
What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number
What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Issue 64

To forge ahead and work hard, we need to do it at the first level, and do it at the first level. How to see skills, real tricks, and practical results in taking responsibility? How to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Tianjin, Tianjin's "Ten Actions" to promote high-quality development, and the "3+1+1" work ideas of the District Party Committee to achieve results, and write a new chapter in the construction of Beijing-Tianjin Pearl and Happy Wuqing?

Beautiful Wuqing launches "Inventory: What are the 'top leaders' of Wuqing's town and street parks busy with this week?" The column aims to build a platform for exchanging work, learning from each other, and promoting each other, and creating a strong atmosphere of catching up with and surpassing learning, starting a business, and showing achievements in the whole region.

Let's take a look with Xiao Wu

Previous week (June 24 to June 30)

What are the "top leaders" of the towns and streets parks busy with?

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

Yu Hongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Douzhangzhuang Town:

Strengthen communication and interconnection and promote strategic cooperation

Recently, Yu Hongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Douzhangzhuang Town, led a team to Luofa Town, Langfang City, Hebei Province to carry out learning and exchanges, further promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and deepen the regional cooperation of the "Tongwu Corridor", and further explore new ideas for party building pairing and co-construction.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

At the symposium, Yu Hongsheng comprehensively introduced the "3+1+1" work idea of the district committee, the three highlight work goals and tasks of the town and the current economic and social development. Subsequently, the two sides focused on in-depth exchanges on grassroots party building, rural revitalization, industrial development, flood control and drainage, and environmental protection. The two sides said that they will closely focus on the direction of regional development, establish a normalized communication and liaison mechanism, further broaden the field of cooperation, deepen the content of cooperation, and promote the "Tongwu Corridor" test demonstration to go deeper and more practical.

After the symposium, Yu Hongsheng and his entourage visited the Party and Mass Service Center of Dongzhangwu Village, Luofa Town, and the Longhe Constructed Wetland. Yu Hongsheng said that Luofa Town and Douzhangzhuang Town are close to each other geographically, personally, ecological civilization, customs and culture, etc., and hope that through the establishment of a normalized communication and liaison mechanism, further increase exchanges and cooperation, build consensus on development, and continuously promote regional strategic cooperation to improve quality and efficiency, and actively contribute to the in-depth implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy between the two places.

Attracting investment

Lang Cong, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the E-commerce Park:

"Shanghai" will seek opportunities in the future and accumulate momentum for high-quality development

Recently, Lang Cong, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the E-commerce Park, led a team to Shanghai to carry out negotiation and cooperation and investment promotion activities, and promote more high-quality projects to gather into a chain in the park.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Lang Cong and his entourage successively inspected and exchanged views on projects such as Lululemon, Shanghai Ye's, Guoda Pharmacy, and Sweden's Arcis Child Seats, and conducted in-depth discussions on further deepening cooperation, promoting resource docking, and promoting industrial upgrading. Lang Cong introduced the unique location advantages, good investment environment and future development potential of Wuqing District to the enterprises, and publicized and promoted the support policies and development plans of Wuqing District for the industry, hoping to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results through the joint efforts of both sides. The heads of various enterprises have expressed that they will pay close attention to the development of Wuqing and actively explore investment opportunities in Wuqing.

In the next step, the e-commerce park will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Tianjin, strive to be the first and do good deeds in the development of new quality productivity, increase investment attraction, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure of the park, actively integrate into and serve the new development pattern, provide a broad scene for enterprises to settle down and grow, and inject new momentum into the development of new quality productivity in the region.

Shen Haijun, General Manager of Keihin Industrial Park:

Revitalize the stock to increase momentum and develop new quality productivity

In order to promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and promote the transfer of strategic emerging industries and future industries to the park, on June 28, Shen Haijun, general manager of Jingbin Industrial Park, visited Beijing Creerun Power Electronics Co., Ltd. in Beijing and held talks with the company on the landing of new projects in Jingbin Industrial Park.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Founded by China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing Cree has formed three major business systems: R&D and manufacturing of power distribution equipment, new energy investment and construction, and smart energy management, and is a key high-tech enterprise of the National Torch Program and one of the top 100 enterprises in Haidian Park of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park. The company plans to build a new production base in Keihin Industrial Park, which is mainly engaged in the research and development and production of new energy, energy storage, photovoltaic hydrogen power supply and other products.

Shen Haijun welcomed Beijing Cree to put the new project in the park, saying that the company's main power equipment, new energy, energy storage equipment and other businesses are highly consistent with the development direction of Wuqing District and Jingbin Industrial Park, and hopes that the two sides will complement each other's advantages and integrate development, and jointly promote the implementation of the industrial synergy model of "Beijing R&D and Tianjin manufacturing".

