for direct contact with consumers. In the case that consumers cannot perceive the quality of the product, a packaging with a big brand model can greatly increase the confidence of consumers and obtain the priority of consumers. Especially for the post-95s and post-00s who pay attention to appearance, the good-looking packaging is directly related to their purchase decisions. At the same time, packaging can also communicate the core values and selling points of the brand through content.

Establish a set of normalized media

The media with large traffic and expensive prices cannot afford for small and medium-sized enterprises, but we can choose the self-media that suits us for marketing communication. WeChat public account is still the first choice for graphic self-media, by marking a QR code on the product to recommend the official account to consumers, and public articles can become a channel for brand and product communication. Douyin is the best choice for video-based self-media, and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises can post short videos on Douyin to introduce brands, display products, and even sell goods live. Enterprises can shape brand content on self-media according to their own industry characteristics.

What is Branding? How should small and medium-sized enterprises operate?

Beverage packaging design

So, even small and medium-sized enterprises can do brand building in a low-cost way. The key is that bosses have the right perception. As long as the above "five ones" are done, enterprises can continue to speak out, make the message of the brand more unified and powerful, and at the same time accumulate brand equity and continuously improve the brand value.

Here is Yimai brand planning and design, to help you position and sort out the brand, so that your brand can easily explode!

We focus on brand planning and design Brand strategic positioning | Marketing promotion

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