
The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

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The Chinese ambassador directly gave Taiwan two choices, directly mentioning one country, one system, and making it clear to the outside world that China's civil war has not ended and that the Taiwan regime can be expelled at any time.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Moreover, the current trend of China's cross-strait reunification has caused many countries in the world to change from adhering to one principle to supporting China's complete reunification, which seems to indicate that we have made all preparations for cross-strait reunification and that the process of reunification has come one step closer.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

So what are the two paths that our ambassador will give to the Taiwan region? What are we doing to prepare for reunification?

The Chinese ambassador gave Taiwan two options

Since Lai Ching-te, the new leader of the Taiwan region, came to power, the cross-strait situation has become even more tense, and when Lai Ching-te came to power, he spread the remarks of Taiwan independence, saying that the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

The United States also supported Lai Qingde behind the scenes, and even sent officials to Taiwan, and advocated that after the outbreak of conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the United States would directly intervene, even if the Taiwan Strait became purgatory, to prevent the PLA from recovering Taiwan Island.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In May, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) launched a large-scale military exercise around Taiwan Island to deter Taiwan independence elements and foreign forces and to demonstrate the PLA's determination to defend the sovereignty of the motherland.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In addition to militarily deterring Taiwan independence elements, the mainland has also issued a plan for the "Opinions on Punishing "Taiwan Independence" Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Separatist Crimes in Accordance with Law.

Information source: "Notice of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice on Issuing the "Opinions on Punishing "Taiwan Independence" Diehards for Splitting the Country and Inciting Splittism in Accordance with Law" 2024-06-21 15:53 Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In the international community, they have also begun to carry out legal propaganda on "achieving reunification" against other countries, especially Western countries, because Western countries led by the United States have always had bad intentions on the Taiwan Strait issue.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

On June 26, Lu Shaye, the mainland's ambassador to France, made a rare attempt to express our attitude to Western countries on the Taiwan Strait issue.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

At the symposium on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, Ambassador Lu said that the current situation of the two sides of the strait being divided is a legacy of China's civil war in the last century.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

However, this issue does not affect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity at all, and the current situation on both sides of the strait can also be said to be that the civil war has not ended.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

The Taiwan regime is only a rebel regime in China's territory, and we have every right to expel this regime and take back the right to govern Taiwan.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

As for what we will do after Taiwan's return to the motherland, Ambassador Lu also directly said that he will give Taiwan two choices, if someone does not agree to one country, two systems, then implement the system of one country!

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In addition to warning the Taiwan authorities, Ambassador Lu's remarks are also a reminder to the world that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and no matter how we recover the island, no one can interfere.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

And even if we use force to recover Taiwan, it is completely possible, this is a problem left over from China's civil war, and it also shows that China's civil war is not over, and we can reunify Taiwan by force at any time.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

For example, the United States often says that in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, they will intervene to stop the PLA, and they will even intervene with some countries around China.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

However, we stress this time that this is China's internal affair and a legacy of China's civil war, which means that if the United States dares to intervene, then it will interfere in China's sovereignty and infringe on China's territory.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In this case, the United States has absolutely no reason to interfere, and if it dares to interfere, then in the international arena it will also stand on the opposite side of the world and become a country that invades the territory of other countries.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

And no matter how the PLA strikes at the United States, then it is also reasonable, because we are resisting the aggressor and defending the national territory.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Of course, we are certainly inclined to peaceful reunification with regard to cross-strait reunification, and this is the best result, but if we say that the Taiwan independence elements have violated the bottom line of the motherland, then we will certainly use force to safeguard the territorial integrity of the motherland.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

However, we can see from Ambassador Lu's remarks that our warning to the Taiwan independence elements is more thorough than the military exercises, which shows that if the methods of reunification are different, the governance model after reunification will also be different.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

On the Taiwan issue, we have always advocated peaceful reunification and one country, two systems, because judging from Hong Kong's return to the motherland, one country, two systems is a very correct choice.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

However, we must know that the premise of "one country, two systems" is based on the premise of peaceful reunification, and if the Taiwan independence elements act in violation of the territorial integrity of the motherland, or if there is no hope for peaceful reunification, then we will certainly use force.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Once we use force to reunify, then the system in place may be one country, one system, and there will be no more mercy.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

So will we use force?

