
Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Are carrots good?" Zhao Lihai touched his chin and muttered to himself in confusion on the park bench.

Zhao Lihai, a middle-aged accountant who loves nature and likes to work in his backyard, has an almost obsessive pursuit of healthy food. In his spacious backyard, a variety of vegetables are grown, among which carrots occupy a large plot.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

He is a strong believer in the health benefits of carrots, not only because of its rich vitamin A, but also because it helps improve eyesight and keep skin healthy. However, a chance conversation left him with doubts about the benefits of carrots.

That day, he went fishing in the park as usual and enjoyed a quiet time, the sun shining through the gaps in the leaves and shining on the sparkling lake, and the fresh smell of grass filled the air.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

As he basked in the tranquility, he was caught up in the conversation of several elderly people next to him, who were talking about healthy eating, especially the relationship between carrots and kidney health. One of the voices was particularly loud: "You know, I heard that carrots are the 'fierce enemy' of kidney disease!" ”

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

He thought to himself, he was digging his own grave by eating so many carrots every week. He hurriedly packed up his fishing tools and decided to go to the hospital the next day to find Dr. Li, an expert with considerable achievements in the field of nephrology, to seek clarification.

The next day, in the hospital's outpatient room, Dr. Li was listening carefully to another patient's appeal. Zhao Lihai was nervous while waiting, and he observed every movement of the doctor, trying to find some comfort in it. When it was his turn, he eagerly voiced his concerns.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

After listening patiently, Dr. Li smiled and began to explain, "Mr. Zhao, I understand your concern. Carrots are indeed a very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, as well as antioxidants. ”

Dr Lee went on to mention the β-carotene in carrots, which is a powerful antioxidant that converts into vitamin A in the body and is especially important for eye health. "However," he said, "the high levels of potassium in carrots can be a problem for people with kidney disease." ”

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Zhao Lihai nodded, his expression gradually relaxed, and he began to understand the logic behind this.

Dr. Lee continued, "If you consume too many carrots, especially when the kidneys are already damaged, there may be problems with water metabolism in the body. One of the main functions of the kidneys is to maintain fluid balance and process excess water, and if the kidneys are not functioning properly, excessive water intake can lead to sodium and water retention, which is very detrimental for patients with kidney disease. ”

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Zhao Lihai listened attentively, and Dr. Li's words made him start to reevaluate his eating habits. "So what should I do? Should I avoid carrots altogether? He asked.

"You don't have to avoid it entirely," Dr. Lee advises, "the key is to do it in moderation." You can continue to eat carrots, but not in excess. In the meantime, keep in touch with your doctor and check your kidney function regularly to make sure everything is under control. ”

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

For kidney health, in addition to limiting certain foods, it is also important to consume some beneficial fruits and vegetables. Especially for those looking to improve their kidney health through their daily diet, here are three fruits and vegetables that you may not have paid much attention to, but they have great benefits for the kidneys.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Beets, a common root vegetable, may not be common on your dinner table, but their health value should not be overlooked. Beets are high in antioxidants and nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure and enhance blood vessel function.

Especially important for kidney health, the nitrates in beets can be converted into a compound called nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, which reduces stress on the kidneys.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Not only are red grapes sweet in taste, they contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and reduces cell damage. Resveratrol is well known for heart and blood vessel health, but it's also beneficial for kidney health.

The potassium in red grapes, although moderate, is enough to help regulate the electrolyte balance in the body, which is essential for maintaining normal kidney function.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Onions may be one of the most common spices in the kitchen, but its health benefits go far beyond that. Onions are rich in sulfides and flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that are effective in reducing chronic inflammation and reducing oxidative stress in the body

Moreover, onions also contain a small amount of potassium, which is suitable for patients with renal insufficiency. Onions can also help lower high blood pressure and control blood sugar, which are important factors in maintaining kidney health.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

By incorporating these fruits and vegetables into your daily diet in moderation, you can not only enrich the color and taste of your table, but also protect your kidney health.

Of course, everyone's health condition is different, and the appropriate diet plan will be different, so it's a good idea to consult a doctor or dietitian before changing your eating habits to make sure these foods are suitable for your individual health condition. In this way, you can not only enjoy the delicious taste, but also get the protection of health while enjoying it.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

While fruits and vegetables are generally good for health, some contain high amounts of potassium or phosphorus, which can have a negative impact on patients with impaired kidney function. Below, we'll take a closer look at several fruits and vegetables that you should eat less or avoid, and how they may affect your kidney health.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Although bananas are a nutritious fruit that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, they are also representatives of high-potassium fruits. However, for patients with renal insufficiency, their bodies are unable to effectively eliminate excess potassium, and excessive blood potassium levels can lead to heart problems and even cardiac arrest.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Tomatoes are another vegetable with a higher potassium content that is commonly found in a variety of dishes and salads. In addition, tomatoes are also high in phosphorus, and excessive accumulation of phosphorus in the body can also cause a burden on the kidneys, which may lead to problems such as osteoporosis because people with kidney disease have a weakened ability to excrete phosphorus.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

Spinach, a leafy green, is rich in iron and antioxidants, but it's also a high source of potassium and phosphorus. While these minerals in spinach are beneficial for healthy people, they can be harmful to people with kidney disease.

Therefore, patients with renal insufficiency need to be extra careful when consuming spinach, and proper cooking treatments such as boiling can help remove some of the potassium and phosphorus, but it is best to limit the proportion of it in the diet.

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

While fruits and vegetables are an integral part of a healthy diet, it is safer for people with kidney disease to choose foods that are low in potassium and phosphorus. When changing your eating habits, it is best to do so under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian to ensure a safe and balanced diet.

(All names have been changed)

What are your thoughts on preventing kidney disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things



[1] Cao Feifei. Research Progress on Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease Complicated by Acute Kidney Injury and the Mechanism Affecting Renal Repair, Chinese Medicine, 2023-04-06

Carrots are the "fierce enemy" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these 3 things

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