
Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

author:Möngke talks about health

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Recently, the United States has not reined in its behavior in international affairs. In particular, on the China side, it has constantly provoked various contradictions and continued to increase its bargaining chips on the Taiwan Strait issue and the South China Sea issue. At the same time, the United States has not forgotten to assert its position in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

In order to further control the Middle East, the United States has even signaled that it will sign a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia, which is already close to being reached.

If the United States and Saudi Arabia succeed in signing this agreement, the situation in the Middle East will change. The previous efforts by China and even the international community for peace in the Middle East have been in vain.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

In addition, the United States is constantly using the influence of public opinion to announce that it will strengthen cooperation with Cambodia, but Cambodia must break off relations with China.

It can be seen from this incident that the United States has made no secret of its targeting of China, and it has also fully demonstrated the arrogance of the United States. The United States has always regarded itself as the hegemon, and it is precisely because of this that it has fueled its arrogance. Recently, however, the situation in the Middle East has undergone great changes, especially the tragic death of Iranian President Raisi.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

In the eyes of the United States, Raisi's trend will lead Iran into a state of chaos. The United States only needs a little provocation to create deeper contradictions between Iran and other Arab countries.

In order to further demonstrate the influence of the United States in the Middle East, the United States also announced that it will sign a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia. Once this agreement is reached, it will mean that the United States will regain control of the Middle East, greatly weakening the influence of China and Russia in the Middle East.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

It can be said that the United States is bound to win in the Middle East. Although the United States has tried its best to broker friendly diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, it has even promised Saudi Arabia that it will provide stealth fighter jets to Saudi Arabia as long as Saudi Arabia obeys this arrangement of the United States.

Saudi Arabia can also get nuclear power technology from the United States and put chip production plants in Saudi Arabia. In the face of various inducements by the United States, will Saudi Arabia be able to make the United States get its wish?

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

U.S. support for Israel has aroused outrage in the Middle East

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a large number of people have been sacrificed in Saudi Arabia, and under the impact of the war, the local people can be said to be struggling to survive, and millions of refugees have been displaced.

In this war, the atrocities of the Israeli army have aroused widespread concern and public outrage in the global community. Especially those countries in the Middle East.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

Even though there are some religious differences between Arab countries and Iran, they both belong to the Islamic civilization, and these countries are even more angry at Israel's crimes.

Today, the countries of the Middle East have realized that they must unite in order to better confront Israel. As a result, many Gulf states have begun to take the initiative to ease relations with countries such as Israel and Syria. Saudi Arabia is no exception.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

In the face of the lucrative conditions and temptations offered by the United States, Saudi Arabia agreed, but did not show much enthusiasm for it. Since then, the United States has been constantly sending signals to the outside world, and said that the two countries will sign a historic agreement, but the Saudi side has not clearly indicated the date of the signing.

In addition, the Saudi side also announced that it would not continue to sign an oil agreement with the United States. That is to say, in the next oil trading process, the Saudi side will no longer use the US dollar as the currency of oil trading, and will adopt a more diversified form of currency trading, such as real-time trading of currencies such as RMB and euros.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

Just when Saudi Arabia announced that it would no longer use the dollar for oil transactions, there was also speculation that this would be the biggest shock to the dollar, and it might even lead to the gradual loss of the hegemony of the dollar.

Not only did Saudi Arabia announce its refusal to continue the renewal of its visa with the United States, but not long ago, Bahrain restored normal diplomatic relations with Iran. After the talks, the two sides have reached an agreement that they will do their utmost to stop Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip and provide necessary assistance to the Palestinians.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

Although Iran has just lost President Raisi, the Iranian side has said that it will unite with Middle Eastern countries to jointly expel the encroachment on the Middle East from external forces.

The United States' excessive favoritism toward Israel in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has greatly disappointed many Arab countries. This is also the key to the sudden change in the situation in the Middle East, forcing the Saudi side to change its position.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

The United States suffers bad news, and China wins?

A growing number of Arab countries now believe that they must unite if they want to respond to the invasion by the United States and Israel.

As countries in the Middle East have eased their relations with Iran, the layout of the United States in the Middle East will also fail completely, which will be the most troublesome thing for the United States.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

Originally, the United States thought that it could take advantage of the chaos in the Middle East to completely control the initiative in the region, but Saudi Arabia stabbed the United States in the back.

For example, Saudi Arabia first joined the multinational digital currency bridge, which once again released a signal to strengthen security cooperation with China. This, in turn, could signal the complete failure of the historic agreement signed between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

It is understood that Saudi Arabia has sent officials to visit China. This is because the Saudi side realizes that the security guarantees provided by the United States can no longer meet its own security needs.

The outside world speculated that the fundamental reason why Saudi Arabia signed an oil cooperation agreement with the United States was that the United States was able to provide Saudi Arabia with security protection.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

However, this situation is coming to an end, and Saudi Arabia is gradually realizing that the United States cannot bring protection to Saudi Arabia, but will only exacerbate the chaos in the Middle East.

The United States relies on the petrodollar to achieve global hegemony, and if Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries no longer use dollars for settlement, it will be a big challenge to the dollar hegemony.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

At the same time, Saudi Arabia is massively reducing its U.S. debt. The United States has always regarded itself as the hegemon, but judging from the current situation, US hegemony is about to come to an end. In order to be able to maintain a large operation, the large issuance of US Treasury bonds has raised the size of the national debt to nearly $35 trillion at one point.

In addition, the size of the U.S. fiscal deficit is as high as 1.9 trillion yuan. There are all kinds of signs that the United States is still losing its ability to use hegemony to control the world.

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

With the imminent decline of US hegemony, a pluralistic monetary system will be built next, and the era of separate monetary hegemony will come to an end.

What do you think about the great change in the direction of Zhongdong? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Did China win this bet? Biden received bad news, Saudi Arabia suddenly stood in line, and the wind in the Middle East changed dramatically overnight

Information sources:

Global Times: Saudi Arabia joins the "multilateral central bank digital currency bridge"

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