
Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

author:Dr. Tang popularized science

Content Sources:

1. Wang Xujie, Zhang Yuntong, Guo Mingdong, et al. Experience of Professor Weng Weiliang, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in the treatment of coronary heart disease in the elderly[J].Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2023,

2. Wang Xujie, Zhu Baochen, Li Qiuyan, et al. Research on the core prescription mining of Weng Weiliang for the treatment of bradyarrhythmia based on complex network analysis[J].New Drugs and Clinical Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2022,

3. Zhang Rui, Li Qiuyan, Weng Weiliang, et al. Exploring the potential molecular mechanism of coronary heart III. prescription in the treatment of coronary heart disease based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology[J].World Journal of Integrative Medicine,2021,

"Bow down to the people as a good doctor, and lead the trend by invigorating blood and removing blood stasis." This is the fourth selection of the master of traditional Chinese medicine to praise Weng Weiliang's words, the master of traditional Chinese medicine is the highest honorary title of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, but also an outstanding representative of traditional Chinese medicine workers, need to have more than 55 years of experience in traditional Chinese medicine clinical or traditional Chinese medicine work, the selection conditions are very strict, so the people who are rated as "masters of traditional Chinese medicine" generally have at least 50 years of medical experience, have treated countless patients, and have seen a variety of incurable diseases, in their respective fields have unique insights and cognition.

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

Weng Weiliang's lifelong path is cardiovascular disease, and he has created his own milestones on this path, step by step. In Shanghai in 1944, a 7-year-old boy threw himself on the hospital bed and grabbed his mother's hand, shouting "Mom, Mommy......" in a choked and broken voice, until the hand on the hospital bed hung down heavily.

This boy is Weng Weiliang when he was a child, and it was the experience of losing his mother when he was young that made Weng Weiliang set his ambition to practice medicine from the day his mother died. "My mother died of tuberculosis, and the medical conditions at that time were limited, and if the medicine had already conquered tuberculosis at that time, my mother might not have died so early, and at that time I also decided that I would go down this path in the future." And this road, Weng Weiliang has been walking for more than 60 years.

From 1955 to 1960, when Weng Weiliang was a university student in the medical department of Shanghai First Medical College, he was exposed to some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine in elective courses.

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

The use of traditional Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis to treat myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease, and angina pectoris seems to have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At that time, for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, almost always adhering to the concept of "only Western medicine is from", in order to make it possible for Chinese medicine to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Weng Weiliang's group of people almost used the spirit of water drops to penetrate the stone step by step on this road, broadening and stepping on the ground, and finally changed the problem of slow effect of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It turned out that before the 60s of the 20th century, the Chinese medicine community generally believed that the cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and angina pectoris was the lack of heart and yang, and the clinical medication was mostly "Poria cocos, Atractylodes, Astragalus" and other prescriptions such as Tongyang Sanjie, but at that time, Weng Weiliang's teacher Guo Shikui believed that although this prescription was effective, the effect was too slow, and once the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases attacked, the life and death of the patient were usually in the minutes and seconds, and the "slow effect" of traditional Chinese medicine was too late, so was there any traditional Chinese medicine that could be applied to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases?

After searching through the ancient and modern prescriptions, I finally found the method of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis of the famous Qing Dynasty physician Wang Qingren in an ancient prescription, after combining clinical practice and thinking, Guo Shikui and Weng Weiliang were pleasantly surprised, "It's worth trying!" What's even more surprising is that after the improvement, once the blood circulation and blood stasis dissolving medicine based on Wang Qingren's Xuefu Zhuyu Tang and Tongqi Huoxue Tang was applied, it achieved extremely remarkable results, and its effect speed can be compared with Western medicine, which made everyone who tackled the problem together at that time very excited.

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

In 2003, "Research on Blood Stasis Syndrome and Blood Stasis Removal" became the first medical research project to win the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which pushed the research on blood stasis and blood stasis to a climax, and until now, this idea still profoundly affects the clinical diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Professor Weng Weiliang, who is now in his old age, is still excited when he recalls the time when he and his teachers worked together.

