
Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

author:Möngke talks about health

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As we all know, the United States has already started the imposition of high tariffs on electric vehicles in the mainland, and even the battery manufacturers of Chinese electric vehicles that have set up factories in the United States have been included in the entity list by the US government, looking for opportunities to hit the mainland electric vehicle industry.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

The United States is worried that mainland electric vehicles will be loved by consumers once they enter the U.S. market because of their cost-effective advantages, which will hurt the market share and profits of local U.S. car brands.

Not only that, the United States is also trying to prevent the competitiveness of mainland electric vehicles in the global market from further improving through measures such as technology transfer restrictions and market access conditions. These policies are not only a crackdown on the mainland's electric vehicle industry, but also reflect its concerns about the competitiveness of the country's auto industry.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

At the same time, Europe has also followed the steps of the United States and imposed a series of sanctions on mainland electric vehicles, and they have launched a number of investigations on mainland electric vehicles by conducting a series of countervailing investigations. The EU's measures are also aimed at further influencing the future sales and development of continental EV brands in Europe.

It has to be said that this series of operations in the United States and Europe is aimed at cracking down on the development of the continental electric vehicle industry. In fact, the development of the mainland electric vehicle industry has been very rapid in the past 10 years, not only many families in China have purchased electric vehicles, in foreign markets, the mainland's electric vehicle products are also very popular.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

The EU's increasingly stringent market access conditions for Chinese electric vehicles are not only aimed at maintaining the competitive position of the local automotive industry, but also expressing concerns about the growth of the mainland's electric vehicle technology and market share.

In order to prevent mainland electric vehicle brands from occupying the domestic market, they have cracked down on mainland electric vehicle brands by imposing high tariffs and conducting some countervailing investigations.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

As for Canada, it has long been an ally of the United States, so the United States can also be seen in their foreign policies. Just a few days ago, Canada's finance minister also announced that in order to protect Canadian workers and the electric vehicle supply chain from China's unfair trade practices, Canada will hold a 30-day consultation on whether to increase import tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

Canada's Ministry of Finance said it believes that the entry of Chinese electric vehicles into Canada may cause unfair competition for Canada's auto workers and the automotive industry, and they say that China's electric vehicles lack strict labor and environmental standards.

This will lead to an oversupply situation in the global EV industry, which will hurt the profitability of EV brands in countries such as Canada. Therefore, in order to deal with the potential harm that the import of Chinese electric vehicles into Canada will bring to Canada. Canada will hold month-long discussions on whether to raise tariffs on electric vehicles in China.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

Canada decided to conduct this tariff negotiation to address potential threats to its own market and industry. The Canadian government's attitude has also sparked a deeper discussion in the international community about the competition in the global market for electric vehicles. With the rapid development of global electric vehicle technology and the expansion of market demand, the adjustment and formulation of policies in various countries will directly affect the evolution of the global industrial pattern.

In this context, the balance between free trade and market protectionism is becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, in the face of this situation, Canada must find a balance and rationality within the framework of international trade regulations in order to deal with this problem, after all, this adjustment of domestic tariff policy not only involves its own economic interests, but also involves changes in global international competition.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

In fact, for Canada, this "follow-up" policy is also a reaction to the instability of Canada's domestic political environment. In 2015, Canada's current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won praise at home and abroad for his liberal advocacy and the inclusiveness of his policies.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

As a result, he won the Canadian general election and became the Prime Minister of Canada, and the government he served in was also actively pursuing various environmental policies. For example, a carbon tax and a number of other measures on climate change have been promoted, hoping to make Canada a benchmark against global climate change.

In addition, Trudeau's policy also touches on social justice issues, as well as gender issues, Indigenous rights in Canada, and refugee admission policies.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

However, Trudeau's leadership has also been met with criticism and controversy. In terms of economic policy, despite the government's efforts to promote innovation and technological development, some of his decisions on the handling of pipeline expansion projects and trade relations with the United States have been opposed by some in the country.

In addition, the Trudeau government has been hesitant to deal with some domestic and foreign political issues, especially on diplomatic relations with China and other international affairs, which has also caused widespread discussion and dissatisfaction among the Canadian people and political circles.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

Politically, Trudeau's Liberal Party faced very much competition in the recent election. While Mr. Trudeau's charisma remains popular in Canada, doubts about the effectiveness of his government's policies have left the political landscape uncertain.

In Canada's multi-party political environment, Trudeau and his team must address critical voices from opposition parties and the public while maintaining core voter support.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

Domestically, Canada's long-term adherence to the U.S. foreign policy has led to a number of controversies in its handling of China-Canada relations, including the unwarranted detention of Chinese business executives and the imposition of tariffs on Chinese products by the U.S., which have caused great dissatisfaction in Canada.

The Trudeau government's series of domestic and foreign policies have not only caused Trudeau's domestic approval rating to drop sharply, the Canadian people have suffered from high inflation, and the cost of living has gradually risen, but also internationally, Canada has also caused the international community to start looking at their jokes.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

In the parliamentary elections of Greater Canada held a few days ago, Trudeau's Liberal Party only won more than 70 seats in parliament. Their opponents, the Conservatives, won more than a majority of seats in the Canadian Parliament. This means that the probability of Trudeau's Liberal Party wanting to remain in power in Canada will be greatly reduced.

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

In other words, whether Trudeau can continue to serve as Canada's prime minister will also be marked with a big question mark. We will also wait and see how Canada's political situation will develop in the future, and what policies will be made for the mainland electric vehicle industry.

What do you think about the tax increase? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Following the United States and Europe, Canada imposed heavy taxes on Chinese cars, and Trudeau immediately suffered a blow!

Information sources: Raising taxes on Chinese electric vehicles on the grounds of "countervailing", but Europe is the big subsidy?

CBN: Canada also wants to follow suit and raise tariffs? Consultations on electric vehicles in China will be initiated

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