
The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

author:Manyu Geiba
The source of this article comes from the official authoritative report, and the source is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

One "aunt" costs 1,000 yuan, and the second "aunt" costs 2,000 yuan, I don't know when it became a sin to respect and call "auntie" respectfully.

According to the report of the city scene, a waiter about 20 years old in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, when he was serving food, he called the customer twice Auntie, and the other party was so angry that he didn't pay, saying that the right to reputation and mental damage were damaged, and asked the waiter to claim 2,000 yuan.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

The owner of the barbecue restaurant said: There are cultural differences, and Guangdong does not like to be called aunt.

I have to sigh: "See you for a long time", did the waiter infringe on the customer's right to reputation? Is Auntie's behavior legal?

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Definition of an aunt

First of all, we have to know that it is reasonable for a little girl about 20 years old to call a 50-year-old aunt, under normal circumstances, 20-year-old young and parents are only in their 50s, so that this customer should be the same age as the little girl's family, and it is also considered a "peer" person, and it is reasonable to call an aunt.

From this point of view, the waiter's behavior is also reasonable and in line with objective facts.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Normally, in Chinese, this word refers to the mother's sister, or to call a woman who is about the same age as the mother and is not related by blood, and there is also some flexibility in the name of the age gap.

According to some opinions, anyone over the age of 18 can be called an aunt, which shows that the age limit is not fixed, and it is based on personal judgment and social habits.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

However, there are some special circumstances, even if the other party is not very old, they may be called aunts because of their dress, or their appearance and figure, which further illustrates the subjectivity and diversity of titles.

It is not difficult to see from the photo that the customer who is 50 years old, whether it is dressed or given a state, is understandably called an aunt.

Then again, did the 20-year-old waitress called "Auntie" infringe on the customer's right to reputation?

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

According to Article 990 of the Civil Code, personality rights refer to the rights to life, body, health, name, honor, etc., enjoyed by civil subjects, and natural persons enjoy other personality rights and interests based on personal freedom and personal dignity.

According to the provisions of the relevant judicial interpretations, whether the right to reputation is infringed should be considered in accordance with whether the infringer has insulted and defamed the infringer, the person other than the victim is aware of it, the victim's social evaluation is reduced, the infringer's subjective fault, and the causal relationship between the fault and the consequences of the damage.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Judging from this case, the waiter did not act insultingly, but was just a kind reminder, so she called "Auntie", so the waiter did not infringe on the female customer's right to reputation.

From this point of view, the customer's behavior is indeed a bit "excessive", in fact, the incident caused by such trivial matters can be resolved through mediation.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

The next day, the store responded that after the police station came, the waiter apologized to solve the matter, and as for the customer's request for compensation, he did not give it, but the store owner said that he gave the customer a 20% discount afterwards.

As for why the waiter needs to apologize, the owner gave an explanation, claiming: "It may be that the customs in Guangdong are different, Cantonese people don't like others to call her aunt, and they like others to call her beautiful girl." ”

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Some netizens saw this scene and said that people in their fifties are not allowed to be called aunts, what kind of mentality is this, besides, there was no direct contact between paying the bill and being called aunt, isn't this a proper drop to eat overlord meals, bullying waiters who are young and don't understand things?

As for whether Cantonese people like others to call you a beautiful girl, it is not a qualitative rule, but varies from person to person.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

As an ordinary person, walking on the street or in the vegetable market, when eating is called a beauty by others, it will also be overjoyed and happy, and in Guangdong, the beautiful girl is a kind of name for the beauty of Cantonese people, belonging to the local dialect, the so-called "beautiful" also means beautiful, belonging to the praise, but also a kind of affirmation and praise of people's appearance, a polite title.

Some netizens complained that after living for more than 20 years, no one said that I was beautiful, but as long as I went to Guangdong, I would call me a beautiful girl, which is really incredible.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Perhaps only Cantonese people know that being called a "pretty girl" or a "pretty boy" doesn't really mean that you are good-looking, and there is no need to make a fuss, because for Guangzhou people this is just a mantra, not too much praise.

So in the restaurant, when the waiter asks you what to eat, she will call the beautiful girl, and she says that it has nothing to do with your appearance, but that you take care of his business, out of respect.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

And this kind of title also has the advantage of giving strangers a sense of belonging, especially when talking in dialects, like their own brothers and sisters, allowing people to let their guard down and speak freely.

However, some netizens said that being called an aunt in Chaoshan is a very affectionate title.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Netizen comments

Regarding the customer's behavior, some netizens questioned why she should give her a discount and apologize, her behavior is picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and it should be ......

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Some netizens also warned everyone through this incident that in order to avoid encountering this kind of thing again in the future, all women will be called ladies and men will be called Mr. in the future, so that there will be no big mistakes.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

Now think about what this netizen said is very reasonable, no wonder five-star hotels or restaurants, they are all called like this, I used to think that this was a polite approach, respectful, very formal performance, now think about it Maybe I am also afraid of being "false".

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

For the waiter's practice, some netizens expressed "disgust", and the reason is very simple, age is always a secret that women can't say, especially in the service industry, we must pay attention, but the lady's request for compensation is indeed a bit unreasonable.

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan


The service industry is really not agreeable, a stomach of grievances and have to pay for a smile, no wonder there is a popular saying in the service industry, the service industry is bitter, the waiter who does the catering is even more bitter, the order is scolded, the food is slow to be scolded, and even the taste is not good.

Sometimes think about it, in life, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, there is no need to be too serious, what do you think about this?


The fifty-year-old woman was called "Auntie" and refused to pay for a claim of 2,000 yuan, and the store responded: The waiter gave her a 20% discount after apologizing North Evening Online2023-07-03 07:50

The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan
The 50-year-old woman was called "aunt" by the waiter, refused to pay the bill and claimed 2,000 yuan

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