Unified approach

On cross-strait reunification, we have been working hard for peaceful reunification, and peaceful reunification is also our main policy, but we have not said that we will not use force.

Source: "Zheng Jian: "Not Promising to Give Up the Use of Force" Is an Integral Part of the Policy of Peaceful Reunification" China News Network2022-02-08 19:17
The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Now that the Taiwan region is ruled by Taiwan independence elements, cross-strait relations continue to be tense, and the United States is colluding with Taiwan independence elements behind the scenes, and has been doing things that provoke China's sovereignty.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

These circumstances have also made the hope of peaceful reunification diminishing, and the call for military reunification is getting louder and louder.

Because the people on both sides of the strait are Chinese, we do not want to see a conflict break out between the two sides of the strait, but if we are forced to do so, we will definitely use force.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

In the mainland's "Anti-National Secession Law," it is clearly pointed out that if Taiwan elements separate Taiwan from China in any name or by any means, then we will certainly use force.

Source: Anti-National Secession Act
The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Now, if the PLA wants to use force for reunification, it will certainly succeed, because the strength of the PLA is already very strong, and there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides of the strait.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

From the military exercises in recent years, we can see that the PLA is capable of encircling Taiwan at any time and even cutting off Taiwan's contact with the outside world.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

However, no matter which way is used to recover Taiwan, Taiwan will certainly return in the future, and no one can change this, and when the two sides of the strait are reunified, it will be the time when China will rise, because the reunification of the two sides of the strait will be of great help to China's development.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

The benefits of cross-strait reunification

After the reunification of the two sides of the strait, from the perspective of the overall situation, China's military development can be directly raised to a higher level, and Taiwan's position is an important connection point for the blockade of the US island chain.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

After the recovery of Taiwan Island, the island chain of the United States will directly collapse, the Chinese military will go directly to the open ocean, and military development will not be restricted.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Moreover, the Taiwan Strait is still an important trade route, and if we master the Taiwan Strait, we will have the right to trade, so we will have a heavier voice in the world.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

The attitude of countries around the world towards China will also change directly, and other countries will not be able to impose trade sanctions on China.

Moreover, after the reunification of the two sides of the strait, China's economic development will also be even better, and the two sides of the strait will be able to carry out better exchanges, and the economic development of both the mainland and Taiwan will rise rapidly.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

No matter from which angle we are concerned, the two sides of the strait must be reunified, and Ambassador Lu's remarks this time also reflect that the process of cross-strait reunification has gone further.

This shows that China is making diplomatic preparations for the future war of reunification, and let all countries in the world issue a joint statement with China, from upholding the one-China principle to supporting China's reunification.

Information source: "A number of pro-reunification groups in Canada support the mainland to issue judicial documents to severely punish "Taiwan independence"" China News Network2024-06-27 14:02
The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

Now that many countries have begun to support China's reunification, this shows that we are engaged in a diplomatic and public opinion war in the world to resolve the Taiwan issue, and this is sometimes more important than military deterrence.

From this, we can see that we have made all preparations for the reunification of the two sides of the strait, and China is one step closer to achieving complete reunification.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options


The Taiwan issue is China's own affair, and we will absolutely not allow others to interfere, we will not allow Taiwan to be divided, and the motherland's territory brooks no violation.

The Chinese ambassador began to blow the wind to the West, and after the recovery of Taiwan, the mainland gave the island two options

If Taiwan independence elements and other countries insist on provoking China's sovereignty, they will certainly be punished, and Taiwan must and will return, and Taiwan must return to the motherland for the sake of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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