
Three reforms may be launched in rural areas? In the second half of the year, we will focus on promotion

author:Zhao Yunwen

A new round of reform is about to start in rural areas, involving measures in three aspects: medical reform, pension reform and housing construction reform. With the release and deployment of the document, it will also be fully promoted in the second half of the year. Next, I will briefly talk about the highlights of the three reforms.

Three reforms may be launched in rural areas? In the second half of the year, we will focus on promotion

The first is housing safety reform

The construction of rural houses is related to the peasants' peace and contentment, and is also related to the planning of villages and the future development of rural areas. The quality and safety of self-built houses has also become a reform that the state attaches great importance to.

According to the measures issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, by 2025, the whole process of closed-loop supervision of housing construction and quality and safety in rural areas will also be carried out.

The first is to establish a safety inspection mechanism for rural housing. To put it simply, all localities will start this year to carry out quality and safety inspections of self-built houses, commercial self-built houses and densely populated public buildings in rural areas, with the purpose of discovering potential safety hazards in a timely manner and ensuring the safety of everyone's lives.

The second is to establish a system of regular physical examinations for houses. The so-called physical examination is to carry out housing inspection of self-built houses in rural areas. Next, all regions will also improve the system in accordance with the content of the guidance, regularly organize self-inspection of farmhouses within their jurisdiction, and hire professional institutions to conduct safety appraisal for old houses in rural areas to ensure the safety of houses.

Three reforms may be launched in rural areas? In the second half of the year, we will focus on promotion

The second is the reform of basic medical insurance

Nowadays, the mainland's basic medical insurance participation rate has stabilized at more than 95 percent, and there are more people who participate in the insurance, so it is natural to improve the level of protection.

In the aspect of the medical insurance payment system for urban and rural residents, the reform of financial subsidies will be implemented, and the per capita financial subsidy standard will be increased by 30 yuan on the basis of last year's implementation.

In terms of medical insurance subsidy payment for key groups, this year will guide all localities to continue to implement the classified subsidy policy in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Insurance Bureau, and at the same time ensure that low-income populations, subsistence allowance recipients, five-guarantee households and other objects participate in medical insurance and must not be omitted.

Finally, in the basic aspect of medical insurance, it is necessary to establish a risk early warning mechanism. To put it simply; It is to prevent risks through the means of informatization, as long as it is found that there is a place, the illegal use of medical insurance funds by individuals will be the first time to warn, release information to the department, organize unannounced inspections, unannounced investigations, etc., and make every effort to combat medical corruption.

In addition, in terms of employee medical insurance, this year it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the outpatient mutual aid guarantee mechanism of employee medical insurance. In addition, qualified localities will also be encouraged to explore the possibility of participating in employee medical insurance for flexible employment personnel to participate in maternity insurance at the same time.

Three reforms may be launched in rural areas? In the second half of the year, we will focus on promotion

The third is the reform of the pension system

Today, the first and rural elderly pension all-round policy documents have been released, in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other departments issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Rural Pension Services" in our country has also deployed a series of new rural pension reform measures. Among them, there are two highlights that farmers should understand.

The first is to strengthen the construction of rural pension service facilities and make up for the shortcomings of hardware. Starting from this year, our country will also launch a series of projects to cope with the aging of the population, and the next key task is to support the construction and transformation of public pension institutions such as nursing homes in rural areas, so as to improve nursing capacity. At the same time, multiple departments will also work together to do a good job, formulate policies, and allocate funds to focus on supporting local areas to improve the conditions of rural elderly care service facilities and improve the allocation of disability care equipment. Gradually form a network of rural pension service facilities with scientific layout, balanced allocation and perfect service.

The second is to strengthen the ability of the elderly in rural areas to provide for the elderly. In order to cope with the problem of population aging, which may become more prominent in the future, the mainland will also strengthen the old-age security capacity of the elderly in rural areas from this year.

Three reforms may be launched in rural areas? In the second half of the year, we will focus on promotion

On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to improve the old-age insurance mechanism in rural areas, actively encourage more rural residents to participate in urban and rural residents' medical insurance, personal old-age insurance and commercial old-age insurance, and will also take measures to arrange support policies to guide rural insureds to improve their personal pension treatment through overpayment and long-term payment.

On the other hand, it will go deep into rural areas to promote the construction of a long-term care insurance system, and will also take measures to solve the problem of long-term care security for the majority of disabled people, including the disabled elderly in rural areas. Ensure that the elderly enjoy the right to know, participate in decision-making, and benefit in accordance with the law in all aspects of the quantification of the right to income from rural collective operating assets, the circulation of rights and interests, and inheritance.

Okay, so that's what I think about the three major reform measures I've interpreted for you based on the documents released this year? Do you support it?