
Just look at it! A detailed explanation of the four sections of the planning brand

author:Yimai brand design

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Branding is content creation, tonal output, and mental occupation;

Branding is not a logo (logo), it is not a registered trademark, nor is it a simple name, choosing a category, and developing a product; Branding is a complete brand content building, involving a series of services including: brand positioning, brand story, brand name, Tagline, brand speech, brand slogan, brand standard color, etc.; With a complete brand content shaping, in order to achieve the output of brand tonality, otherwise the tonal output only stays at the visual level, content shaping and tonal output, and ultimately to achieve the consumer's mental occupation, the process of interaction between the three is called "branding".

Just look at it! A detailed explanation of the four sections of the planning brand

F&B brand design

Ginger alienation

Differentiation is the core competition, the blue ocean market, and the corner overtaking;

The goal of branding must be to achieve differentiation, if the content of the brand is similar to or can be common to competing products, then there is a high probability that it will not be able to win in the commercial market: and differentiation as the core competitiveness, behind it also reflects the brand's innovation ability; To achieve differentiation, let the brand in the original industry in the red ocean market, open up their own blue ocean market, let the brand in the industry & category giants in the market, to achieve the possibility of corner overtaking, the development of the blue ocean market, the growth rate of corner overtaking in the reverse to strengthen the core competitiveness of the brand, the process of interaction between the three is called "differentiation".

Just look at it! A detailed explanation of the four sections of the planning brand

F&B brand design


Standardization is the business model, brand CIS, brand SIS;

The goal of differentiation must be to achieve standardization; Once the brand differentiation is successful, it is necessary to quickly establish a brand moat, quickly accumulate brand equity, and clarify a series of standards for the brand, mainly focusing on the brand business model & brand content assets. To sum up, the result of standardization is to achieve a brand that is sustainable, replicable, fissionable, and integrable, paving the way for the scale of the brand.

Just look at it! A detailed explanation of the four sections of the planning brand

F&B brand design


Scale is from one to ten, from ten to hundred, from hundred to thousand:

This sentence seems very straightforward, in fact, it expresses the essence of different brands to expand to different degrees, and the business model is at least in line with the underlying business logic, which is a good business, but the business model is different from the business model, which is just a prerequisite for standardization; On the road from standardization to scale, online and offline are different ways of playing, online is the number of fans, and offline is the profit is the number of stores (legend).

Just look at it! A detailed explanation of the four sections of the planning brand

F&B brand design

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