
Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

author:Glad to see Talk

Youth passes away with the wind, and endless grief remains in the world!

The 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away in the Asian Youth Championships, which made the badminton world lose a genius, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue after seeing the details of the rescue!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

Later, the official response announced the details of the rescue, which made many people feel very sad......

When he won glory for the country, he died in a foreign land

The word "death" was so far away, but it was right in front of him.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

On the evening of June 30, when many people were looking forward to the arrival of July and hoping that July would bring them good luck, a very heavy thing happened.

Zhang Zhijie, who was originally 17 years old, was fortunate to go to Indonesia to participate in the Asian Youth Badminton Championships.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

This is an opportunity that many people dream of, but he won it, which is enough to prove how good he is.

This is an opportunity that many people will envy!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

And this time his opponent is still the Japanese team, with the blessing of such a national bloodline, it is very exciting, and Zhang Zhijie's desire for victory has also reached its peak.

From February 28th to March 3rd, the Dutch Youth Badminton International Tournament was held in Haarlem, the Netherlands, and this grand badminton banquet attracted the attention of badminton fans from all over the world.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

Under the fierce struggle in this match, Zhang Zhijie defeated his opponent in the final 21-10, 11-21, 21-13 and won the gold medal in men's singles.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

From the above situation, we can see that Zhang Zhijie not only has a strong heart, but also shows his perseverance in competitive sportsmanship.

Zhang Zhijie showed us what he was good at in the Netherlands, and as long as he plays normally in this tournament in Indonesia, victory will certainly be in sight.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

But something unexpected happened......

When the game was in a fierce duel, Zhang Zhijie's sudden fall to the ground and convulsions not only stunned the opponent and everyone present.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

It can be seen from the video exposed at the scene that Zhang Zhijie was concentrating on the game, but suddenly leaned forward and then fell, and convulsed a few times after falling to the ground.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

He also tried to struggle while he fell to the ground, but his body was not strong at all, and then there were brief convulsions, and then he lay on the ground without movement.

All this happened so fast that everyone didn't have time to react, until the referee on the side realized the problem and hurriedly stepped forward to check Zhang Zhijie's condition.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

When the doctor and the medical team heard about it, they also ran forward to treat him briefly, and then rushed him to the nearest hospital without stopping, for fear of delaying treatment.

I thought I could save this badminton genius, but what I never expected was ......

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

On June 30, 23:20 p.m. in Indonesia, the hospital issued a notice of his death!

He was only seventeen years old, this age was too far away from death, he should have a good life, but he didn't expect such a small probability event to happen to him.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

The world has lost a genius, and his parents have lost their own children!

In a foreign country with no relatives, Zhang Zhijie, who was only 17 years old, lost his life like this!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

He was supposed to stand in the professional arena and the future is out of reach for most people, but he disappeared into the world like this, and I have to sigh the injustice of fate!

The age of 17 is the beginning of life, the age when everything is still infinite for everyone, but he is the only exception.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

After learning the news, Zhang Zhijie's family was very sad and posted a question......

The pain of losing a child is heartbreaking

When they learned of the fall of Zhang Zhijie, a genius, many people expressed deep grief over his affairs!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

Former Olympic champion and world Olympic champion Cai Yun also posted for it.

Born in 2007, Zhang Zhijie is a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and has been exposed to badminton since he was a child, and was later sent to a sports school in Jiaxing City because of his excellent performance.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

And he entered the Zhejiang Provincial Team in the third grade, and some people may not be able to enter such an honor even for more than ten years, but it is conceivable that he is so talented!

In the past few years, Zhang Zhijie has not only participated in various competitions but also achieved outstanding results, winning the 2022 Global U Series Badminton Men's Singles Championship, winning the National Youth Badminton Championships Group B Men's Singles Championship in the following year, and winning the World Youth Badminton Championships Men's Singles Championship in the same year.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

These accolades are enough to see how much hard work and perseverance he has put into badminton!

After learning the news of Zhang Zhijie's death, his family was grief-stricken, and his sister immediately stood up to express her grief and heavy heart.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

In my sister's post, she said, "Yesterday was my birthday, and he hasn't told me happy birthday to my sister, you said that you were going home for two days after the game, and we were all waiting for you to come back."

But Zhang Zhijie will never go back, his sister never waited for her happy birthday, and his parents couldn't wait for him to come back!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

And my sister also questioned in the article: Why did the medical staff not rescue Zhang Zhijie in time when he fell, but waited for a long time before the medical staff arrived?

And part of the reason for his death was that the medical conditions were too poor, which made Zhang Zhijie's sister unacceptable.

Later, my sister posted again, "Zhang Zhijie, you are only 17 years old, and you only sent home the certificate of the university you escorted yesterday." ”

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

Such a teenager should have rushed to his own college life after winning the championship, but this happened.

The family was waiting for Zhang Zhijie but was told that he had died, and such news was unacceptable to anyone.

There is no problem with Zhang Zhijie's sister's statement, even if she scolds her, she should be scolded, her blood is thicker than water!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

The statement that the medical care is too poor is too one-sided!

My sister's statement also made many netizens question that the rescue was not timely.

Later, the reporter also interviewed the director of the emergency department, and he believed that Zhang Zhijie's situation was basically in line with the situation of sudden sports death.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

And experts pointed out three life-saving links missed at the scene:

1. The patient was not immediately checked and evaluated, and the medical staff did not enter until 1:07 after 0:27.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ADE defibrillation were not performed on site.

3. The golden time for cardiac arrest is four minutes, and the scene did not seize these four minutes for first aid, but should have carried the ambulance while doing chest compressions.

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

Zhang Zhijie's death has undoubtedly pushed the medical system to the forefront.

High intensity and high risk are common for athletes, but tragedy is caused by the problem of rescue, right?

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue

I hope that Zhang Zhijie's matter can be taken seriously by the sports and medical circles, and don't let the tragedy happen again!

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

Reference Sources:

[1]. Official media Great Wall Network "17-year-old Zhang Zhijie died, rescue details announced, the cause has not yet been clarified!" Official Voice》

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Subsequent! Zhang Zhijie died, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely, and the official response announced the details of the rescue
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