
Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a sunny morning, Lin Hao was walking into a clinic located in the center of the city with a relaxed pace. Lin Hao is an accountant who is busy with numbers and statements on weekdays, and does not pay much attention to his health.

Lately, however, he has felt something strange about his body, often feeling tired and his stomach is often upset. Walking into the clinic, Lin Hao was guided to a spacious and bright consultation room. Dr. Wang wears a standard lab coat and holds Lin Hao's basic health file in his hand.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Dr. Wang looked at Lin Hao's information and then asked some basic health questions. Lin Hao described his recent physical condition in detail. Dr. Wang listened attentively, nodded occasionally, and then began a series of tests, including blood pressure, auscultation, etc.

After the examination, Dr. Wang narrowed the distance between him and Lin Hao, and explained with a smile: "Haozheng, the fatigue and stomach discomfort you are feeling right now may actually be your body telling you that it is cleaning and detoxifying itself. Your lifestyle and eating habits may have allowed your body to accumulate something you don't need, and now it's a signal for your body to try to adjust. ”

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Lin Hao was a little surprised when he heard this, he never thought that these discomforts were actually 'helping' by his body. Seeing this, Dr. Wang went on to explain: "Many people rush to take medicine as soon as they feel unwell, hoping to find comfort immediately. But in fact, sometimes the body experiences this slight discomfort, which is a natural detoxification process. Of course, we need to confirm that it is not another serious problem through testing. ”

Dr. Wang suggested that Lin Hao improve his diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and increase fiber intake to help detoxify the body. He also stressed that it is important to exercise in moderation to promote blood flow and speed up detoxification.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

"To put it simply," Dr. Ong concludes, "by making lifestyle changes, you can not only help your body get back to normal, but also prevent these kinds of problems from happening in the future." ”

Lin Hao expressed his gratitude to Dr. Wang for his explanation, he did not expect this self-regulation function of the body to be so complex and exquisite. This consultation not only allowed Lin Hao to learn how to take better care of his body, but also gained a new understanding of the body's self-recovery ability. He realized that health really needs to be carefully maintained on a daily basis, not just a temporary cramming when something goes wrong.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

After Lin Hao learned that physical discomfort could be a manifestation of self-detoxification, he became interested in how to further optimize his physical health. Dr. Wang then introduced Lin Hao to two other common conditions, which can also be seen as the body's natural detoxification response without having to rely too much on medication.

First, minor skin problems, such as the occasional breakout or rash, are often misunderstood as problems that require immediate medication treatment. However, these skin manifestations are often a signal that the body is removing toxins from the body.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

When toxin levels rise in the body, the skin responds to this process by forming pimples or developing a mild rash. In this case, it is best to adjust the diet.

Eat less greasy and sugary foods and more vegetables and fruits, which are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce the burden on the skin and promote detoxification of the body. At the same time, it is crucial to maintain proper water intake, as adequate hydration can help speed up the elimination of metabolic waste.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Secondly, mild headaches or migraines can also be a sign that the body is undergoing self-adjustment and detoxification. Many people, when experiencing this mild headache, tend to seek immediate relief from medication and neglect lifestyle adjustments.

In fact, this type of headache can be caused by dehydration, lack of sleep, or excessive stress. In such cases, increasing fluid intake, ensuring adequate sleep, and adopting appropriate stress management strategies, such as regular light exercise, yoga, or meditation, can greatly reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Not only can these methods help reduce headaches, but they also promote overall health and the body's natural ability to recover. Dr Wong emphasises that these self-detoxification processes are part of the body's ability to maintain a healthy state, and it is important to support this process through healthy behaviors in daily life, rather than relying too much on medication.

In this way, not only can the side effects caused by over-medication be avoided, but the body's self-recovery ability can be stimulated, and the quality of life will be fundamentally improved.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Dr Wong also notes that while these signs of natural detoxification should not be overlooked, it is also important to be careful to discern when symptoms may indicate a more serious health problem. Therefore, if symptoms persist or tend to worsen, you should seek professional medical help in time.

In most cases, proper lifestyle modifications and the correct interpretation of body signals can effectively help people maintain their health.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

In this way, Lin Hao gradually learned how to interpret his body's signals and deal with minor health problems by changing his lifestyle habits rather than relying too heavily on outside interventions.

After Lin Hao learned that some common discomforts may be a natural reaction to the body's detoxification, he became more aware that maintaining good health is not only about avoiding diseases, but also about actively promoting the body's natural functions through a reasonable lifestyle.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Dr. Wang gave further guidance to Lin Hao, focusing on how to maintain the body's natural health through daily activities and diet. First of all, Dr. Wang advised Lin Hao to pay attention to maintaining a regular sleep pattern. Good sleep quality is a critical period for the body to recover and detoxify.

Adults need 7 to 8 hours of high-quality sleep per night, which helps optimize brain function and the functioning of the endocrine system, which supports overall metabolic processes and toxin emission.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can directly affect the body's ability to recover and detoxify the process, leading to decreased immune function and chronic fatigue accumulation. Second, maintaining adequate and balanced water intake is essential for maintaining good health.

Water is the source of life and is particularly important for maintaining a stable internal environment and supporting detoxification. Not only does water help the body regulate body temperature, but it also encourages the kidneys to filter toxins and support gut health, which in turn promotes the elimination of waste.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Dr. Wong also emphasised the importance of a balanced diet. A diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and moderate amounts of protein (from fish, lean meats, and legumes) can provide essential nutrients while supporting the body's natural detoxification process. This dietary pattern helps maintain gut health, which is one of the main places for the body to detoxify.

By promoting a healthy gut microbial community, beneficial bacteria can help break down food scraps, producing beneficial metabolites while inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms, thereby promoting overall health.

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn

Through these specific lifestyle adjustments, Lin Hao gradually felt a significant improvement in his health. These changes have made him deeply aware that maintaining health is a long-term, proactive process that requires continuous attention and timely adjustment. In this way, everyone can support their body, using its natural power to maintain health and vitality.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Wang Jing. Effect of Kidney Detox Decoction on Assisted High-throughput Hemodialysis in the Treatment of Uremia in Chronic Renal Failure. Hemodialysis Room, Nanjing Jiangning Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023-01-16

Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn
Being sick isn't necessarily a bad thing! Doctor: 3 diseases or the body is detoxifying, don't take medicine at every turn