
Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

author:Möngke talks about health

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In the vast Jiangnan town, there is an ordinary clerk named Lin Hao, who sits in the office every day, silently tapping on the keyboard on the computer screen.

Although Lin Hao was just an ordinary clerk, his lifestyle was quite extravagant, especially in terms of diet. Whenever the pressure of work increases slightly, he will always reward himself with a large meal, and use food as a means of relieving stress.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

The years were unforgiving, Lin Hao's weight quietly climbed to more than 90 kilograms, and his waist circumference unconsciously expanded to more than one meter. This change did not attract his attention, but became the material for jokes among friends.

It wasn't until one day that he felt intense fatigue and difficulty breathing while climbing the stairs that he realized the seriousness of the problem. With a little uneasiness, Lin Hao went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

After the results of the examination came out, the doctor's expression was solemn, telling him that due to the long-term high-fat, high-sugar diet and lack of exercise, his heart had been overburdened, and the fat accumulation in the blood vessels was serious, and there were already precursors of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The doctor's words were like a heavy hammer, smashing into Lin Hao's heart. He thought of the mountains of snacks on his table, the daily must-have desserts, fried foods, and meats of all kinds.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

The doctor went on to explain that such a long-term eating habit, coupled with a lifestyle of almost no physical activity, caused Lin Hao's abdominal fat to increase significantly, and this "apple-shaped" obesity is the main cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Lin Hao listened to the doctor's explanation, and his mind came up with various scenes of his life in the past few years. The doctor went on to explain to him in detail the physiological mechanism of increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pressure caused by abdominal obesity, including how adipose tissue secretes some hormones and inflammatory factors that are not conducive to vascular health.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

In the doctor's office, Lin Hao's face gradually changed from horror to firmness. He asked his doctor for more guidance and help, hoping to implement concrete and feasible changes in his life. The doctor nodded, indicating that a more specific diet and exercise regimen would be offered to him in the future.

This physical examination is undoubtedly a wake-up call for Lin Hao, and it is also the beginning of a new life. He needs to prove that change is painful, but that continuing to indulge in an unhealthy lifestyle will cause even more pain.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

In the doctor's office, Lin Hao listened carefully to the doctor's detailed explanation of healthy eating. Doctors start by identifying three types of foods that are particularly likely to contribute to abdominal obesity and explain why you should minimize your intake of these foods.

The first type of food is a high-sugar food. Doctors explain that foods high in sugar include desserts, sugary drinks, and various sugars added to processed foods. These foods can quickly raise blood sugar levels and promote increased insulin secretion.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

Insulin is a hormone that stores fat, and it helps the body convert blood sugar into fat, especially in the abdomen. Long-term high-sugar diets can lead to insulin resistance, which not only increases the risk of type 2 diabetes but also exacerbates the accumulation of belly fat.

In addition, high-sugar foods usually provide energy quickly but can quickly make a person feel hungry, and this repeated blood sugar fluctuations and hunger pangs trigger more frequent eating, which further increases fat accumulation.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

The second type to avoid is high-fat foods, especially those that are rich in saturated and trans fats. Doctors mentioned that this type of fat is more common in red meat and full-fat dairy products, as well as vegetable oils like palm oil and coconut oil.

Trans fats, on the other hand, are usually found in fried foods and some processed foods. These fats are easily converted into belly fat in the body, and they also raise the level of bad cholesterol and lower the good cholesterol, which not only leads to obesity, but also increases the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

In contrast, unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, nuts and fish, have more health benefits and can improve blood lipid levels. The third category is refined carbohydrates. Doctors say that refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice have little to no nutrition other than providing calories.

These foods lose a lot of fiber and nutrients when they are processed, digest quickly, and quickly convert into glucose, which causes blood sugar and insulin levels to rise rapidly.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

Just like foods high in sugar, eating refined carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance, increase belly fat, and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The doctor emphasized that adjusting the diet structure is essential to improve Lin Hao's health. He advises Lin Hao to gradually reduce the intake of these unhealthy foods and instead increase the intake of dietary fiber, protein and unsaturated fats, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and increase satiety, thereby helping to reduce total calorie intake and belly fat accumulation.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

Specifically, doctors advised Lin to eat more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and high-quality proteins such as fish, chicken breast, and legumes, which not only provide the necessary nutrients but also help improve his overall health.

Through this detailed explanation and discussion, Lin Hao has a deeper understanding of the relationship between food and health. He realized that changing his eating habits was not just about losing weight, but also about long-term health and quality of life. This shift in perception was an important step in his healthy lifestyle change.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

In addition to dietary adjustments, the doctor also emphasized the importance of regular exercise. The doctor explained that exercise can not only help burn excess fat, but also significantly improve the health of the heart and enhance the function of the cardiovascular system.

First of all, the doctor suggested that Lin Hao start aerobic exercise, which is especially suitable for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, which can effectively promote the pumping function of the heart and improve the body's metabolic rate. Consistent aerobic exercise improves heart efficiency, lowers resting heart rate, and reduces the risk of heart attack.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

Secondly, in order to strengthen the abdominal muscles and reduce abdominal fat, the doctor also suggested that Lin Hao join some strength training. Strength training, such as lifting weights, doing sit-ups, or using resistance bands, builds muscle and increases basal metabolic rate, which means the body burns more calories even at rest.

Doctors also point out that regular exercise can significantly improve mental health. For employees like Lin Hao, who are under great pressure, exercise is not only a physical release, but also a great spiritual comfort.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

In the end, the doctor encouraged Lin Hao to develop a practical exercise plan and suggested that he start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise.

It is important to find a way to exercise that you enjoy so that you can be consistent and eventually make exercise a habit and a part of your life. Through the doctor's professional guidance and his own efforts, Lin Hao understood that a healthy lifestyle requires a combination of a balanced diet and proper exercise.

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

Over time, these new lifestyle habits will help him regain his health, improve his quality of life, and stay away from the threat of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Shi Mingfang. Application of drug-related gene polymorphism detection in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Department of Medical Laboratory, The Second People's Hospital of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 2024-05-28

Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less
Is it easy to get cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease with a big belly? Doctor: 3 kinds of "fat belly" foods, it is recommended that you eat less

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