The 3,000-square-meter plant to be supplied to the project of Beijing Cree Company is "revitalized" by Jingbin Industrial Park from a comprehensive combing of idle land, factories and buildings. In the first half of this year alone, the park revitalized a total area of 26,960 square meters, including 5 factories with a total area of 21,775 square meters, 2 office buildings with a total area of 5,185 square meters, and introduced new projects such as Yanfeng Phase III, Haiwei, Hilong, Yameng, and Lingxiu Technology. By "revitalizing the stock", the park improves the utilization efficiency of existing assets, forms a virtuous circle with new investment, and continuously cultivates new drivers of economic growth.

Benefiting enterprise services

You Guomin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Damengzhuang Town:

Benefiting enterprises and helping enterprises to achieve "Meng"

On June 28, You Guomin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Damengzhuang Town, and Wang Chengjian, Mayor of Damengzhuang Town, had a discussion and exchange with Tianjin Yongxin Hongyuan Concrete Co., Ltd., taking the initiative to meet the needs of enterprises and promote the accelerated development of enterprises.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

At the symposium, You Guomin introduced the basic situation and future planning of the town, and listened carefully to the production and operation of the enterprise and the development trend of the industry. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the current industry situation, policy orientation, and market trends, and solved the practical problems encountered in the development and operation of enterprises on the spot.

The person in charge of the enterprise said that he would like to thank Damengzhuang Town for providing high-quality services and a good environment, and will uphold the principle of honest management and scientific management in the future development process, give full play to the advantages and potential of the enterprise, and contribute to the economic development of Damengzhuang Town.

Rural revitalization

Liu Yanling, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangugang Town:

Forging a cultural tourism brand and empowering rural revitalization

On the afternoon of June 26, Liu Yanling, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xuangugang Town, and Professor Shi Rongguang, researcher of the Environmental Protection Research and Monitoring Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and chief expert of the Rural Environmental Planning and Evaluation Innovation Team, had a discussion and exchange on the construction of Jinxi Taoyuan Scenic Area in Xuangugang Town.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Liu Yanling introduced the basic situation of Jinxi Taoyuan Scenic Area in Xianggugang Town to Shi Rongguang's team, and Shi Rongguang made suggestions on scenic spot planning and high-quality development. After the meeting, the two sides went to Jinxi Taoyuan for on-the-spot investigation, and conducted in-depth discussions on the actual situation of the scenic spot, operation and planning, and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

In the next step, Xiangugang Town will take the construction of Jinxi Taoyuan Scenic Area as the starting point, go all out to implement various tasks, vigorously activate rural tourism, comprehensively empower rural revitalization, and strive to build a cultural tourism brand with distinctive characteristics and profound connotations.

People's livelihood projects

Li Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caozili Town:

Promote the construction of schools and write the answer sheet for the benefit of the people

Last week, Li Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caozili Town, visited and investigated the Baihu Primary School in Caozili Town, and inspected the painting and reinforcement of the campus walls.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

The painting project of the teaching building of the Baihu Primary School is one of the highlight projects of Caozili Town to promote high-quality development in 2024.

Li Jian and his entourage checked the content of the painting project of the teaching building reported by the school one by one, learned more about the project plan and implementation plan, and gave on-site guidance on the indoor and outdoor wall painting, roof waterproofing, and classroom adjustment of the teaching building. He said that the safety of school buildings is related to the happiness and tranquility of thousands of families and social stability, and is a livelihood project that the masses are looking forward to. In the next step, Caozili Town will continue to further promote various highlight projects to promote high-quality development in 2024, reverse the construction period, wall chart operations, and compact responsibilities, implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection of Tianjin with practical measures, and promote the city's "Ten Actions" to promote high-quality development, the "3+1+1" work idea of the District Party Committee and the detailed implementation of the "Five Leaps" goal requirements.


Zhang Lidong, Secretary of the Xuguantun Street Working Committee:

Build a strong line of defense and build safe streets

In order to strengthen the safety awareness and emergency response capabilities of key units in the jurisdiction and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, on June 28, Zhang Lidong, secretary of the Xuguantun Street Working Committee, led a team to supervise and inspect the safety work of key units in the jurisdiction.

What are the "top leaders" of Wuqing's towns and streets busy in a week? (Issue 64)

Zhang Lidong and his entourage went deep into key units such as gas stations and liquefied petroleum gas stations to conduct detailed inspections on various safety emergency plans, emergency team construction, emergency drill records, etc., and had in-depth conversations with the heads of various units to learn more about the daily development of fire prevention, explosion prevention, terrorism prevention, electric shock prevention, collapse prevention, etc., put forward opinions and suggestions, and required immediate rectification of hidden problems.

Zhang Lidong said that all units should improve their ideological understanding, strengthen organizational leadership, refine the division of responsibilities, standardize and orderly management, strictly implement various safety production systems, and earnestly do all aspects of safety work. It is necessary to further establish and improve a long-term management mechanism, build a strong line of defense, keep the bottom line of safety, and actively create a safe, harmonious and stable production and living environment.