However, Weng Weiliang has always taught students not only to do research in the research room and school, academic research is only on paper after all, "to be a really good doctor, you have to go to the grassroots", and this is also inseparable from his experience of taking root in the Loess Plateau as a "barefoot doctor".

At the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the former Xiyuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research was moved to Jishan County, Shanxi Province for some special reasons, and the Institute of Rural Diseases was established. Not long afterward, Weng Weiliang went to the Loess Plateau south of the Fen River as the leader of the medical team, and according to his recollection, "the wells on the plateau are dozens of zhang deep, and there is not much water to fetch, and the water that rains has to be kept for drinking, and the sanitary conditions are not good, and the villagers are easy to get sick." ”

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

At that time, the medical team's funds were not high, Weng Weiliang could only lead the team to take local materials, needles, threads, and massage for the people, and when it was necessary to use medicine, local wild Chinese medicinal materials such as goldenrod, dihuzi, dijin grass, purslane, etc., among which he was most impressed by the fact that the goldenrod all over the world was dried and rolled into the tobacco leaves, and the dose was constantly adjusted, and finally the villagers were cured of chronic bronchitis at the best dose.

These hearts that really think about the people are deeply remembered by everyone, and Weng Weiliang has gained a lot of "hardcore fans", even now decades later, there are still many blind dates from the Loess Plateau who come to Beijing to see him for medical treatment. And this experience of eating and living with the common people also made him truly understand what is the great doctor's feelings of "universal salvation and spiritual suffering".

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

In the course of practicing medicine in the next few decades, Weng Weiliang has always put this feeling into his work and life, and now Weng Weiliang, who is nearly 90 years old, is still struggling on the front line, but he still maintains the heart of really thinking about the people, every time after the ward check, he will tell patients to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to start from the small things in life, and anyone can do the real cheap and useful prescriptions, which can be summed up in only six words: three but, two often drink!

In order to protect heart health, Professor Weng summed up the secret of "three but two often drink".

  1. Not too much.

He believes that overwork can cause irreversible damage to the body, especially the heart, and is an important cause of sudden death. Many people think that overwork mainly occurs in manual workers, but in modern society, mental workers are more likely to be overworked because they have been working at high intensity for a long time. Therefore, Professor Weng emphasized the combination of work and rest, not to be overworked for a long time, and to ensure adequate rest and sleep.

  1. Not fat.

In addition, Professor Weng found that 70% of patients with heart disease are obese. He believes that obesity increases the workload on the heart and is more likely to lead to heart disease. Therefore, he recommends controlling weight, avoiding obesity, and reducing the burden on the heart.

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart
  1. Not lazy though.

Many people have inertia, do not have a physical examination on time, ignore their physical condition, and miss the best time for treatment. Professor Weng reminded that if there is any discomfort in the heart, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time. Have regular check-ups and pay attention to your heart health.

In order to better protect the heart, Professor Weng also successfully combined and made a heart-protecting tea and a heart-protecting porridge based on his years of experience. The heart-protecting tea is composed of mint, Huoxiang, peilan, lotus leaf, honeysuckle, etc., decoction on behalf of the tea, which has the effect of protecting the heart, benefiting the kidneys and clearing heat, and can be drunk for a long time; Heart-protecting porridge is composed of lotus seeds, lilies, wolfberry seeds, yams, red beans, coix seeds, japonica rice, etc., which can be used as daily heart-nourishing porridge and can also be used as an adjuvant treatment for heart disease patients.

Review: Cardiologist Weng Weiliang: Adhere to the "three no's, two often drink" to maintain the health of the heart

All in all, Professor Weng's "Three Nos, Two Regular Drinks" tips for nourishing the heart emphasize the importance of combining work and rest, weight control, and regular physical examinations, and recommended heart-protecting tea and heart-protecting porridge as daily health care and auxiliary treatment methods to help maintain heart health.